Whats I"m Up To


The Last Stand

Lets see the most immidiate thing I want to mention would be the X-Men 3:The Last Stand Trailer which was released last night. Pretty much most of my fears were quelled by seeing this, I was kind of worried with the new director, Nightcrawler not returning, movie being rushed out the door to be out before Superman. But Beast's makeup seems to look ok, after seeing the picture I kind of thought it was goofy, but in motion doesn't look top bad, but i wanna see him jumping, bounding, and swinging around like the agile Beast I know and love. Plus with Kelsey Grammers(probably spelled wrong) voice, as long as we get to see him hanging upsidedown with glasses on, I'm golden. We also got to see Angel in full winged glory, which looks a lot more solid than how I thought it would be, I no longer have any worries about that character. We see Magneto with a HUGE amount of mutants, looks like he's going for a Final Fight. Jean Grey is back, and very powerfully so, but not on our side. Beast is involved with the White House, as well as being a prominant X-Man. Storm has a new haircut. Cyclops is missing and doesn't have his glasses? Seems like he'd be easy to find. Oh well I'm stoked.

I know I'm late on the bandwagon, but I finally got to see Lost, and I'm lovin it. I'm gonna finish Season 1 soon, hopefully NBC will start replaying the episodes after their finale and then I'll watch Season 2. I could just buy them on iTunes but that would get expensive.

Also of note iTunes has added some new TV shows for download. Including Battlestar Gallactica, The Office, Law & Order, Monk, as well as many classics. I'd be checking them out but sice I'm now using Linux(SuSE Flavored) primarilly, so I cant use iTunes at the moment. But i'll probably switch over to XP to check them out soon.



Hey everybody, just when I thhught I was done with this site, of course something started to bug me. I was all happy with it and got it working in everything. I was using Catherine's laptop to look at it, and she uses a higher resoluton on her comp than I do, I have a shitty monitor and can only go as high as 1024x768, so looking at the site its all the way to the left leaving a huge, gigantic white space....it looked really ugly and bugged the shit out of me.

So since I believe last Sat or Sun, I've been trying to get a way to redo the layout with the whole thing centered. Son of a bitch centering is annoying, something you'd think would be so simple, so obvious, has to be so difficult (or maybe it's just me). I looked at some other sites to see how they did it. One used tables, which I fucking hate. Because basically I create a box and in the box is a picture or text...technically whats inside it shouldn't be able to go outside the box...ever. But the shit wouldn't stay in there. Defying all logic driving me insane. So today I found a way to do it in my favorite way, CSS. I love style sheets. Got it all going. Makes me very happy, plus i think it makes it more spiffier.

Also I'm sure you noticed, the Archive link at the top, I've been trying to find a good way to add it, had a few ideas that were nifty but didn't work, I tried adding it to the menu, but Blogger doesn't create archive link pages anymore, just the monthly pages. Its like what good are the monthly pages if there's nowhere to get to them, since I don't believe in the Blogger sidebar. But found a way to do it pretty happy about it. So I guess those were pick-ups for Season 3.

So please enjoy Season 3...again...for the first time.


The Third Age

Thats right folks, the wait is over, TheYanni.Net Season 3 is here. I finally got it running in both Internet Explorer and Firefox exactly as I want it, took a little goofing around, but i got it. The Main area works, as do all te sections. The Cam section needs me to add content. And of course i tohught of some last minute things i want or need to add. I should have done it during pick-ups, but missed my opportunity. I need to add a link to the archives, an either on that page or the main page i want to add a search engine to search my posts.

This site is still pretty new so if any problems arrise let me know. I'd like to get all the kinks out now. But I think everything should work fine. The new design itself solves many of the problems i had with Season 2. And now I keep closing my eyes from tiredness in the middle of typing so i will take the hint.

W00t Season 3 rocks!


