Whats I"m Up To


Hello all, let me just quickly say that everything should be fine with the car thing, no insurance mess.

But on to the topic at hand. Well a little while ago I downloaded Winamp 5, the beta release of the popular audio/video program. Well this new version has a section they call Internet TV, which has a list of video streams you can watch for free. Some play Music Videos, one plays Family Guy all day, another plays Futurama. Well I was browsing these, and I stumbled upon "The Sex Club" which is a streaming cam from inside someones house, and it just stares at their couch, and surrounding area. I went to their website, and apparently its a bunch of people around 18 - 25, some who live in the house by themselves...and they just have their life on cam...and the moniker "Sex Club" because they apparently have a lot of sex and yeah cameras everywhere. And being the curious person I was, I had this on while I was working, didn't pay too much attention at first. It was just a girl sitting there laying on the couch listening to music, or watching the TV or something. Some people stopped by at one point all standing around, then left, just leaving the girl again, she looked pretty bored. Then one guy came home, and then they went off camera...and then I start hearing noises. Yeah they were definitely having sex, the ever increasing moaning and classic squeaky bed gave them away...it was kind of odd, not everyday I hear people having sex. but needless to say my interest was piqued, so I put it on for a little while, and yeah this girl was listening to "Baby Got Back", and just started taking off her clothes, she was dancing and such and then just laid on the couch. Announced she was going to her room cam, which requires you to pay for which I surmised form they way she said it, as she couldn't wait for their male room mate to come home. Its just crazy cause its not like its porn cause those people are just there to have the sex and leave. Whereas these people are just doing it for fun...and you know its live, so yeah a bit weird. Don't know if this something I'll watch regularly, cause yeah its kind of weird, but I'll admit to being interested after what I heard last night. Hard to believe people would just broadcast their lives...in such intimate detail. From their website...it seems like they have sex alot...although with a name like "The Sex Club" thats kind of what you'd expect.

Also today I realized my computer had a distinct lack of Beatles Music, I rectified that situation, found my Beatles CD "One" with all their number 1 hits. And then I discovered where my missing "Free As A Bird" and "Real Love", and ripped those puppies to the old Hard Drive. Yeah I recently added another hard drive his name is Dante, and for the record the old HD is named Vivi. While I was at home today I saw Cat's away message, "Bleeding Profusely and very purple" or along those lines. So I immediately had to call, she fell on the ice and beat the crap out of her knee, poor girl. So we talked for a while, then she had to go babysit. Also I got rid of my huge pile of clothes at the foot of my bed, and cleaned out my drawers of clothes I don't/can't wear anymore. And yeah found some clothes. Also reorganized my CDs put them in a different CD stand since without the pile of clothes I could fit the other one somewhere, also put my Computer Game CDs in it 2 since I had the room so now I have a huge space on my desk. Now...if I only actually did some school work I'd be all set :-P

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