Welcome to TheYanni.net, I am your host Yanni. Well we transferred over here from TheYanni.com, because my payment period ran out at, hostonce.com, the site which has hosted TheYanni.com for the past 3 years. Three years ago I started this website after the DBZMission became too much of a hassle and I wasn't interested in the sourse material anymore. I tried making other sites on anime and other stuff, but none of it stuck, and all the places for free hosting were just aweful as i was sick of pop-ups and having a thousand banner ads on my sites. So I just stopped for 8 months. Then while i was at New Paltz I got a bit of inspiration, from writing a story, and seeing some other sites on the net i decided maybe doing a site on something else wasn't the way to go. It wastime to make "my" website. and thus I signed up, and got TheYanni.com and was good...for a while. Well all of a sudden the site started slowing down, I couldn't upload anything, and then I couldn't login. I sent many messages to hostonce asking for help. And a few other ones where I was very angry. And then like 4 months down the road or so I got access back and continuued with the site. But during this time I started taking classes on websites and design so I learned a lot of new stuff to make the page better. While the look of the site has remained essentially unchanged since the beginning, the orginization and the technology behind it has grown greatly. I went from doing a journal by hand and seting up links and suck, to using Blogger, which after I designed the template does all the work for me. All the sites are formatted the same, and use the same colors, and text size thanks to CSS (cascading style sheets), and now the links or Retreat page is doen in PHP allowing me to add more sites effortlessly. In the future I hope to make the whole site PHP once i can learn it properly. But after all that Hostonce has cause me trouble again...the fact that their customer service is...nonexistant, its like to send amessage to their tech support just to make you feel better, they don't actually do anything about it. I told them I couldn't afford the payment plan i was on with them, and they only had one payment option, so I asked them to tell me when my website ran out, so I could back everything up. I never heard anything back from them. But last week all of a sudden the site was gone, but thankfully I had already back stuff up. So I went to fruitad.net, the company that hosts MegaTokyo, Ctr Alt Del, and many other fine sites. They had a good plan I could afford and plenty of freedom of what I could do. Also fairly new to TheYanni empire, we have some affiliates as I'm sure you saw on the main page MightyMatrix and TheCatherine, and coming soon TheJimothy, and maybe even TheFerro, or anyone else who wants to join TheYanni.net family. Perhaps one day TheYanni.com will return, but for now long live TheYanni.net, and may I update more often, and finish the Otakon pictures page for god sakes.
Oh well Happy Birthday TheYanni your 3 years old this month, out of the terrible 2's ond now hopefully the terrific 3's. Thanks to all who come to this site, and support it you are all awesome. Give yourself a pat on the back, since I can't do it from here.
Whats I"m Up To
Hello all, let me just quickly say that everything should be fine with the car thing, no insurance mess.
But on to the topic at hand. Well a little while ago I downloaded Winamp 5, the beta release of the popular audio/video program. Well this new version has a section they call Internet TV, which has a list of video streams you can watch for free. Some play Music Videos, one plays Family Guy all day, another plays Futurama. Well I was browsing these, and I stumbled upon "The Sex Club" which is a streaming cam from inside someones house, and it just stares at their couch, and surrounding area. I went to their website, and apparently its a bunch of people around 18 - 25, some who live in the house by themselves...and they just have their life on cam...and the moniker "Sex Club" because they apparently have a lot of sex and yeah cameras everywhere. And being the curious person I was, I had this on while I was working, didn't pay too much attention at first. It was just a girl sitting there laying on the couch listening to music, or watching the TV or something. Some people stopped by at one point all standing around, then left, just leaving the girl again, she looked pretty bored. Then one guy came home, and then they went off camera...and then I start hearing noises. Yeah they were definitely having sex, the ever increasing moaning and classic squeaky bed gave them away...it was kind of odd, not everyday I hear people having sex. but needless to say my interest was piqued, so I put it on for a little while, and yeah this girl was listening to "Baby Got Back", and just started taking off her clothes, she was dancing and such and then just laid on the couch. Announced she was going to her room cam, which requires you to pay for which I surmised form they way she said it, as she couldn't wait for their male room mate to come home. Its just crazy cause its not like its porn cause those people are just there to have the sex and leave. Whereas these people are just doing it for fun...and you know its live, so yeah a bit weird. Don't know if this something I'll watch regularly, cause yeah its kind of weird, but I'll admit to being interested after what I heard last night. Hard to believe people would just broadcast their lives...in such intimate detail. From their website...it seems like they have sex alot...although with a name like "The Sex Club" thats kind of what you'd expect.
