Whats I"m Up To


Here's the first Comic I've done, its here till I make a section for it.

[Moved to Stick Figures Section]


Well today was the first day I hat to commute by car to go from one class to another, it was a painful experience. Because no one knows how to drive at my school, I sat in my car not moving for like 8 minutes in the parking lot. And I have 10 minutes between classes to get from one end of campus to the other, and walking would have taken too long...plus its was freaking cold today. I'll have to make a diagram sometime to show you #1 how retarded the parking lot is designed, since they took out one of the enterences, so they could gain 2 parking spaces and #2 how no one can drive, or knows how to drive in a parking lot. But after the infuriating effort of getting to my next class, which i was late for, I was ticked off since its the one class that I think I'm gonna like, Journalism.

In the class politics came up which is to be expected in such a class. Of course as always no one can talk about issues civily, it always comes down, well I hate Bush, he's an idiot, ...(Insert dumb rhetoric here).... And of course 2 people had to use it as a little pedistal to preach their beliefs. Someone brought up how barely half of the country even voted in the last Presidential election. One person seemed so proud of herself she hadn't voted, and was so ready to complain about the winner. Then we had the old guy in the class (every class has at least one, in my college), who found it amusing that he decided to not vote in the last handful of elections in the state, but he made sure he was gonna vote now cause he hates Bush. All I could think of was that they were a bunch of whiners, idiots, and the reason I fear for the future.

Voting is the most powerful way we are involved in government, if no one voted, then politicians could do whatever they wanted, which is a scary thought. I mean if you don't vote, you don't have a say in anything that happens in the goverment, you shouldn't be aloud to complain since you didn't do anything to stand up for your beliefs. If you don't vote you don't matter, no one cares what you think. Poloticians know only about half the population votes, and their not going to spend time and money bothering to try and give you what you want, because your not going to vote for them anyway. They will focus on groups that always vote, you better hope they have the same interests you do, but don't count on it. If it were up to me, you should have to vote in a Presidential election or else you lose some kind of government benefit. Like you don't get welfare unless you vote I mean Christ they get a free ride, why not at leats participate and vote, not like they're going to work. But I hoped in my class I could escape the random Bush hating. But most of the class didn't even react to those people. Which leads me to believe my hypothesis is correct, only those against something are outspoken, I mean you only see Protests against Bush, not like we're gonna have a big "Keep doing a good job" ralley. If you think he's doing a good job, you go about your day normally. But if you think he has down syndrome (something someone said in my class) you have to go out of your way to make sure everyone knows how you feel, and how right you think you are.

But I am happy to say it inspired me to make my first new comic strip for the main site, I have a few titles I'm throwing around for it, "Pissed", "If I knew you, you'd probably piss me off", "I Hate You", "Voices In My Head", "What I Wanted to Say", and the like. I am working to get this up by the end of the night. I'm just doing slightly more than stick figures for now, who knows maybe I'll magically get really good at drawing but I doubt it. But yeah the comic will just be some real life situations, but I get to say what I wanted to say :-P. Or you know any other funny things I think of. I already have cast lined up. The main character is me, then I have my antagonists who represent all annoying or dumb people who drive me crazy, Dumb-Girl, Dumb-Guy, African Amercan, and I'll throw in my friends for fun if the situation call for it. Oh well thats all I got. Later all :-D

Also if anyone knows a job where a webdesigner could be useful gimmie an e-mail, I also work retail :-P.


Here's a little story for y'all. Y'see me and Ferro were making plans for New Comic Book day, he said if I could give him a ride, he had to go to his house, and get pants, aparently he forgot. So it was Wednesday, comic day, and after spending the afternoon with the lovely Catherine, it was time to be off, she had dance, and I had to scurry to grab Ferro and get to the comics before 6:30, closing time. But yeah I told Cat and my Dad that I had to give Ferro a ride to get pants, because while moving back to his place on campus, he didn't bring any besides the pair he was wearing. But everyone kept asking me why he needed a ride since he did have his own car, and for the life of me I couldn't remember I was like "His car's out of gas or something like that", it was the oddest thing. And I guess my parents didn't understand my plan, they had the impression that I'd just be going over to Ferro's home and taking pants for him. But yeah when i went to pick him up I had to ask him, "Why am i giving you a ride again?". Yeah his car is in the shop, so all was well. And i finally finished watching those crazy Star Trek Movies, well never finished the first movie, it put me to sleep in the middle of the afternoon, so I had to skip to Wraith of Kahn. But I fnished Nemesis today, VCR was acting really screwy yesterday so I couldn't finish.
Now Remember Kids

Mess With the Best
Die Like the Rest


Woo Hoo!!! Well....this has been a long time in coming and i'm excited people! There's not much news now from me, the lovely and talented Michael will most likey fill you in on Generican events and such, but I just wanted to make my first post to say hi!

"HI!!" I said as i logged off of my blog and returned to my bed.
Ah yes i got the basics of the new webcam software working well. Also You might be hearing from Cat in this area soon, she has access, and can help me pick up the slack a bit here, whens she's not typing in her own blogs.