Production on Season 3 has Completed

Thats right currently have all the bugs fixed got everything working the way I want it so official production has completed. Now I move into Post-Production until launch. In "post" I will add in the content, which shouldn't take that long. So hopefully by next week Season 3 will be completed, and online. For a Preview, click here. And if you notice something doesn't look right tell me. Consider yourself the test audience, tell me if you like it or not, sudgestions are always welcome.

Also there might be a few problems on this version of the site, had some issues earlier. So if anything doesn't work tell me.


Trimming the fat

Sorry for all the boring Season 3 posts, I just like to document this stuff. Besides the new design my biggest goal for Season 3 is to simplify, condense, and cut the fat. Starting with the Menu, I have 10 menu listings with about 7 subareas. That needed to change so basically any area that I'm not updating is either going away, or starting from scratch.

Down the list:
- Red: The Color of My Mind & Dispatch: Digg.com News
These 2 areas will combine basically, my intent is to basically find a news story on digg, or someplace alse perhaps and write a bit about it, and try to keep doing just about every day.

- Inquiry: Ask The Yanni & Sticks: The Comic Strip
At the moment these 2 areas are being faded out. Inquiry is my personal favorite section, I will find a place for this...heck might even sort of add it to the main blogg(Just thought of that). But sadly Sticks, will be waving goodbye, might save these to put in the beginning of the revamped pics area.

- Introspective: WebCam & Retreat: Links & Affiliates: Hosted Sites
These 3 areas are being combined, and will be on the new right hand sidebar. I'll have a small version of the webcam pic(clickable to enlarge), then the trimmed down links section(I have to reasses what links I still want, links I want to add, and which links don't exist anymore.

- Ego: Read/Write/Reviews
This Section will actually be broken up to 2 on the new main menu, Articles for my reviews, which I will hopefully start adding to. And Stories for the stories I have written, which I hope to be adding to.

- Masks: Pics, Photos
Is becoming the Section called Pics. All of the pics in this section are at least, 3 to 4 years old, so I am dumping them, starting from scratch and going to try not having any catagories, just listing them newest to oldest, hopefully making it simpler.

- Origin: About The Yanni
Basically I prolly just gonna edit this again, add some new info to make it up to date and acurate, and calling it Bio.

So after all this I'm down to 5 Sections:
Main, Stories, Articles, Pics, Bio

Then the rest of it, the Webcam, Links, and affiliates all on the accesable sidebar.



Well unfortunately I'm easilly distracted, by shiny websites like NetVibes, which is my new favorite thing on the web, which I'm sure I will discuss at great length at some point. But since I'm back working on the site, I decided to switch to using iframes to manage the site to make it work better, cleaner. But unfortunately, its something I'm still new to. And I want to find a way to fix it that doesn't involve elaborate coding "tricks".

And goddamit I can't get "25% More Monster" and "Robots: The Card Game" out of my head! So please visit Nimland.Net: The Home of Nodal Nim. He's a mean mandolin-slinger.
(Mean as in good, not angry, he's actually quite pleasent.)

Season 3 in Production

Sorry for the lack of posts as always.

I wanted to say I kind of pretended before, but I'm knee deep in making a distinct 3rd version of this website. I've been referring to it at "TheYanni.Net Season 3" for a while, and thinking about it now, that name is accurate. I'm kind of simplifing the site, getting rid of the fluff and starting from scratch, and giving the site a new direction.

The layout will be a bit different, My logo/banner will stay the same, I freakin love that design. Got rid of the sections that never got updated. I'm keeping the picture area but basically dumping it, and am gonna start from scratch with all new pics, and do my best to keep them updated. Gonna keep my stories and articles, but separate them and hopefully start adding more. I'm going through a bunch of my links weeding out sites that don't exist anymore, or sites that suck now. I want to create a better link setup and affiliate more sites I'm friendly with, such as Matty N/t0llenz.