Also today I realized my computer had a distinct lack of Beatles Music, I rectified that situation, found my Beatles CD "One" with all their number 1 hits. And then I discovered where my missing "Free As A Bird" and "Real Love", and ripped those puppies to the old Hard Drive. Yeah I recently added another hard drive his name is Dante, and for the record the old HD is named Vivi. While I was at home today I saw Cat's away message, "Bleeding Profusely and very purple" or along those lines. So I immediately had to call, she fell on the ice and beat the crap out of her knee, poor girl. So we talked for a while, then she had to go babysit. Also I got rid of my huge pile of clothes at the foot of my bed, and cleaned out my drawers of clothes I don't/can't wear anymore. And yeah found some clothes. Also reorganized my CDs put them in a different CD stand since without the pile of clothes I could fit the other one somewhere, also put my Computer Game CDs in it 2 since I had the room so now I have a huge space on my desk. Now...if I only actually did some school work I'd be all set :-P
But on to the topic at hand. Well a little while ago I downloaded Winamp 5, the beta release of the popular audio/video program. Well this new version has a section they call Internet TV, which has a list of video streams you can watch for free. Some play Music Videos, one plays Family Guy all day, another plays Futurama. Well I was browsing these, and I stumbled upon "The Sex Club" which is a streaming cam from inside someones house, and it just stares at their couch, and surrounding area. I went to their website, and apparently its a bunch of people around 18 - 25, some who live in the house by themselves...and they just have their life on cam...and the moniker "Sex Club" because they apparently have a lot of sex and yeah cameras everywhere. And being the curious person I was, I had this on while I was working, didn't pay too much attention at first. It was just a girl sitting there laying on the couch listening to music, or watching the TV or something. Some people stopped by at one point all standing around, then left, just leaving the girl again, she looked pretty bored. Then one guy came home, and then they went off camera...and then I start hearing noises. Yeah they were definitely having sex, the ever increasing moaning and classic squeaky bed gave them away...it was kind of odd, not everyday I hear people having sex. but needless to say my interest was piqued, so I put it on for a little while, and yeah this girl was listening to "Baby Got Back", and just started taking off her clothes, she was dancing and such and then just laid on the couch. Announced she was going to her room cam, which requires you to pay for which I surmised form they way she said it, as she couldn't wait for their male room mate to come home. Its just crazy cause its not like its porn cause those people are just there to have the sex and leave. Whereas these people are just doing it for fun...and you know its live, so yeah a bit weird. Don't know if this something I'll watch regularly, cause yeah its kind of weird, but I'll admit to being interested after what I heard last night. Hard to believe people would just broadcast their lives...in such intimate detail. From their website...it seems like they have sex alot...although with a name like "The Sex Club" thats kind of what you'd expect.
Also today I realized my computer had a distinct lack of Beatles Music, I rectified that situation, found my Beatles CD "One" with all their number 1 hits. And then I discovered where my missing "Free As A Bird" and "Real Love", and ripped those puppies to the old Hard Drive. Yeah I recently added another hard drive his name is Dante, and for the record the old HD is named Vivi. While I was at home today I saw Cat's away message, "Bleeding Profusely and very purple" or along those lines. So I immediately had to call, she fell on the ice and beat the crap out of her knee, poor girl. So we talked for a while, then she had to go babysit. Also I got rid of my huge pile of clothes at the foot of my bed, and cleaned out my drawers of clothes I don't/can't wear anymore. And yeah found some clothes. Also reorganized my CDs put them in a different CD stand since without the pile of clothes I could fit the other one somewhere, also put my Computer Game CDs in it 2 since I had the room so now I have a huge space on my desk. Now...if I only actually did some school work I'd be all set :-P
