Whats I"m Up To


Well I gave the site a little facelift today, and it needed it. A little spit shine here and there. I redid all the buttons on the side menu so they look a bit brighter and are more appropriate since I hope to add more stuff to some sections, and kept a template to make the buttons easily should i add more or remake them again. Made section specific banners, all I did was add little quotes to them but, those same quotes were in the title tag but since I use frames you could never see them. I changed file names and cleaned the code to match my programming style, you know the stuff you won't notice. Also got rid of the silly Javascript on the front page (the mouse over) since it wasn't my code and now since I'm doing Javascript I should do it myself, plus it started to annoy me.

I added some pictures to the Comic Fun section that have been sitting around for a while, Plus I realized I was missing the DDR Penny Arcade I edited, I lost it from a virus and the damn SUNY servers a while ago. After I go through some more pictures, and take some more, I'll hopefully update the friends pictures, plus get a more updated picture of me with the beard in the pictures section of me. Yeah i realized how out of date the Friends page is, not people wise just the fact that everybody is different now and deserves better pictures. And of course more people to add. And uhhhhh, I will do Otakon Pics eventually.

Last but not least there's now secret stuff on the site. Easy to find now, but soon finding it won't be the problem :-)

All for now


Final Fantasy has changed, FFX brought the series into full 3D, changed the battle system, got rid of traditional leveling up. But something even more revolutionary is happening, no I'm not talking about FFXI which will be totally online although that is a big change, nor am I talking about FFXII the next true Final Fantasy. No I speak of a sequel. *Gasp*

Square is making a sequel to their hit game Final Fantasy X. Originally planned as 2 sequels codenamed "Yuna Version" and "Rikku Version". The official release information was released recently, it is now one game entitled Final Fantasy X-2. The game centers on Yuna some time after the conclusion of FFX. And she's changed *quite* a bit, I don't want to spoil the shock of seeing it first hand, needless to say it was initially believed to be a hoax since it was that shocking. But it has been confirmed by Square, and shown off at a recent Square Press conference. The game uses the same graphical engine as FFX to save money...and its a good engine. Also the game is taking a more action focused direction Yuna can jump, run, and climb. No words on how the battle system will work. So below I have some links I've hosted on my site of some of the high resolution images released from Square. And all I can say is if you've played FFX you're in for quite a shock. All I could do was laugh, then realized it wasnt a joke and said "WTF!".

Logo Screen | Promotional Poster | Yuna CG Model | ScreenShot


Yesterday was wierd. On my my way home I saw a Cell Phone lying in the grass. I tred to see if any one was walking away from it but nobody was around. I wanted to find the owner, but I mean how the hell would I ever know whoose it was. I didn't want to just take it, cause I thought if I letf in there the person might backtrack and find it, but also some else might find it and take it, and not be as nice as me. So I just put it a bit more out in the open and left. I mean i had no idea if HVCC had some sort of Lost & Found plus I had to get going. I felt really bad about leaving it, its just like you know felt kind of helpless.

But the rest of the day was pretty good. Ray Moran and his 'army' of people in his new group W.A.A.M the World Against Away Messages, but being someone who frequently uses such away messages I was going to be their virst victim, so they accosted me with IMs. After calling them the Women Against Away Messages, they got a little ticked off. But they did not scare me in the least. Then they all began Warning me at which I was up to aboout 50%. So I returned the favor to them, and put up an away message telling them that I Loved Away Messages, and if they didn't they could blow me. And then left for class.

After classes and such, waited till my Mom got home and i stole the car, Muahaha, grabbed a posse and scrammed to the Comic Book Store, as only I can. Matt, his firend Katie, and Ferro were the 'Posse'. After that dropped Matt and Katie back at RPI and went to drop Ferro off, and drop some some stuff off the please some of the other people at Siena.

Decided it was late and my parents had already eaten so I just stayed at Siena and Ferro fooded me up, with a Meatball Subwitch. Then there was an opportunity for bowling and i jumped on that and drove Master P, and Ferro down, but it didn't start for another hour. We waited
but I decided it was too late for me, so I went home at 9. P and ferro were getting a ride back with Ferro's Roommate Brandon anyway.

So I went home, had a talk with Jim, and mentioned Ray Moran and W.A.A.M. , we decided to form our own group A.M.P. - Away Message Pimps becuase we thought it sounded cool. And we slowly going to form an army to rival Ray Moran and his 'pitiful band'. Muahahaha, BTW all are wecome to be part of AMP since I know you all want to keep your right to away messages.
Fight for your Right!

So I sent a Away Message telling him he should fear my wraith and those wraiths of AMP! And he said "WE WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!! The War is on...."

And that was my day how was yours?.....


Well since it was on Quicktime's site for only 3 days, and its great footage....and I love X-Men Here's the link to some excellent preview footage from the new movie which promises to be amazing, right click the link and hit "save target as .." to download. Enjoy X-Men 2 Preview
Well here I am, things have been going smoothly for the most part, done a little work here and there.

I totally overhauled the links page on the site, I thought it was too long and people don't like to have scroll down if they don't have to. So I wanted to find a way to maximize space yet still have plenty of links. I succeded only after messing with messing with many different ways of doing it, and then making it work. I used basic old tables, one table with other tables in it which let me have 2 tables next to each other so they would adjust to any size changes the window might make. But it took me forever to remember it, since overall I hate tables and avoid them at all costs. But this worked out good, I fit everything I wanted, organized it well, and added a LOT more stuff. But it took me a better part of the day to get it all done, just the silly links page, since I there wasn't a lot of long code to repeat I did it all by hand, and I went by the seat of my pants on how much stuff to put in. I actually think despite the fact i added more stuff it actually is a lot smaller in actual size.

Finished some of my Javascript assignments, we started with a basic "Hello" Script after that the theme the teacher chose for the assignments is a program that does Basic Trigonometry. Stuff like the Pythagorian Theorum and "deriving all the values from it.

Thats pretty nifty stuff overall. Finished watching a couple Anime's in the last few days.
Saber Marrionette J:
Story about guy named Otaru who ends up with 3 female robots called Marionettes except these 3 are special because they have emotions, and of course they all fall in love with him. They live on a world which is all men, since some survivors from Earth crash landed here, and all that survived were 5 men so through many generations of cloning and genetic manipulation they have perpetuated life on the planet for over 100 years. They created the Marionettes (which of course are all women) to do "women work" like cooking and cleaning. The Marrionettes or Sabers, since its a lot shorter, that this guy finds are somehow the key to bringing human females back to humanity. All the while trying to stop the invasion of one the other countries started by one of the original 5 men. The story is very Tenchi-esqe all the female robots want to have Otaru to themselves, which works better since there are only 3 of them to focus on and none of them are kindergardeners (sorry Sasami). The series is focused on action/comedy like Tenchi, the similarities are many, but I think this series executed the "we all love him" story better than Tenchi. The Story is a quick fun diversion, nothing too terrably deep, but the goofiness is amusing at times. And can be a little emotional at times. The series is heightened by the quality voice acting which really brings up the series. The cute/innocent voice of the character Lime brings a little smile to my face. Overall a fun little series, if you like Tenchi then this is definetly for you.

This series takes place entirely within the gameworld of a Massive Online RPG similar to Everquest, which presents some interesting characters designs masterfully provided by the same person as Evangelion. The story centers around a character named Tsukasa who discovers he can't logout from the game, not only that but he can suddenly smell, feel, etc, everything in this world. Also he can't seem to remember who he is and why he's stuck here. He meets other characters who get involved with him and try to help him. He asks himself, since I don't remember who I was, can i even be sure i'm a "he", what happens if I die in the world. And do I even want to go back to the real world. The series is told though mostly dialoge, not as many action scenes as one would think. But the series keeps you interested if not the compelling and twisting story, then the lush visuals and vibrant characters who are fleshed out very well. Not to mention the stellar music, the music alone turns what could have been a silly idea into a seemingly epic story. Animation is superb, Music is very good, Vocal work excellent, Story also excellent except for the ending which will leave many confused and to be honest a bit rushed. But despite that, this is my new favorite series. So I recommend it to anyone and everyone, I guerantee it will grab you or your money back (thank god its free)
Guess thats all I have for now laterz all Woo