For me when I start a website, i attack it in phases.
The First phase is Idea or Sketch Phase, this is when the idea hits me, I grab a piece of paper, and scribble out the skeleton of how I want the site to look, or write down the main concept for how the site will work

The Second Phase is the Design Phase, this is when I hit the Text Editor, and hammer out the basic skeleton of the site, and get the look and feel for the site down. This is actually the phase I'm in now. I'm trying to get the website to look the way it should, getting everything lined up perfectly, and looking proper. There is a lot of trial and error in this phase because its hard to know or see exactly where everythings gonna fit it, with Season 3 I've had somr happy accidents and a small let downs, but it is coming along. I'm stuck on a small bit right now which is why I stopped and am writting this now, I'll spare you the details as they're probably meanlingless to you :-P, needless to say logical things that should work and make since, for some reason are not....its like math is broken.

More on the rest of the Phases later, once i actually get to those points. For a preview of Season 3 click here, don't mind the text I copied it from a couple places just to serve as a place holder to make sure the text looks correct. So far I've only really tested it in Firefox, so if your looking in IE it'll look even worse probably.


Holy Crap!

I can honestly say I've never been more worried....the Chinese, have learned how to fly!!! See for yourself!



I'm freaking out

As I mentioned in the last post I've become a fan of Digg.com I found a way to send my site news articles that I like from their site to mine. So I added a link to the page I made for it. All i added was a link keep that in mind, no way for it to affect anything, coding wise. Since I tried uploading the new version of the menu file, everything has been wonky, i tried moving code around cause it kept viewing the page wrong, and showing errors. Then last night everything finally worked, so I was happy. Now all of a sudden, the site ays the menu file doesn't exists and I can't view it. Yet when I goto the FTP where I upload the files.....its there, and no matter how many tomes I add the file it still says its not there, And I'm getting really pissed.

Hopefully its just a simple server problem, and i will fix itself, cause it worked last night....and now it doesn't and I havn't chaged anything.



Hey all I've been trying to clean up my computer a bit. Make it pretty get rid of the fluff. Also my iPod "Jynx" works again, after I found an insanely easy fix to what I thought was a serious problem. Okay now I'm taking an aside to the story I was just taking an aside to.

Ok, so after I got home from my ill fated vacation which was fun but cost me $340 in money I thought I was going to have. Jynx's scrolling wheel for some reason, just stopped working. Which makes the iPod pretty useless. So for all this time I've been meaning to get over to the Mac store, so I could get it fixed. I finally get there, and they take one look at Jynx and told me they couldn't touch it because its an HP iPod. I mean it took me long enough just to get there, and now they can't touch it. So I go to the HP site to see what I have to do to send it to them to get fixed. What the site leads me to is common problems, and so all I had to do to fix it was flip the "Hold" switch back and forth. So I am happy, yay. And kind of feel dumb cause I should have done this months ago. And now back to the previous story...

Now that my iPod works again, I can finally listen to Podcasts, which are my new favorite thing, its like all I have been listening to for the last week in my car and at home for that matter. I loves it! The ones I've been listening to are "TWiT"(This Week in Tech) which is hosted by most of the old cast from Screensavers, one of my fav shows on TechTV before they got swallowed and digested by the terrible G4. So I've been getting lots of new tech info and finding cool new sites from them. I also listen to Gamespot's "The Hotspot" weekly gaming news report, "Ebert & Roper" for movie reviews, "Fanboy Radio" for comics, and "Diggnation" from Digg.com for fun and interesting news.

I thought you all should know I've got the Podcasting bug, I just thought it would be a great way for Matty N and I to do the long awaited Conservative Dorks, just have to get a mixer, and another decent microphone. That looks like it would be a lot of fun, basically I believe I got it all set to go....just have to actually do the show, obviously. I'll try to keep you all updated on that.

