Whats I"m Up To
In case anyone was wondering, the cam program is stuck, it dosn't seem to want to upload anything. Also bought some comics today, as i usually do. And I can also say I'm really excited about X-Men 2: United, bought my tickets yesterday for Friday's 7:30 showing, since they didn't have a Thursday midnight showing, which was a bit disappointing. But again really excited. :-D
I believe, it is our fate to be here
It is our destiny
I believe this night holds
For each and everyone of us
The very meaning of our lives
This is a war, and we are soldiers
All of our lives we have fought this war
Death can come for us, at any time, at any place
What if the prophecy is true
What if tomorrow the war could be over
Isn't that worth fighting for
Isn't that worth dying for
It is our destiny
I believe this night holds
For each and everyone of us
The very meaning of our lives
This is a war, and we are soldiers
All of our lives we have fought this war
Death can come for us, at any time, at any place
What if the prophecy is true
What if tomorrow the war could be over
Isn't that worth fighting for
Isn't that worth dying for
Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real
What if you were unable to wake from that dream
How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world
You're here because you know something
What you know you can't explain.
But you feel it, you've felt it your entire life
That there's something wrong with the world
You don't know what it is but it's there
Like a splinter in your mind driving you mad.
The Answer is out there, its the question that drives us
What is the Matrix?
Do you want to know what it is?
The Matrix is everywhere
It is all around us, even now in this very room
You can see it when you look out your window
When you turn on your television
You can feel it when you go to work
When you go to church
When you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes
To blind you from the truth.
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is
You have to see it for yourself
What if you were unable to wake from that dream
How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world
You're here because you know something
What you know you can't explain.
But you feel it, you've felt it your entire life
That there's something wrong with the world
You don't know what it is but it's there
Like a splinter in your mind driving you mad.
The Answer is out there, its the question that drives us
What is the Matrix?
Do you want to know what it is?
The Matrix is everywhere
It is all around us, even now in this very room
You can see it when you look out your window
When you turn on your television
You can feel it when you go to work
When you go to church
When you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes
To blind you from the truth.
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is
You have to see it for yourself
Well m'friend Matt brought it to my attention, that voting for the Webby Awardshas begun, and even though I technically have no chance, I hope i can count on your vote in the Personal Site category, see if I can muster enough votes to at least try for highest write-in, a guy can dream can't he? Also please support Penny Arcade in the Humor Site category, who are not only the highest write-in vote, but demolishing all the sites that were actually nominated.
So register and vote, remember its your web. :-)
So register and vote, remember its your web. :-)
Well movie season has begun, next month we're hittin some doozies X-Men 2 and Matrix: Reloaded, both looking spectacular I might add. X2 I take special interest obviously since I've been reading X-Men related stuff since I was 10. And the first movie they did a good job, they did what they had to do. Which was to introduce the world and some characters and not make it look totally goofy, but serious. But all the introducing the world took up a lot of time. This movie they can go all out, since we know who they are, and can exploit these characters to their fullest. If you haven't seen it I recommend seeing the X2 trailer because its a really good trailer for what promises to be a really good/fun movie.
While I'm talking about Comic book movies I also want to mention Daredevil, another comic book I read and like a whole lot, albeit I haven't been reading nearly as long as I have X-Men. That movie also did a really good job, it captured the characters, and told an interesting story, all the while being true to the material, and not looking totally ridiculous. Since Daredevil is a more "real" hero than Spider-Man or many others made it a bit easier to be a movie (plus not having people in their mid-twenties play teenagers), the whole movie just "felt" good to me, dare I say as much as I like Spider-Man, I like Daredevil better...it just felt more right, I like to think of it as Spider-Man had great actors, while Daredevil had great characters.
Coming Soon this summer The Hulk will be coming out, just saw the newest Trailer, there is no doubt I will see this movie as soon as it comes out. I never read the Hulk very much, but I know enough history and basics of the character to know whats right and wrong. This movie is directed my Ang Lee, a director I trust very much (Crouching Tiger, Sense and Sensibility), but I have this feeling in the back of my mind that its gonna end up looking goofy. The look of the movie is solid, its the Hulk himself, I have no problem with CGI, I have no problem with the size of the Hulk, since he's actually that size in the comics. I can't put my finger on it, first it seemed like a lack or drama from the early clips and trailer, all they showed was some action, and the thing that looked most wrong, they show him tossing around this tank like it was nothing, while the Hulk is that strong...it looks totally ridiculous, it looks comical. The newest Trailer made me feel a bit better, showed more drama, more character, but just as much showed these brief shots of the Hulk doing things that look...goofy. I trust Ang Lee I really do, but I can't help but worry, since its the one comic movie we know the least about. Look at the trailer, see for yourself, I think you'll understand what I mean. Oh here's the new Hulk Trailer
Oh and just for kicks the new Matrix Trailer, because it rocks the house.
Guess thats all for now, although looking at that, seems kinda long. Why can't I write stuff that long when I need to for school.....
