Whats I"m Up To


Well you see yesterday I decided to start exercising a bit, as i feel I am grossly out of shape. So I did some push-ups. Did like 10, then came back a few minutes later and did 20, then later in a the day decided to do a few more, and I just sort of fell flat on my face and started laughing, my arms just sort of decided they "had enough". My arms were pretty useless the rest of the day, and today well they hurt like hell, but tomorrow I should be okay, maybe then I'll be able to do 31 push-ups a day, lol. Next, crunches!! then I won't be able to stand up for 2 day :-D. Exercising has never been this hillarious. I should make a video or something "Abs of Jelly: Computer Nerd Exercise".

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