I just want to say I have cars, I hate them. There just nothing but trouble, Its always something. Driving down my street to go to school, which ends at a hill, and apparently the ground was slippery, so I tried to stop cause there was another car at the base of the hill. My breaks didn't feel like doing their job I barely slowed down at all when I slammed on them. Went right into the back of this guy, I of course flipped out and started the "oh my god"s and "oh fucking shit!"s. We both went to a nearby parking lot, the damage wasn't too bad. Nothing broken it seemed. He had a car made of plastic, he made out with a small crack and tiny piece missing from the lower bumper and a few marks, my solid metal car had a nice dent in the front by the headlight...which thankfully didn't break. We exchanged information, and I went to school, he seemed really cool about it, I mean no serious damage was done to either car. But its just...WTF. I just hate having to wait till my dad gets home to tell him, and tell him about it. Cause he has me so full of fear about it as if our insurance is gonna fly up and we'll have to cancel Christmas. Hopefully everything will be ok. But its just the tip of the Iceberg, cause now I have to tell my dad about my cracked winshield which I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with right away. But geez I just had a good week of work which was going to bring me on the + side money wise so I could start getting Christmas presents and such. But I don't know how this is gonna turn out...hopefully not too bad. Again no serious damage, as long as this guy isn't an asshole and starts blaming every ailment his car has on me bumping him. But....yeah I'm just sick of all this car BS, every month its something. my tire, my coolant, now my winshield, and now this....and of course my dad is gonna yell at me again for having not washed my car since I got it, because that a very important issue at the moment But AHHHHH I don't need this stress right now. I have so much work to do in these last 2 weeks, and then finals. Well I'm gonna go make lunch and stress myself out till my dad gets home from running his errands. I don't even know how to say it. "Hey dad I crashed the car!", or "I hate to tell you this...". Nothing is ever easy...later people.
Well now that i have few moments of fresh air, let me startby saying I was at the first showing of the Matrix: Revolutions in my area, and yes i liked it. But lets review now. Before the first Matrix movie came out, I had seen the trailer, and thought it looked amazing, and it did everything a good trailer should do, but most don't. It looked amazingly surreal, you had no idea what was happening but it looked cool , and it gave a few snippets of dialogue which were great. And didn't reveal any plot points that could be understood from the trailer. It just made the movie look cool, and made me want to see it. When it came out me and myfriend Dave used the public bus system to get to a theater to try and see it I was 17, hoping we wouldn't be carded...we were, a whole afternoon wasted. Eventually my Uncle took me since I recommended it to him and he already saw it. Oh man I loved that movie, it was great all I hoped for, I left the movie with my hand searching the back of my head to make sure i wasn't plugged in. I got it on video and watched it...well let's just say I watched it a lot. Then we started getting trailers for Relaoded, and it looked awesome, then Reloaded came out, and I bought the videogame the same day. Reloaded was ok...I liked it but it wasn't what I expected, or really wanted. The famed bullet time was gone other than one totally CG shot. The first movie took so much time and effort in keeping the actors in the movie. When Neo and Morpheus fought it was coreographed but there was real contact. The actors never left the screen, or were replaced by CG actors. Also the first movie combined many different fight types, and a lot of classic movie ideas. In fights they had a Kung Foo fight, an amazing gun battle, a wester style shoot out, and a street fight. Some classic movie moments are a chase scene, the traitor(*gasp*), a prophecy, and super powers. All the while it looked cool doing it. Reloaded had kung foo fights and aparently Neo has all purpose powers now he just can't explode Agents anymore, and a little weapon action, and the freeway scene. It also had a lot of unnesseary scenes and filler. The Morpheus Zion speech, the Rave, the Sex, the 1000 Smiths, and none of the fight scenes except one had a clear winner. Plus the removed Keano from every shot they could with an obviously CG replacement, which made it look hokey.And the entire story wasfind the keymaker, get the keymaker, talk to architect, save Trinity. The Revolutions started trickling throughas always some very good trailers appeared, and this was gonna be the end of a 6 month Cliffhanger, and end of the Matrix.#1 Revolutions did things better than Reloaded did, we saw much less computer Keano, an amazing superman style fightthe like of which has never been seen.Much less filler, but the filler there was wasn't as bad. They didn't waste precious time explaining things, which I actually liked. It was like its not about the why its happening, but that its that its what had to happen. The fight for Zion was astonishing so much carnage and craziness. And geez they threw enough religious symbolism for an entire college course. But it was good, its over, and they didn't do what I thought they were gonna do, which i think most people were worried about. There is no "Matrix within a Matrix, within a Matrix, wihin a..." cause that would have be dumb.so
The Matrix - 9/10
The Matrix: Reloaded - 5/10
The Matrix Revolutuions - 7/10
Eh me tired, go sleep now, I'll try to write more tomorrow
The Matrix - 9/10