While I'm talking about Comic book movies I also want to mention Daredevil, another comic book I read and like a whole lot, albeit I haven't been reading nearly as long as I have X-Men. That movie also did a really good job, it captured the characters, and told an interesting story, all the while being true to the material, and not looking totally ridiculous. Since Daredevil is a more "real" hero than Spider-Man or many others made it a bit easier to be a movie (plus not having people in their mid-twenties play teenagers), the whole movie just "felt" good to me, dare I say as much as I like Spider-Man, I like Daredevil better...it just felt more right, I like to think of it as Spider-Man had great actors, while Daredevil had great characters.
Coming Soon this summer The Hulk will be coming out, just saw the newest Trailer, there is no doubt I will see this movie as soon as it comes out. I never read the Hulk very much, but I know enough history and basics of the character to know whats right and wrong. This movie is directed my Ang Lee, a director I trust very much (Crouching Tiger, Sense and Sensibility), but I have this feeling in the back of my mind that its gonna end up looking goofy. The look of the movie is solid, its the Hulk himself, I have no problem with CGI, I have no problem with the size of the Hulk, since he's actually that size in the comics. I can't put my finger on it, first it seemed like a lack or drama from the early clips and trailer, all they showed was some action, and the thing that looked most wrong, they show him tossing around this tank like it was nothing, while the Hulk is that strong...it looks totally ridiculous, it looks comical. The newest Trailer made me feel a bit better, showed more drama, more character, but just as much showed these brief shots of the Hulk doing things that look...goofy. I trust Ang Lee I really do, but I can't help but worry, since its the one comic movie we know the least about. Look at the trailer, see for yourself, I think you'll understand what I mean. Oh here's the new Hulk Trailer
Oh and just for kicks the new Matrix Trailer, because it rocks the house.
Guess thats all for now, although looking at that, seems kinda long. Why can't I write stuff that long when I need to for school.....
Well you see yesterday I decided to start exercising a bit, as i feel I am grossly out of shape. So I did some push-ups. Did like 10, then came back a few minutes later and did 20, then later in a the day decided to do a few more, and I just sort of fell flat on my face and started laughing, my arms just sort of decided they "had enough". My arms were pretty useless the rest of the day, and today well they hurt like hell, but tomorrow I should be okay, maybe then I'll be able to do 31 push-ups a day, lol. Next, crunches!! then I won't be able to stand up for 2 day :-D. Exercising has never been this hillarious. I should make a video or something "Abs of Jelly: Computer Nerd Exercise".
Whoa, found some bitchin new software, called w.blogger it lets me update this area of the site without having to go to www.blogger.com to update it. Plus it lets me edit stuff dynamically. add pictures and links easilly. But I still have to test it out a bit, if your reading this and it looks normal, then its working :-P
I Seriously think this the most I've done with the website in a long while, updated pictures, posting more, added webcam, etc. I hope to start doing Movie Reviews and stuff as I see the instead of just doing movies I like :-P, although I do only tend to see good movies, heh.
Whoa again, just fixed a very embarassing error in the Infornography section.
I Seriously think this the most I've done with the website in a long while, updated pictures, posting more, added webcam, etc. I hope to start doing Movie Reviews and stuff as I see the instead of just doing movies I like :-P, although I do only tend to see good movies, heh.
Whoa again, just fixed a very embarassing error in the Infornography section.
Wha-oh Check it out, I added those art pictures I talked about, and I did it in less than a week, go me. Also added some new pics all around, and decided I am going to start taking more pictures of my friends, since that bunch of pictures is kind of pathetic, the pictures, not the people. The people are cool. Working on a few more additions to ComicFun.
Also saw Bulletproof Monk last night, pretty slick movie overall. Had some wierd stuff in it, but it doesn't ruin the movie. It has effects similar to Croutching Tiger, but the movie knows better than to take itself that seriously. I discovered it was based on a comic book, and knowing that helped, made certian things seem not as outrageous, ya know realizing that in a comic book, a certain scene might have worked better. But it was a very fun movie, I endorse it.
Also it might have helped that I saw the movie with the wonderful Catherine. :-D
Also saw Bulletproof Monk last night, pretty slick movie overall. Had some wierd stuff in it, but it doesn't ruin the movie. It has effects similar to Croutching Tiger, but the movie knows better than to take itself that seriously. I discovered it was based on a comic book, and knowing that helped, made certian things seem not as outrageous, ya know realizing that in a comic book, a certain scene might have worked better. But it was a very fun movie, I endorse it.
Also it might have helped that I saw the movie with the wonderful Catherine. :-D
okay how silly is this right after I officially give up on the cam, everything i was looking for came my way. Got some pretty decent webcamming software so I can make notes and have a timestamp, and the javascript to make the little window come up, needless to say I am pleased. With how it has turned out, plus I've upped the counter to one minte for kicks. Goodbye privacy it was nice knowing you.
