Whats I"m Up To


Well I gave the site a little facelift today, and it needed it. A little spit shine here and there. I redid all the buttons on the side menu so they look a bit brighter and are more appropriate since I hope to add more stuff to some sections, and kept a template to make the buttons easily should i add more or remake them again. Made section specific banners, all I did was add little quotes to them but, those same quotes were in the title tag but since I use frames you could never see them. I changed file names and cleaned the code to match my programming style, you know the stuff you won't notice. Also got rid of the silly Javascript on the front page (the mouse over) since it wasn't my code and now since I'm doing Javascript I should do it myself, plus it started to annoy me.

I added some pictures to the Comic Fun section that have been sitting around for a while, Plus I realized I was missing the DDR Penny Arcade I edited, I lost it from a virus and the damn SUNY servers a while ago. After I go through some more pictures, and take some more, I'll hopefully update the friends pictures, plus get a more updated picture of me with the beard in the pictures section of me. Yeah i realized how out of date the Friends page is, not people wise just the fact that everybody is different now and deserves better pictures. And of course more people to add. And uhhhhh, I will do Otakon Pics eventually.

Last but not least there's now secret stuff on the site. Easy to find now, but soon finding it won't be the problem :-)

All for now

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