Whats I"m Up To


The Third Age

Thats right folks, the wait is over, TheYanni.Net Season 3 is here. I finally got it running in both Internet Explorer and Firefox exactly as I want it, took a little goofing around, but i got it. The Main area works, as do all te sections. The Cam section needs me to add content. And of course i tohught of some last minute things i want or need to add. I should have done it during pick-ups, but missed my opportunity. I need to add a link to the archives, an either on that page or the main page i want to add a search engine to search my posts.

This site is still pretty new so if any problems arrise let me know. I'd like to get all the kinks out now. But I think everything should work fine. The new design itself solves many of the problems i had with Season 2. And now I keep closing my eyes from tiredness in the middle of typing so i will take the hint.

W00t Season 3 rocks!


Catherine T said...


Matthew Newman said...

Looking sharp, Mr. Yanni.