And now that I'm back to what I was originally going to talk about first. While listening to TWiT, they mentioned something like the Dock in the Mac OSX, it was called Konfabulator I thought I'd check it out. It wasn't what I thought it was but its a lot cooler than what I thought it was gonna be. Basically Konfabulator is something that lets you run what they call "Widgets" on your desktop. Widgets are like small applications, that enhance other programs, makes things easier to find, or are just fun. The Widgets are all really spiffy looking. I currently have one that shows album art for whatever I'm playing in iTunes, and also can act as a iTunes controller. I have that set to be always on top so whatever I am doing I can control iTunes without having to call it up. I got one that acts as a nice little to do list on my desktop, then in the special area i have ones that auto load the new comics for CAD, MegaTokyo, and Penny Arcade. I even found one that check the cheapest local gas prices. Its a lot of fun I found lots of interesting widgets on the site. Plus so far it seems to use barely any resources. No slowdown at all, did I mention that everything looks cool in it. Feels very futuristic in a way. I highly recommend it, at least for a try. Plus Yahoo just got it, so it is newly free.

All for now, hope you enjoyed the stream of thought style writing I did today, I could have gone back and edited it to make it make more sense...but screw that for now. :-D


New Site

Hi Everybody, Yanni here, some slight news. I'm workin on a new website. Its for my local comic book shop Aquilonia, if he likes it. Been goin there for years and it stinks he doesn't have a kick ass website. So I'm building one. Its coming along ok so far, got a working desing up now, the banners except for the one of the right are all placeholders, me and my fellow webdesigner Heno are both currently in the process of making some kick ass banners for that site. And I'm working on the content even now. And I'm kind of motivated at the moment, maybe even Matty N's Conservative Dorks project might even get off the ground, after I get this going.


Test For Comic Post

This Is a formatting test for some comic reviews that will be a part of TheYanni.Net Season 3. Which is coming along steadilly. This review ended up being kind of long, the ones i want to do I'm gonna try to be more brief.

Daredevil #76
Daredevil #76

Story: The Murdock Papers - Part 1
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Alex Maleev
Publisher: Marvel Knights
Price: $2.99

This is the first part of the final Story for this creative team on Daredevil. The team of Bendis and Maleev has been here for the last 3 or 4 years, since issue 26. Which means they have written about 2/3 of the entire series so far, now thats impressive. Not only that they've told some of the best Daredevil stories ever written, if not some the the most unique comics Marvel has ever put out. But as good as they have been, all good things must end, but at least it looks like their goin out with a bang.

Quick recap here, Daredevil has been outed as Daredevil by the Press as Matt Murdock. He filed a lawsuit saying its not true. After losing his seat of power the Kingpin tried desprately to ged rid of DD as a symbol of his rise back to power, threw every ace in the whole, Typhoid Mary, Bullseye, all fell short. Till the big showdown with the Kingpin himself. DD beat him and in a fit of rage declaired himself the new Kingpin, and sent word to the people off Hell's Kitchen to clean up or get out.

A year has gone by, things have gotten better and have started to look good for Matt, buisness is good, people seem to like DD again, and people have stopped attacking Matt Murdock, so of course the shit has to hit the fan. Kingpin has made a deal with the feds to give up information, and has requested DDs reporter friend Ben Urich to write the story. What they don't know is that he's not giving up information of his criminal dealings, he's giving information about Daredevil.

The story being set up is great, it really feels like an epic story. As always Maleev's moody, shadowy, and distictly noir style is showing us how good he is after 3 years or so of being with this character. And Bendis always looks at things from a slightly different perspective, we know Kingpin is a huge guy and is dangerous, but he is also very intelligent. You just know he's gonna turn his seemingly defeat, from where he is in prison, to having himself back at the top of the food chain. While I do think there's the feel of putting everything back in its place to get ready for the next creative team. At least Bendis is giving us logical and compelling reasons for doing it. I mean as if anyone thought Kingpin wasn't going to be the Kingpin for very long.

