Whats I"m Up To


Whats Up With My Dad? - 1

Its time for a new segment here, I call it "What's Up With My Dad?"

Here's how it works my dad will say something dumb, usually involving him worrying about something irrational. Then you can read an laugh about it and make a comment saying what you think the real reason he said it.

Tonights scene is after work Catherine showed up and took me to Jimmy's for pizza, she has more gas so she drove, and I left my car at work, the walmart parking lot. After dinner cat drove us to my house to chill out for a bit. My dad asked where my car was, I told him back at Walmart. He got all uppidy about and said "People could be ransacking your car right now!". 1) My car is locked, 2) Car's parked right in front of the building, 3) Ummm Walmart does have a night crew I don't think they get ransacked everynight. The past few Thursdays me or cat do this, she'll show up when I'm done with work, one of us leaves our car, and we goto my house. The first time my dad was worried that Walmart doesn't have night parking and that I'd get towed and kept buggin me about it that night, now this. Talk amonst yourselves


Catherine T said...

Your dad just doesn't like me. He doesn't want you hanging with me late so he tries to break up the party.

Mike Y said...

He's really just a crazy worry wart.

Anonymous said...

Maybe your Dad used to manage a chain of stores that were in malls or shopping centers and knows what he's talking about. Petty theives, especially those supposting a drug habit cannot risk being caught breaking into a car so they look for easy marks. They drive through parking lots and make note of the cars in it. They come back 6 hours later, and see what ones are still there. The next day they do the same and before long they have a list of cars that they can case out and break into as soon as the area is clear. They needn't worry about the owner coming out, he's busy at work. Mall employees are encouraged NOT to park next to a building because it provides a cover and one less side of the car to watch, and they're encouraged to park in a different location everyday. What is there to steal in your car? Any car radio/tape player can be stolen in less that 5 minutes and can get $10-20.Not much, but enough for 4 hits of crack. If your car is really alone in a lot, thieves can steal either the air bag or the explosive air bag ignition device and get anywhere from $200-300 each.

In either event if you're leaving WalMart to come home, why would you get a different ride home, if you have to go back anyway to get your car anyway.

As far as Catherine thinking your Dad doesn't like her, maybe you should tell her who always makes sure she is invited for dinner, makes special things for her and made sure she was taken care of at Christmas and Valentines day when you were not working. None is so blind as one who WON'T see.