Easter is coming yea! The best breaks are the ones you forgot were going to happen, since i didn't realize this weekend started a little break its such a releaf. Have some time to chill, see some movies hang out with people, since its the one break most of us have at the same time, albeit a short break. Still havn't done any of the writing I wanted, blah :-P But i have been doing some other stuff for the site, I scanned in a whole bunch of my stuff from my art class last year, and I gotta scan in the *nudes* i did, beaue some of thse were prety cool, its art not porn, I swear. I figure those'll be up in roughly a weeks time, been a while since i made an image page, gots go and make thumbnails, and make sure everythign is formatted so it looks like all my other pages.
yeah I gave on the javascript for the cam, and part of it is I don't think my server supports Javascript....along with anything else. My Javascript teacher couldn't find anything fundamentally wrong with it, he told me some things that might fix it, but he spoke very fast, and I didn't want to ask him again. But no big deal, also its not a link anymore, now I'm just looking for the code to either refresh the menu every minute or so or if I can just have the image itself refresh.
I guess thats all for now, later all :-)
Just some websites I'm saving for myself for when I get home lol, updating from sk00l.
yeah I gave on the javascript for the cam, and part of it is I don't think my server supports Javascript....along with anything else. My Javascript teacher couldn't find anything fundamentally wrong with it, he told me some things that might fix it, but he spoke very fast, and I didn't want to ask him again. But no big deal, also its not a link anymore, now I'm just looking for the code to either refresh the menu every minute or so or if I can just have the image itself refresh.
I guess thats all for now, later all :-)
Just some websites I'm saving for myself for when I get home lol, updating from sk00l.
yep I moved the webcam image to the menu bar for now, trying to work on some javascript that would open a small window with the full sized webcam image when clicked, and would have the date on it, and a button to close the window...just for kicks and a random reason to try some Javascript. Sadly its not working as well as I want it to which is to say, the Javascript isn't working at all, but eventually.
Well I've been playin around with some new utilities which has resulted in me doing a webcam, almost 24hrs a day 7 days of the week ,updated just about every 5mins. Now i just have to figure out where it goes on the website, right now its just on his page, but i might change it to be on the menu bar. We'll see what happens, well I'm off for Pizza, laters. :-)
Heh, you crazy kids, I could never forget about you :-D
Hoowah, oh yeah laziness settled in again, I've started writing the next proposal, been doing it during Economics class so thats prolly why it goes so slow.
If most of you don't know, I watch little to no TV, but what I do watch is either Cartoon Network for Adult Swim, or TechTV. TechTV has been goin through some changes, and for some reason I felt the need to talk about it. You see they had this show 'Call For Help' and they had a guy named Chris Pirillo host it, he was a wackt cantankerous nerd, who was quite helpfull. I never watched it that much, but it was a good show and Chris did a good job. The Other TechTV show, their flagship show The ScreenSavers, the man who hosts it, Leo Laporte, was suddenly also doing Call For Help, Then i came to find out it was pretty permanent. Seemed odd to me as again I thought Chris did a good job, while not my faverate person to watch on TV I respected him as one of the best Nerds we have. Aparently he was sort of given the boot as it were, he finished one Friday and they told him it was his last show, and thats all we know. And then it brought me to wonder why, so I found his weblog, which is pretty nifty and now i read it a lot, because off the air I find him more likable, as he seems more like a nerd and less like a goofy host. Well he's still pretty goofy, and a lot crazier than I gave him credit for. I really don't know where I'm going with this actually, but Chris is a cool guy and not oly is his weblog designed well, its a random interesting read, not to mention his cam is actually updated pretty often, (most people do one pic a day) to show you that this guy is actually on the computer all the time. Umm yeah thats all i got on that, I'm just really wanna know the whole story behind this casting change.
Also after seeing his page it gave me an idea, to make a font based off my handwriting, lord knows how this might take a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks....it all depends on my laziness factor :-)
Hoowah, oh yeah laziness settled in again, I've started writing the next proposal, been doing it during Economics class so thats prolly why it goes so slow.
If most of you don't know, I watch little to no TV, but what I do watch is either Cartoon Network for Adult Swim, or TechTV. TechTV has been goin through some changes, and for some reason I felt the need to talk about it. You see they had this show 'Call For Help' and they had a guy named Chris Pirillo host it, he was a wackt cantankerous nerd, who was quite helpfull. I never watched it that much, but it was a good show and Chris did a good job. The Other TechTV show, their flagship show The ScreenSavers, the man who hosts it, Leo Laporte, was suddenly also doing Call For Help, Then i came to find out it was pretty permanent. Seemed odd to me as again I thought Chris did a good job, while not my faverate person to watch on TV I respected him as one of the best Nerds we have. Aparently he was sort of given the boot as it were, he finished one Friday and they told him it was his last show, and thats all we know. And then it brought me to wonder why, so I found his weblog, which is pretty nifty and now i read it a lot, because off the air I find him more likable, as he seems more like a nerd and less like a goofy host. Well he's still pretty goofy, and a lot crazier than I gave him credit for. I really don't know where I'm going with this actually, but Chris is a cool guy and not oly is his weblog designed well, its a random interesting read, not to mention his cam is actually updated pretty often, (most people do one pic a day) to show you that this guy is actually on the computer all the time. Umm yeah thats all i got on that, I'm just really wanna know the whole story behind this casting change.
Also after seeing his page it gave me an idea, to make a font based off my handwriting, lord knows how this might take a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks....it all depends on my laziness factor :-)
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