Needless to say I excited about this story and what means for DD, Kingpin, and the status quo of this book. Another great issue in the bag, for this team. It featured the classic Bendis story decompression, but I'm definetly used to it by now, and of course another Bendis talent....boy can he write great Cliffhangers, despite the fact its not the promise of a fight, a death, or a new character. The art really gets you involved because its just very down to earth, plus after all the good thats finally happening, you genuinely hate to see how this is probably gonna get. You think he deserves a break, but then again as nice as that would be, it wouldn't be as interesting.

9/10 Great set-up to whats hopefully a great story


I was depressed...but that changed

Writtn 3 Days ago:
I don't know why lately but I feel totally lost. I rarely feel like doing anything, then get mad at myself for wasting time. So many things i want to do or have to do, so I don't do either. Like the next version of this website, I wanted to start weeks ago, when i had less distractions. I didn't partially because of not fully decided on the concept, but thats besides the point.

Written Now:
Get ideas in wierdest places, and at the strangest times. While at work I suddenly had some ideas for the site, found some paper and went nuts. I got all the content planned out, just gotta decide if I'm gonna stick with the left hand side menu or do an overhead drop down menu, similar to what Real Life has.

After ther disaster I had with Moveable Type, I'm still with Blogger but want to make the switch to something i can maintain myself.

Also I woke up Yesterday with a huge pain on the right side of my lower back. Feels like someone just came in the middle of the night and punched me. Now today it feels just as bad if not worse. Although we got a pretty good laugh at work bout the idea that Ken(housemate) walked into my room thinking I was an attacker sleeping in my bed, and punched me in the back. But serously this shit hurts.

Also check out the new version of GROW, a very fun puzzle game, the new one is RPG themed, as opposed to Classic GROW. Eyemaze continues releasing some wierd, intelligent, and fun as hell little games and puzzles.



Hello Ladies and Gentleman, Its me again back from the abyss I had a nice vacation with my beautiful Catherine, who tans very very well I must admit. I on the oter hand was red as a lobster after the first day. It was fun and relaxing. Now after being back for a week her parents went back to the beach, which leaves me and Cat at her ehouse for the week, i'll probably be spending most of my time here, because she has A/C, which I also do now also, but there isn't a cute girl living in my room, so her house beats it out. She making us a scrummy dinner of shrimps, steak and salad, I expect it to be quite delectable. I might get more in vacation details at another juncture, just wanted to check in. Later :-)


Back Again...Again

Y'know I try to get back on posting more often and of course, then I movie lose internet for a month. And I become too freakin lazy to post. Obviously a lot has happened, as you all know I moved out of my house and into a nice house with Matty N and 2 other guys. A change in status-quo for the new season of my life. We were party central for a while, showin the place off. Things have calmed down a bit we're pretty settled. I got rid of the cell phone (too costly) got Vonage with my new phone number that seems to have been used very recently before i got it keep getting calls about some Rebecca person and they have the right phone number. If your a friend and don't have my new number AIM me or e-mail and I'll send it to ya.

Seems kind of funny last time I posted was a few days after seeing the landlord and we signed the lease and started moving in. This is my first post since I've been here, and this is also the first day the landlord has been back. To FINALLY put in the blinds, got to take down the comforter I had over my window with thumbtacks. I actually got some idea for some stuff I wanna do for the website. Hopefully I'll get off my ass and get back in gear. All for now. Laters


Goodbye...for now

Well its finally that time, I'm making my last post....from this house. In case anyone didn't know, myself, Matty N, and a couple other guys movied to a huge, and awesome house. Its totally exciting for me, and today is moving day. Moved all my comics and other stuff, yesterday and today I move the bed, and my other furniture. Also my favorite time of the year is here, E3!!!!!! it promises to be a good show, with all the companies showing off new consoles, and some great new games. I'm currently watching the Sony Press Conference, and its pretty astonishing. I normally hate theirs but with showing off PS3 they arn't doing a lot of the boring stuff they usually do. And can I say the PS3 seems amazing so far. The level of quality looks to rival even X-Box and their new console. I obviously can't wait till Nintendo's conference because their's has always been the most fun.