The Matrix: Reloaded - 5/10
The Matrix Revolutuions - 7/10
Eh me tired, go sleep now, I'll try to write more tomorrow
Well you see Project Organization has begun in my PHP class. Where I'm in a group I was assigned since I missed that day. Apparently my group decided to do an E-Commerce site to sell Auto Parts. Now let me say that I know more about the economic strengths of Zimbabwe in the international market, than I do about auto parts. Second this meet after class was just to get the basics to make sure we all knew where we were going, and what was needed to be done. What followed was nothing short of Hell in a 90 minute installment. We sat there, exchanging ideas, most of which was things they wanted have on the site. They were totally out there, like if we had 2 months to make this, and it was going to be a real place to buy things. All kinds of things we listed as long term, once we got everything working then we would try to add it in. I'm sitting there thinking 'ok'...then I thought to myself didn't he just say we have 4 classes left, in essence 4 weeks
*sigh* but I kept silent, and then realized how in over our heads we are, or at least I am. Then I looked at my watch it had been 45 minutes, our quick meet was getting rather long, although I mean I thought it had been like 3 hours what it felt like anyway. I kept thinking why don't we just divy up parts and go home, then I realized I had unknowingly etched the words "I Want to Die" into the cover of my notebook, only noticeable when the light glares off it. Thats when I knew it was time to freakin leave...but I couldn't they went on for another 45mins. For a few minutes I actually thought poking my own eye out with my pen would be less painful, and was kind of excited to see what I looked like with an eye patch. But amazingly it ended. I ran(drove) home as fast as I could to my parents my dinner and I watched Angel, the sad thing is next week....I have to go back.
*sigh* but I kept silent, and then realized how in over our heads we are, or at least I am. Then I looked at my watch it had been 45 minutes, our quick meet was getting rather long, although I mean I thought it had been like 3 hours what it felt like anyway. I kept thinking why don't we just divy up parts and go home, then I realized I had unknowingly etched the words "I Want to Die" into the cover of my notebook, only noticeable when the light glares off it. Thats when I knew it was time to freakin leave...but I couldn't they went on for another 45mins. For a few minutes I actually thought poking my own eye out with my pen would be less painful, and was kind of excited to see what I looked like with an eye patch. But amazingly it ended. I ran(drove) home as fast as I could to my parents my dinner and I watched Angel, the sad thing is next week....I have to go back.
Well I've been meaning to make a number of posts since well a week ago this wednesday, you know how things are, and i can be forgetful. But hopefully I'll get to it soon.
Oh and BTW I fixed my damn links page or retreat as its known on the sidebar.
Yeah I should add some cool new stuff to the secret page, any ideas?
Although then they wouldn't be secrets...
Oh and BTW I fixed my damn links page or retreat as its known on the sidebar.
Yeah I should add some cool new stuff to the secret page, any ideas?
Although then they wouldn't be secrets...
Ever have one of those mornings? Well this morning is the first time I've been home on a Sunday morning, when my parents are also home...in a very long time since I used to work Sunday mornings. Well yeah like I said its been a while, and I like Sunday morning, a nice breakfast (eggs, etc) relaxing, etc. So I wake up at like 8 and go back to sleep since no one is out of bed yet. Well then I wake up for real at 10. And my parents are out there watching TV. I get out there and see they allready had breakfast, I ask them if it was good. Then they ask me what I'm having for breakfast, same thing I always have, cereal...whoopie. I wanted to die right there...its like you didn't even wake me up? They offered to make me something but I felt too defeated, made my cereal and went back to my room. I almost wanted to cry. And then my dad's computer is not working right, and he just expects me to know whats wrong and how to fix it, Its like No, I never had any of these dumb problems. Gateway prolly installed it wrong. And its like he's having such a fit about it, about how XP isn't like 98, and 98 was the best, and its like...get over it dad, yeah its not the same, who the fuck cares. I don't know why he bothers, cause in 2 months he's just gonna start using the computer he allready bought downstairs, and it will work fine, because its new and a clean install. Its like grow a brain, you already saved everything you wanted before you reinstalled on this one. Just open the fucking new one, stop being a baby, and if you want Windows 98 so god damn bad, install it.
Arrrg. And of course the one day everyone's asking me to do stuff for once, I have to work, fucking awesome, maybe I can shove a fork in my eye, that would make today perfect, or maybe I'll get fired.
