Story: Unlimited - Chapter 1: Injustice League
Words: Dwayne McDuffie
Art: Mike McKone
This is kind of Justice League of America # 12.5 Its the first part of McDuffie's run on the Justice league. Part of the issue is dedicated to the Green Arrow's Bachelor Party/Black Canary Bachelorette Party, other half of the issue is dedicated to the new Injustice League. If any of you saw the final season of Justice League Unlimited (which is sad if you havn't), you'll notice a lot of similar story elements, as he ran that show while it was on. They use a new version of the old Legion of Doom HQ, now called the Hall of Doom. They also have an alarming assemblage of super-villains shown off on a nice 2 page spread, Luthor, Joker, Grodd, Poison Ivy, Major Force, etc.
Besides aping some of the JLU concepts. He also pokes fun with a lot of what Meltzer did in his run. The books starts off as a slight parody of the first issue of JLofA, with Luthor, Joker, and Cheetah sitting around using Polaroids of villains to decide who they want in their gang. Not to mention McDuffie made it well known that he disagreed with Geo-Force's inclusion on the roster, which is addressed.
The issue is just a lot of fun and actually funny without being silly, which is something McDuffie has proven he's good at with JLU and Fantastic Four so far. Cameos's galore and the essence of every character coming through even in the smallest of instances, and Firestorm plays a prominent role..and perhaps joining the league???(a man can dream can't he) Also McDuffie's favorite Green Lantern takes over for Hal in this story, but at least talks about it, and it actually makes sense.
I sadly don't have much to say about the art, other than its fantastic, and I wish Mike McKone was doing the actual Justice League Book. He draws each panel with detailed backgrounds and his faces are so expressive. Not to mention getting to see him draw so many different heroes. He draws a mean Adam Strange and Mr. Miracle.
A great issue, a lot of fun to read, nice to look at, and what looks to be the start of a great fun story. And I guess I have to find out what mike McKone is doing next.