Oh and Catherine has her ticket for Episode 3, natch. We just had our 2 year anniversary, and we are totally awesome.

Might I relate a funny story. Lats week Catherine was studying for exams and she came over to my house. She told me her Dad woke her up, so I felt bad and we hugged for a bit. Later on I asked when her dad woke her up, and she said "11:30". I preceded to then hit her with a pillow. Then I knew she was studying before she came over to my house and studying bums her out. I asked how long were you studying, she said "About 5 minutes" and again I was forced to barrage her with pillows.

Ok I should probably get back to packing, see you all in a week, hopefully less, once we get online set up in the new pad. Which will of course have updated pictures, maybe a a video tour of the house. And of course get the webcam set up.


Darth Yanni

Hey all you good buddy Yanni here, just in time to get all excitied about the new Star Wars movie, I know right now your saying to yourself "Another Star Wars movie...I had no idea. Can't believe they are still makin those". Well I assure you they are in fact making another star wars movie, but it'll probably be the last. Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith arrives at theaters May 19th, which is the day Episode 1: The Phantom Menace was released. I guess I didn't realize until I found this article that all the Star Wars films came out in mid to late May until I read this article that is.

As a nerd I of course have my tickets for the first showing at 12:01am(or 00:01 for our military friends). I eagerly await my chance to see Anakin turn to the Dark Side, and see the birth of good old Darth Vader. Being the only industrious member in my group of friends I bought our tickets online. Four tickets to be exact, Myself, Ferro, Matty N, and Brandon. Oops I knew I forgot someone, and I got hell for it. I didn't get my beloved Catherine a ticket, I didn't think she wanted to go. She told me on many occasions she hated Star Wars, whenever the trailer appears she gives the dirtiest of looks (she's said she hates that it makes me happy, lol), and of course she isn't very enthusiastic about my lightsaber addiction.

But I guess I underestimated the drawing power of the Dark Lord himself. Of course she hates Star Wars, but loves Darth Vader. We all know its because of his sexy voice, but Prowse was the real man who walked the galleys of the Death Star. If you don't know what I'm talking about then your not as big a nerd as I am :-P. So in order to fix this blunder I have to keep trolling the internet and the mall, cause I hear they're gonna open more showings or at least that what all the nice people at the theater tell me. And its my only hope of redemption.

I just hope Cat won't be embareassed if I bring my lightsaber along....I mean its expected...and everyone else is gonna have theirs, don't want to be the only one not armed. I mean what if some punk tries to but in line or steal my tickets, or some ornery Jedi or Sith wants to pick a fight. Like the Boy Scouts I'm always prepared.

BTW speaking of David Prowse, when they put Hayden Christensen (Anakin) in the suit, did anyone say "Arn't you a little short to be Darth Vader?"


Totally a Downer

Just so you know this post is a downer, and I apologize. But this shit has been on my mind and it makes me angry as hell.

I tell ya, people suck, in the last few days I've heard like the most terrible stories about people just being totally amoral...actually fuck amoral these kids are all totally evil. Its been getting to me.

Like I heard a story the other day about some 16 year old girl. She was at a party and the guy she was with get her so drunk she passed out, after she passed out he pulls her pants down and just starts having sex with her. Then of course somebody has a camera and starts filming it. The girl wakes up eventually, and says, "I've been raped". She has the guy up on charges I guess, and the guy involved and his father are protesting that she wasn't passed out and that she wanted it. The father is quoted as saying "Just look at the tape, you can see she's awake" and "its just a bunch of kids having fun. Honestly I think parenting is going to hell. If something like this happened to me(except I wouldn't because I'm not totally evil), my father would yell and beat the shit out of me...because I'd deserve it.

Then I hear another story about a 12 year old kid, who's face was set on fire, by a bunch of teens using a homemade flamethrower, for no known reason. I mean WTF!!!! I cringed when I hear this. This kids life could be totally ruined. His tougne, lungs, and eyes are burned from inhaling the smoke. I mean they had the grandmother saying she had to restrain herself from going house to house trying to find the people that did this and harm if not kill them. And in my mind she has every right to. The kids who did this should never see the light of day ever again.

