Whats I"m Up To


Batman vs. Osama

I saw this and pretty much had to talk about it.

Batman vs. Osama bin Laden

Now mind you this is not something I'd probably ever purchase...unless the whole world desides its the greatest thing ever produced. But I probably wont. Now if you were to think that this is a way to blatently call attention to yourself and intentionally cause controversy, then you would be right. But its certainly not unheard of, waaay back in WW2 both Captain America and Superman knocked out Hitler, heck Superman at one point even said it was ok to "Slap a Jap". But not since they tried to make Princess Diana a superhero and bring her back from the dead have I seen something like this in recent years.(Side Note: Marvel Comics gained a lot of flak for the Princess Diana thing, even before publication. So they made her hair black and changed her name to appease the complainers).

Both major comic book companies are based in NYC and both DC and Marvel have acknowleged that 9-11 happened in their universe. Marvel used Amazing Spider-Man to showcase that tragedy and provided a truely memorable and emotional story, given how close the attacks were to them how could it not be? DC has only really talked about it in there universe as a terrible tragedy, no actual issue where it happened. Just a few references from different characters.

The writer and Artist of this Graphic Novel is Frank Miller one of the most respected men in comics, for his character defining run on Daredevil and of course a Batman story that all others will be compared to for all time "The Dark Knight Returns". As I said before the DC offices are located right in NYC, when 9-11 happened Miller was in the middle of drawing his long awaited sequel "The Dark Knight Strikes Again". He had just recently drawn a scene in which one of Batman's associates crashed a plane in a skyscraper, so I'm sure it hit him pretty hard. He is currently writing a book called "All-Star Batman & Robin" which is kind of starting Batman from scratch, new mythos, etc.

Now he's decided to write this new graphic novel in which Batman will be taking on Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, entitled "Holy Terror, Batman". Miller calls it "Propoganda, where Batman kicks Al-Qaeda's ass" and makes a good point by saying "It just seems silly to chase around the Riddler when you've got Al Qaeda out there."

Although if Batman is unseccesful, you know Superman will 0wnzOr that mf'er. See now i'm thinking Batman, heck why not throw the whole Justice League after them? But, I think I understand how much more satisfying it will be be to see one dude, go in there and totaly fuck those guys up.

Osama your days are numbered!


Catherine T said...

That was redundant.

Catherine T said...

but i love you