Whats I"m Up To


52 Pickup

Last Wednesday the DC Comics series 52 ended its weekly yearlong run. It followed the story of the missing year in DC Comics that took place at the end of last years Infinite Crisis, while all the other series became One Year Later (OYL) to get away from all the interconnected stories and create good jumping on points for new readers.

52 issues, costing fans 130 dollars, had four writers working in tandem guiding 7 storylines through their yearlong trip in real time week by week. Not to mention the countless artists, colorists, letterers, editors, and 1 very busy Cover artist, all so they can release over 4 years of comics in exactly 1. Not to mention that Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash were all taken off the table or at the very least reduced to very short cameos. Using C-list characters and making them interesting enough to be seen as A-Listers.

We got a new Question, at the expense of the old one, Black Adam gained and lost a family and the whole world payed for it, Steel proved that powers doesn't make you a hero, Animal Man went on an Odyssey, Ralph Dibny proved he was a great Detective and got his Wish, Doc Magnus proved he couldn't get his Metal Men back without breaking a few eggs, and Booster Gold saved not just his world, but 51 others.

But was it worth it? More on that later.