Then finally the last story, in a school auditorium a developmentally challenged girl(severe speech impediment) was punched in the face and forced to perform sex acts to a large group of men again on camera, as dozens of others looked on. She was found bleeding from the mouth. In the video one of the boys told the victim: "If you scream, I'll have all my boys punch you." Then Someone punched her in the face and she dropped to her knees. This girls speech impediment makes it so she can only be understood if she's calm and can think carefully about her words. So she can't even verbalize what happened to her. These should all be castrated.

Sorry to be such a downer...but Son of a bitch just hearing about stuff like this makes me lose all hope for humanity, and I blame the kids for being evil fuckheads, and I blame the parents for raising evil fuckhead kids.


Work is Hard....Who Knew?

I tell ya this 8-5 stuff and 12-9 stuff at work is killin me. Plus didn't help that I only got one day off, as opposed to the 2 I'm supposed to have. My schedule keeps changing. Originally i had Thurs and Fri off, then Mon and Thurs, and now Tues and Thurs. I just want a regular schedule, so I can actually plan ahead for things.

A few days ago I picked up a new Camera that is a Digital Camcorder, Digital Camera, and Webcam. Its pretty hot, I got it cheap only for like $75, but it actually works really well. Just gotta be careful of blurryness and make sure its not too dark, its not good in the dark. This means I should have some new Photo or Video stuff soon.

Website wise I been messing with the backend a bit of this website, and after messing with it for a while and totally messing it up, I realized that I was pretty smart when i designed it, since its set up the only way it could really work. So I pretty much made it back the way it was. Also thinkin about trying to get away from blogger, and installing Moveable Type, cause then this site would be 100% coded and set up by me.

I have a couple side projects that are in development or in the planning stages. The first you already know about, the Joint site for me and Catherine, which is comming along very slowly. I got it to look right, but now I gotta get Comments and archives to work. Once I have that set up I have some cool stuff I can add, what with the new camera and all. Also a site has been planned with the most Matty of N's. ConservativeDorks, since we're conservatives and dork pretty much. It gives us excuses to talk about both Dorky things like Anime VideoGames, and Comics, and also Political stuff since Matty is a political whore. I'm prolly gonna use that submenu layout for that site. So thats what I got comin down the pipe.



As usually sorry fpr the length between posts, the past few tuesdays I've been working on the joint site for me and Catherine, I have a very basic beta of it running now, which i will link later, whereas this blog is pretty much rated "PG-13" and I don't go too personal about stuff as I could, that site is no holds barred, prolly rated "R" or "NC-17", lol. When it is more done I will link it.

I have more to sya but the network just went down here at school so I'll continue this later....fudge.


Back in Buisness

Hello again, Micheal webdesigner extrordinaire have started desinging sites again. It has been a while and I forgot how much fun it is. I did a new site design which I'm pretty happy about. Not a new look for this site cause i lke how it is right now, but a template for another site for the future, or someone else should they want it. You can view it Here. At the moment the design uses this site as a base since its the only site i have pages for. The template i have set up has all the information about it. So go there if your interested.

I'm also starting a design for a joint site between me and catherine, which should be fun. For which I'm actually gonna start coding right now!


