Whats I"m Up To


Rasterbation is fun.

Well lets see. My spring break is over now, and I had some fun especially on Wednesday, all had with Catherine of course. Which is fine and dandy I'm just disappointed I didn't get to hang with any of my friends, since we all had different spring breaks which is lame, and everyone seemed to be busy this week. My dad was home which meant I couldn't go nuts around the house. All I accomplished over break was working some hours finally, and reading around 60 comic issues on my computer, which is fine by me as I said Powers was really good, and I read just about all of JLA.

This weekend, went to the movies twice, saw The Ladykillers, and Dawn of the Dead. Which now that I think about it is funny since they are both remakes of old movies. I enjoyed The Ladykillers, Tom Hanks has proven he can do just about any role. He pulled this off extremely well, the eccentric character he plays is fantastic, just wish he had some more "lines" you know the ones that you say over and over again when you think of the movie. Tom Hanks had a few but not as many as I would have hoped for such a fun character.

Dawn of the Dead, Catherine liked it, I shagrinned, just because I'm not as fond of horror/zombie flicks as she is. I thought it was ok, just very generic. No official explanation for the zombies was ever given. Its just everyone goes to sleep, then when the wake up Zombies have taken over!! So of course they goto the Mall for safety. And this must be one hell of a mall if all the Mall Security staff has guns. Ving Rhames is good in this movie he played his character very well, the only standout actor in the movie I thought. The parts I liked were the ones w/o much Zombie activity. There were some points where...it just didn't need to be in the movie I didn't need to see that. There was a whole story segment that delt with a pregnant lady who was slowly being zombied, and she gave birth and the baby was also Zombied. Trust me is much nastier than I can convey. The one thing that drove me nuts was at one point they start playing this Jazzy song, and the words were familiar...then I realized it was "Down with the Sickness" a song by Disturbed, sung by a Frank Sinatra type singer, swear words and all...it just felt really trippy.

I ended up going to bed pretty late the last few days, and I woke up today at 7, and my legs felt weak, felt like I had put my face on wrong. I soon went back to just lay in my bed again for a few minutes because my bed, which shall hence forth be known as "The Jumble", was just so insanely comfy today. But yeah I totally fell asleep, had a disturbing dream. Well first of all my mom died, and for some reason my dad and I had to move to house that was just like the one we have but no basement. Then these 2 other kids came to live with us, and for some reason I didn't like them. Then I looked out my window, and I saw a bear. Now normally I like bears, I never see any harm in them. But this bear like charged at my window and them like roared in my face and scared the crap out of me, and I woke up and it was 8 and I had to get my ass going.

Which brings me to Rasterbation, while in one of the Computer Labs I saw Shawn Coblish, he's a pretty crazy guy. He showed me this site. The Rasterbator, you upload a picture or give it a pictures address and then you crop and size it, and then it changes the picture so its made of different sized black dots. You size it as to how many sheets of paper the picture will take up, like I made one thats 3 pages wide, 5 pages tall, and it makes a .pdf file. Which you can use to print it out put it together and make a pretty slick mural on your wall. I'm working on a couple right now. Give it a try, its pretty nifty.

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