Arrrg. And of course the one day everyone's asking me to do stuff for once, I have to work, fucking awesome, maybe I can shove a fork in my eye, that would make today perfect, or maybe I'll get fired.
Bah I wish my father would just use the computer he already bought himself for christmas, the one he's been using should be fine. But its not, he has been using WindowsME since he got it, and it drove him crazy, cause ME is a god aweful peiece of crap. So he has some trouble getting online and finally decides to do a wipe and install WindowsXP over clean onto the drive. He does so, doesn't fic his problem. I get him a new ethernet card, the thing goes goofy, he sends it to Gateway, apparently he had corrupt memory. Ok they fixed it and his ethernet card, and he's on a clean install of XP again. Only now we find out that the gave him the NTFS file system as opposed to FAT32 which he was using, so now all his old files he saved are practically useless, and now he is having trouble buring CDs. And every night I get a new session of him asking me questions I can't possibly answer, and I have to go look for stuff online for him. Just seems like nothing is working out for him with this system. So yeah I want him to just open the freakin one he got himself for christmas, since he's gonna be using it in a month or so anyhow, to stop his bellyaching. I just don't want him to start going crazy again and yelling at the computer, so I can have some peace.
Ah its wednesday again, if you know my schedule, then you know whats thats like, especially when I actually go to all my classes. Just sitting here before the teacher starts teaching in my Programming and Logic 2 class. Just removed the Caps Lock to add it to my collection, since it was giving me guff. From looking at the release list for todays comics, looks to be a light week, 4 or 5 comics for me and a magazine, and enough money leftover to get me some gas. I've been cleanng my room for the past few days, found my "My Other Car Is a Transformer" sticker, so it shall soon find a home in my back window, and I've got most of my DVD's and Videos organized now. Its only a matter of time before I venture in to the closet. That's all for now time to get some comics. Later
Hi everybody how's it goin. Lets see I got about 40 mins before I have to go to work, and I'm not even sure what I'm gonna talk about. Well since its on the top of my mind I'll mention the movie "Shoulin Soccer" I watched last night, it was oodles of fun. Movie was about a struggling Martial Artist who gathers his old buddies who he learned Kung Fu with, and they try to form a soccer team using their Kung Fu to give them an advantage. So its like using Crouching Tiger/Matrix fight moves to play soccer, its fun to watch. Its like Mighty Ducks, but its soccer and they use nifty martial arts. While I was watching it the subtitles bugged me because, they were just in basic directly translated english. But you see the subtitle file is separate, so I'm going through it, and writing a better script :-). Which is kind of nifty. But time consuming. Also I'm nearly done updating and converting the links page to PHP, then i can start converting the rest, which won't take quite as long, cause the rest all have the same style, only the links page is really different.
My friend Jasmine from New Paltz just IMed me, and invited me to a Halloween Party up there, even said they'd pick me up. Told her I had to work...she asked me to call in sick. Told her its important I'm here with my girlfriend cause its her favorite Holiday...she said bring her along. My girlfriend is having her own party. I just feel bad turning her down but...yeah its really impossible. Not to mention my parents would flip out, they are afraid of me doing anything on Halloween cause they say "People are crazy on that day". Cause I really want to visit her some time, but I just can't get away, between work which i can't sacrifice cause i need the money, and whenever I realize that I had a good chance and some free time to do go and visit, its always too late.I mean this is 2nd school year since I left. Most of the people who I knew prolly forgot me, and Jasmine was always a really good friend and I miss her, just wish I had a life that had more free time. not to mention the fact if I was to go up there, for even a day. I'd have to have to...not have work, my parents would prolly have to not be home cause they prolly wouldn't want me to go, and I'd have to have enough spare money for gas and spending.
But it seems another option has arrised, it seems we are going to try and make plans to meet here in Troy Me, Cat, and Jas will all go out to Bob's and stuff. I just realized it's been about 2 years since the infamous Troy Road Trip (the night the clocks went back), and the New Paltz Halloween Party. So that should be interesting.
