Whats I"m Up To


I've been thinking lately, maybe comics are be coming poular again, I mean i know the movies have generating a lot of interest. But as of late I know more of my friends, and many of the friends of my old roommate James have begun or restarted reading comics. In my friends case I blame myself, I mean I got James back into it, and he got as bad or worse than me. Then when he went back home got most of his friends into it. Then this summer, I got Ferro into it, and soon after our friend Matt got back into it a bit himself. Ferro took to it pretty well, he very soon had a stack of comics as big as mine every week. Heck he has our comic guy reserve stuff for him now. And then Zara got into it after seeing the X-Men movie finally. She became a fiend pretty quickly.

I realize I had some impact on getting a few of these people into it. But it would have to be more than that, if the stories weren't good then they wouldn't buy more. I personally think this is one of the best times for comics I've expereinced. The Market has become less flooded (there were about 7 comics with an X-Something in the name at one point), less books overall are coming out, but each one has increased in quality. Comics have become a lot less gimicky, for the most part, no more chromium foil covers, or the "Spider-Armor" type bullsgit that went all thorugh the nintys. Another thing is that writers have taken center stage again. I've found myself following certain writers a lot more than i follow artists now. One thing I attribute is the movies, they have brought comics back out of the corners and somewhat more into popular culture again. Considering the success of movies like X-Men, and the amazing success of Spider-Man, and even the newly released Daredevil.

(Note I started this on Jan. 29 and I just tied it up a bit now, I'll prolly finish this little rant/article at some point.)

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