Whats I"m Up To


Trimming the fat

Sorry for all the boring Season 3 posts, I just like to document this stuff. Besides the new design my biggest goal for Season 3 is to simplify, condense, and cut the fat. Starting with the Menu, I have 10 menu listings with about 7 subareas. That needed to change so basically any area that I'm not updating is either going away, or starting from scratch.

Down the list:
- Red: The Color of My Mind & Dispatch: Digg.com News
These 2 areas will combine basically, my intent is to basically find a news story on digg, or someplace alse perhaps and write a bit about it, and try to keep doing just about every day.

- Inquiry: Ask The Yanni & Sticks: The Comic Strip
At the moment these 2 areas are being faded out. Inquiry is my personal favorite section, I will find a place for this...heck might even sort of add it to the main blogg(Just thought of that). But sadly Sticks, will be waving goodbye, might save these to put in the beginning of the revamped pics area.

- Introspective: WebCam & Retreat: Links & Affiliates: Hosted Sites
These 3 areas are being combined, and will be on the new right hand sidebar. I'll have a small version of the webcam pic(clickable to enlarge), then the trimmed down links section(I have to reasses what links I still want, links I want to add, and which links don't exist anymore.

- Ego: Read/Write/Reviews
This Section will actually be broken up to 2 on the new main menu, Articles for my reviews, which I will hopefully start adding to. And Stories for the stories I have written, which I hope to be adding to.

- Masks: Pics, Photos
Is becoming the Section called Pics. All of the pics in this section are at least, 3 to 4 years old, so I am dumping them, starting from scratch and going to try not having any catagories, just listing them newest to oldest, hopefully making it simpler.

- Origin: About The Yanni
Basically I prolly just gonna edit this again, add some new info to make it up to date and acurate, and calling it Bio.

So after all this I'm down to 5 Sections:
Main, Stories, Articles, Pics, Bio

Then the rest of it, the Webcam, Links, and affiliates all on the accesable sidebar.

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