Well yesterday Catherine and I went to see Big Fish, which was a fun movie, and the went to the first part of Genericon, we got back to my house at 4am and went to sleep. She is still asleep right now, and she's very cute. She slept in my bed and I in my recliner, so that we were sure no one would think any shenanagins would be goin on. But yeah she's cute right now :-)


Yesterday after some troublesome starts I did begin my Star Trek Movie Marathon...I could only watch half of the 1st movie...its brolly the most boring of the movies, because most of the time we just watch the ship go slowly through this place thats supposed to make us oooh and ahhh, but I was falling asleep and this was at 4pm. I skipped to Movie 2 and did well till 4 which I fell asleep during. Which I was kind of annoyed at since I really wanted to talk to Catherine before I went to sleep. Work out some plans for tomorrow, well today now. What with it being our 8 month Anniversary and the start of Genericon, the 3 day Anime/Game convention at RPI(a local college).which I'm preparing for now.


well the new camera is awesome, I like it a lot, its quite agile. I've been toying with some camera angles but you know I make sure that you know below the waist is never visable, cause you know all of a sudden I forget the cam is on, and BAM I'm an X-Rated site. I figure its time I gave a rundown of the last bunch of weeks. Let's see, I did ok in school I knew I was doing bad in 2 classes and in my two other classes i did well. This might have been the Best Christmas Break ever, one big reason is that of course this is the first Christmas i get to share with my girlfriend Catherine who I love a lot. 8 months tomorrow. Before Christmas on our 7 Month Anniversary we went to see the Midnight showing of Return of the King, one of the first local screenings. And let me just say the movie was amazing and fantastic. Christmas was a lot of fun, I got a lot of great things, Santa Claus treats me good. a new bigger TV, tons of DVDs, all the Music I asked for, some games, I got Mario Kart: Double Dash(which is awesome), Prince of Persia: Sands of Time(even more awesome), and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance finally, and other little things that are equally cool, like a MiniDisc Player/Burner. Christmas night I slept at Catherine's house since we both had to be somewhere else during the day. We went to her house and exchanged gifts, which was fun. I got her some small but nice diamond earings, the Age of Empires Collection for the PC she wanted, and some stuff from Bath & Body Works. She out did herself on getting stuff for me, she got a new bright red GBA SP which I always have on me now, she got a game for it Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, which is also awesome, and lots of Nintendo related stuff. Her parents wanted to get me something, so Catherine showed them something I would actually want heh, and I got this great "Nintendo Tech Support" Shirt from Hot Topic. So yeah I made out like a Bandit

Next was New Years Eve, it ended up me and Catherine just went to her house, and from like noon to midnight we were just gonna pig out, and watch movies. Which we did, sooo much food. We atched a bunch of Family Guys on DVD and then we watched The Mummy Returns, which was a fun movie. Since then just been spending a lot of time with Catherine and my friends who are in the area. Playing a lot of Pac-Man Vs. and Mario Kart: Double Dash. Catherine started school this week. And its pretty much just me and Ferro out of school. I finally got around to cleaning my room hard core. My room is prolly the cleanest its been in quite a few years.

I've been itching to have a little Star Trek Movie Marathon the past few days I might start watching some later. Also I took some pictures of my room and stuff as soon as my dad gets back and gives me the digital camera cables I'll get those and post them up soon. One of those things I always wanted to do but kept forgetting, just put of some nifty pictures of my room. I'm also thinking about doing a little video tour of my room. Also got some fly new webcam software which if I can figure it out, will be very cool. I might even get some streaming video soon, also I like the idea of like a Desktop cam sort of showing an updated picture of my computers Desktop, its pretty nifty. Again I just have to figure out how it works.

I've watched all the Lord of the Rings Extended Editions, and the amazing amount of Bonus material on them. Its really made me want to start thinking of writing my epic literary masterpiece, heh. Try some Tolkein-esk literary devices. I mean Tolkein created entire languages and histories for all of Middle-Earth during his whole life, then when he wrote them the stories just sort of wrote themkselves and aproched things logically from the perspective of that world. The Hobbit did well, and they asked for a sequel...they got Lord of the Rings, which started small and then just became this amazing huge story, not what he planned from the beginning but thats just where the story went, he didn't really have choice. He didn't know where the story was going till he sat down and wrote it, he didn't have an outline, or synopsis, it just happened.. I don't know just seeing the history and the amazing amount of detail and craftsmenship that went into the books, and the movies. It just really inspired me.

Oh well I think thats enough for now, :-P Off to watch some Star Trek.


Well let me tell you got a new webcam today...and it rocks. much better resolution than the old one still gotta mess with the settings to get everything looking correct. If you click on the webcam picture on the sidebar, you can see the full size picture, which is big now...quite big. Catherine came over tonight for dinner and after watching some of Family Guy, we played with the camera and made some videos of us just...being us. It was funny we thought it was good TV. Maybe I'll start posting little videos and things, no nothing racy you pervs :-P. Just good wholesome fun. I'm also playing with some tools to try and do streaming video from this site. But I doubt that will come to fruition any time soon. Ah yay camera is so nifty. Also I've just decided since the new camera has better resolution, I'm gonna have to shave more so I don't look dirty on cam. :-P
Just thought I'd say "hi" its been a while and as i said before I'm trying to update more...oh well more later on. And oooooh I'm updating from my Aunt's house.


Let me just say I'm sorry for being absent for so long its not my style, but I have good news and technical jargon. Well you see I used to do a little online radio show from time to time, but as of last year I couldn't, at home we switched to a "Switch"- a device which handles all the comings and goings of information from the internet to me and my dad's computers, and a switch is so good it protects by only letting in information that was asked for. Also the switch prevented me from doing my beloved Radio show. Now we are back to using a "HUB", which is less secure and efficiant but its not noticeable to us, and that means my radio station/program The DragonFist Network has returned, and this time its personal. I've got 10gigs of music with your name on it, prizes up to my armpits, and the best DJs that work for free. Thats right I'm talking DJ Yanni and "Funky Fresh" Jimothy. One can only hope we forgo the music and just go crazy. Maybe DragonFist will become Talk Radio...who knows? You'll have to listen to find out, January 6 we strike in the evening, and the internet will never be the same! Stay tuned for more specific updates, and keep watch for me on AIM 'mjyanni' knows whats going down. There will be trivia, games, prizes, excitement, talking, and possibly music even.
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday!