Whats I"m Up To


Just so tired

Y'know I'm really just ready to give up because nothing can ever go right. Everyone's mad at me no matter what happens, and I'm never allowed to be happy for very long. I found out yesterday that I'm aparently on a 2 week pay period, and thats just dandy cause it fucks up my whole life. I havn't had a job in 5 months, I finally get a job I work 3 days my first week. Get a paycheck for an ok amount to get throughthe week, and maybe start paying off some of my debt, and some regular payments. Then I go in the other day looking for a paycheck....and they look at me like I'm crazy. I didn't give any money to my dad last week cause its like my first measly little paycheck, I wanted to enjoy it, thinking next week I can start paying everything. I had to pay off a HVCC parking ticket which tapped me from what I had left of that money. Now I'm poor again till next Thursday, dad's all mad cause I havn't given him anything. I told him I was gonna give him 100 this week had I actually gotten a paycheck. Then he's like well that pretty much covers your insurense this month, you've been without money for this long you go without it for longer, as if I'm supposed to give my whole paycheck to him. But yeah no paycheck this week, and Catherine's b-day is next thursday but the party is Saturday, I was going to buy her something online but I can't now, I can't buy any gas other than the 5 bucks some lady gave me as a tip yesterday. Its just so fucking annoying I've been killing myself for 3 weeks, and have next to nothing to show for it, Catherine still has to pay for everything and we still don't have anything to do. My dad's being an ass because I didn't come home after work, because I was suprised by Catherine after work and she brought me to Jimmys Pizza. I didn't know, I told him as soon as i knew. I mean if Catherine shows up and suprises me and wants to take me to dinner after work, I'm supposed to say "I'm sorry I can't". I just want everyone to get off my ass and understand that I'm killing myself working for 9 hours a day 5 days a week (more than my dad works), someone feel sorry for me for once. No matter what I do after work someone is pissed at me. If I don't go home then my parents are pissed, if I don't see Cat she's annoyed and by then its almost too late to do anything.for the nest bunch of weeks I'm pretty much just hanging at my house since i have no gas, no money.

Whats Up With My Dad? - 1

Its time for a new segment here, I call it "What's Up With My Dad?"

Here's how it works my dad will say something dumb, usually involving him worrying about something irrational. Then you can read an laugh about it and make a comment saying what you think the real reason he said it.

Tonights scene is after work Catherine showed up and took me to Jimmy's for pizza, she has more gas so she drove, and I left my car at work, the walmart parking lot. After dinner cat drove us to my house to chill out for a bit. My dad asked where my car was, I told him back at Walmart. He got all uppidy about and said "People could be ransacking your car right now!". 1) My car is locked, 2) Car's parked right in front of the building, 3) Ummm Walmart does have a night crew I don't think they get ransacked everynight. The past few Thursdays me or cat do this, she'll show up when I'm done with work, one of us leaves our car, and we goto my house. The first time my dad was worried that Walmart doesn't have night parking and that I'd get towed and kept buggin me about it that night, now this. Talk amonst yourselves


Working, Working

Hello people, sorry its been so long, turns out when you work 9 hours a day the last thing you want to do is sit down and type, usually what I want to do involves my bed and fluffy pillows. Like I said in the last post I'm working at Wal-Mart working on cars oil changes and things. I work 5 days in a row and then I get 2 days off, and let me say by the 5th day working, you really just want to die. This week I'm kind of working the ass shift, which is 10am-7pm, which is kind of nice because it means I don't have to get up very early and rush out the door, and it also means I don't have to close and stay there till 9. But its a living, we'll see how long I can take it, it gets me all angry and stressed out cause like you don't want to screw up and do something wrong, cause you don't want to totally fuck someones car, and since no one wants to give me specifics half the time and make fun of you when your doing something wrong, and since I've never done stuff like this before, it can be frusterating. Its a pretty physical job to, I really beat the shit out of my hands, when i have to slam my hand, as hard as I can into a metal wrench to get something to move. Maybe in a while I'll be used to it, but its just right now it takes all my time and energy, when i get home I just want to stop moving.

Oooh, here's something, ok last Friday I'm having a shitty day at work, had to get up at 6, cars are being a pain in the ass, everyone is buggin meand just as I'm goin on lunch they say they have too many people, not enough work, so they allow me to go home early if I wanted. I took the oportunity, and then I went overthe money I had left over from my paycheck, and decided to buy the $60 transformer I've been wanting for a while, just something I wanted, cheer myself up a bit. I'm then on my way to Cat's house and not a mile down the road, the cops are stoppin people, and they end up stoppin me. I'm obviously annoyed, but I just keep sayin to myself "whats goin on?", "what the heck did I do?" then they give a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. Arrrrg, it made me so mad, because 1) I always wear my seatbelt when I'm driving, its the first thing I do 2) I even remember saying to myself "its the cops, I better put my belt on." I blame work, simply because I always wear my seatbelt, but when I'm working and we move cars we never wear belts cause we're going a short distance, and I had to fight my urge to seatbelt practically everytime. But its just especially annoying because of course I get a ticket for something right after I spend like $60. As if my debt itsn't enough, I owe $300 to my dad plus continue playing the $70 a month for insurence now. Just this week I payed my $70 to HVCC, and I got a credit card bill comin. Man not having money for 5 months makes some nice debt.

Is anyone else really annoyed how you can't use movie passes on any of the good movies the first week they come out. You think that the studios are worried that a Harry Potter movie won't make money, just makes me angry cause me and Catherine have passes but we never get to use them right away. Its really annoying, me and Cat went to the mall to see the Potter movie on Sunday at like 7pm, we get there and of course can't use passes for it, or any other movie we wanted to see, we were forced to find something else in the area to entertain us, thank god for good ice cream.