Easter is coming yea! The best breaks are the ones you forgot were going to happen, since i didn't realize this weekend started a little break its such a releaf. Have some time to chill, see some movies hang out with people, since its the one break most of us have at the same time, albeit a short break. Still havn't done any of the writing I wanted, blah :-P But i have been doing some other stuff for the site, I scanned in a whole bunch of my stuff from my art class last year, and I gotta scan in the *nudes* i did, beaue some of thse were prety cool, its art not porn, I swear. I figure those'll be up in roughly a weeks time, been a while since i made an image page, gots go and make thumbnails, and make sure everythign is formatted so it looks like all my other pages.
yeah I gave on the javascript for the cam, and part of it is I don't think my server supports Javascript....along with anything else. My Javascript teacher couldn't find anything fundamentally wrong with it, he told me some things that might fix it, but he spoke very fast, and I didn't want to ask him again. But no big deal, also its not a link anymore, now I'm just looking for the code to either refresh the menu every minute or so or if I can just have the image itself refresh.
I guess thats all for now, later all :-)
Just some websites I'm saving for myself for when I get home lol, updating from sk00l.
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