so...my car was on fire

Yup, in flames. Not 3 days after i got it back from the shop and 170 bucks later, my car of course was still a piece of crap. Being a piece of crap usually means it stalls a lot and is had to start up again. But a stroke of genius, on the way home from work it acted funny, but didn't stall till i got to the final ascent of my hill. I get to the top and make my turn twords my house, as i did all of a sudden this bright yellow light was lighting up around my car it seemed. My parking spot was not far so i figured i'd just park it and see what the heck was going on. As i turn into my spot i look in side view mirror, and i see flame. So obviously I grabbed my bag with its precious cargo (iPod) and get out of that car faster than anything you'd ever seen. I get out and the local neighbor kid came out cause he had seen something was amiss also, but when i got out of the car i turned it off and that seemed to stop the flame. I'm freakin out a bit. I check out the back of my car and it looks a little crispy, but it looked like it still might be a bit on fire, but nothing too serious...so i go inside and try to explain to my parents whats going on as fast as possible so i can just ask for the fire extinguisher...i get it and use it...did nothing, it was totally a crappy extinguisher. By then my dad obviously a bit worried came out took a look. Remember how i said it didn't look that bad....that was wrong it was totally getting bad again. My dad ran and got a shovel and grabbed some snow and smothered most of it...seemed it was out. My mother had already called 911 ans the firemen were on their way. Since they were just at the bottom of the hill, they were there in about 3 or 4 mins. We of course stood out there for a while as they tore up my bumper which was melting not a few minutes earlier. They hit it with lots of water to make sure it was out and no wires were on fire. They unhooked my battery and left. Of course i then preceded to call my sexy girlfriend to tell her the news. Logan...was dead.

Amazingly this is probably the best thign that could have happened...since the car is totalled insurence should cover the loss. We're expecting at least $1,000, i'm getting a decent amount back from taxes, and we finally found a nice car that i should be purchasing. Not to mention that insurence also covers a rental car for up to 30 days. And i got a nice one, brand new 2005 Chevy Malibu with all the trimmings.

Also i started my one class I'm taking this semester, just one night class, once a week. And so far its pretty easy with a good teacher.

At the moment I'm actually sitting in some class at RPI with my gf using her lappy, to type this, while she enjoys the endless fun of....the Proton NMR Spectrum of Styrene. All for now.

BTW like the new title header on the window :-).


Extended Edition

Hey folks, X-Mas has come and gone, as has New Years, and even the first bad Snow storm. Other than some unfortunate stuff that happened the week before X-Mas that got my whole fam down. We ended up having a good X-Mas (I say X-Mas because i don't want type Christmas). As always i don't know how but i made out like a bandit. The 'rents gave me an unexpected 20GB iPod, and i love it dearly. A DVD-Rom drive so ferro can give me anime, and i can finally play Myst 4...once i buy it. got a bunch of coveted DVDs. Of ocurse a bunch of fun smaller stuff also. Then later that day X-Mas continued at Cat's house. I had to quest for my gifts, she set up a fun treasure hunt, which was quite ingenius. All together her fam gave me Metroid Prime 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, taking care of my gaming needs. Cat also got me Upright Citizen's Brigade, and ATHF Vol.3, ain't she the awesome?

Let's see New Years was interesting. Went to Matty N's house for that got plenty drunk for a while. Ferro was late, as expected, and without any of the promised Jello shots. Cat left early for various reasons, so i bummed around played a bit of Halo 2 for the first time. Went home sober. Matt did not..get sober that is till after i left.

Let's see...hung out with Matt a lot so far this break, and his house has been host to many small get togethers recently. Got to see Zara on monday, it has been a long time since last I've seen her. And can i say i learned more about everyone that Monday night than i prolly needed to know, but was fun, lol.

And the last 3 days i've spent with by beloved Catherine. Big snow storm, she stayed over 2 nights in a row, it was fun for many reasons :wink: Amazingly we didn't drive each other totally crazy. We had a pillow fort and everything, watched some movies, we finally gout out of the house today and spent an amazingly long time at the mall shopping. Why even i bought some new clothes, although Cat bought much than me and didn't spend any actual money. Damn her gift cards! Oh yeah, also in a moment or rare bravery I ate a Wendy's Tripple Cheeseburger, thats right the whole thing, and had a small chili, bitches. Today I am slightly more manly because of it...or a few pounds heavier.

I was gonna comment on Penny Arcade a bit today, cause they totally bitch slapped syndicated newspaper comics. But tomorrow or next day I will chat about it. Laters