My friend Jasmine from New Paltz just IMed me, and invited me to a Halloween Party up there, even said they'd pick me up. Told her I had to work...she asked me to call in sick. Told her its important I'm here with my girlfriend cause its her favorite Holiday...she said bring her along. My girlfriend is having her own party. I just feel bad turning her down but...yeah its really impossible. Not to mention my parents would flip out, they are afraid of me doing anything on Halloween cause they say "People are crazy on that day". Cause I really want to visit her some time, but I just can't get away, between work which i can't sacrifice cause i need the money, and whenever I realize that I had a good chance and some free time to do go and visit, its always too late.I mean this is 2nd school year since I left. Most of the people who I knew prolly forgot me, and Jasmine was always a really good friend and I miss her, just wish I had a life that had more free time. not to mention the fact if I was to go up there, for even a day. I'd have to have to...not have work, my parents would prolly have to not be home cause they prolly wouldn't want me to go, and I'd have to have enough spare money for gas and spending.
But it seems another option has arrised, it seems we are going to try and make plans to meet here in Troy Me, Cat, and Jas will all go out to Bob's and stuff. I just realized it's been about 2 years since the infamous Troy Road Trip (the night the clocks went back), and the New Paltz Halloween Party. So that should be interesting.
Yep I'm still here, havn't had a moments piece. But today since my PHP class was cancelled I decided to work on some of my own PHP during that time. And I've started converting the retreat page to PHP, and updating and getting rid of dumb links, looks good so far. The catagories that are PHP are the ones that have underscores in the names, just the first 3 so far. Its just crazy how much less code is needed to produce the same exact page. Thats all I got for now, other than my dad giving me a hard time about random things.
Oh I got the Matrix Reloaded DVD today, my dad got it from some guy he knows and for only $14. Sadly he got the Full-Screen Edition, so I went around looking for places that sold the DVD with same packaging that mine had, thankfully I found it at the first place. Walmart was the one, so I switched it for the Widescreen Edition there, and no one will be the wiser...I'm so sly :-P
Light week for comics this week...thank god, last few weeks its been kinda bad. Only 6 comics today, 2 of them were special issues Amazing Spider-Man# 500, and JLA/Avengers# 2 so they cost extra. Since Money is tight and I read too many, I've started cutting back, and a lot of stuff I liked is ending now anyway. I've stopped getting Batman, Wolverine, Mystique, New Mutants, JLA, Eternal is ending, as is Agent X, and 2 Mini-Series I get only have a few more issues. Well time to read the remainder of my comics this evening. After 2 hours PHP-ing I deserve it.
Oh I got the Matrix Reloaded DVD today, my dad got it from some guy he knows and for only $14. Sadly he got the Full-Screen Edition, so I went around looking for places that sold the DVD with same packaging that mine had, thankfully I found it at the first place. Walmart was the one, so I switched it for the Widescreen Edition there, and no one will be the wiser...I'm so sly :-P
Light week for comics this week...thank god, last few weeks its been kinda bad. Only 6 comics today, 2 of them were special issues Amazing Spider-Man# 500, and JLA/Avengers# 2 so they cost extra. Since Money is tight and I read too many, I've started cutting back, and a lot of stuff I liked is ending now anyway. I've stopped getting Batman, Wolverine, Mystique, New Mutants, JLA, Eternal is ending, as is Agent X, and 2 Mini-Series I get only have a few more issues. Well time to read the remainder of my comics this evening. After 2 hours PHP-ing I deserve it.
Well the lovely girl Catherine had decided to delete her website, and just do what updates she wants on a couple Blogs. Being the good guy I am, I offered her a place here, and the growing theyanni.com family. She Joins me and the Mighty Matrix at http://thecatherine.theyanni.com, its just a default page at the moment, but I'm working on an intro page for her. But separately they are The Watchtower and The Maid of Troy. So keep a look out, and I'll do my comic reviews after this Wednesday, got kind of backlogged, heh.
Well you know what I realized? My Comic Review posts are very very long...and obviously they take a decent enough time to write. So I have my solution, 1 review a day. Everyday I'll try to review one comic I've read from the past week or a graphic novel I just picked up.
The first I'm going to review is a little graphic novel I picked up last month that deserved a mention.
Fortune and Glory
A True Hollywood Comic Book Story
Writer & Artist: Brian Michael Bendis
Publisher: Oni Press
This is something I just decided to get one day because its written by who is the the best all around writer in comics right now, and it was supposed to be pretty funny. And I have to say it was funny. This book follows Brian as one of his early works "Goldfish" got pretty popular, was featured in some magazine and it caught the eye of hollywood. So this follows his hollywood experience, dealing with Agents, Producers, and Executives. And it was funny, quite funny. Which only helps by Bendis' chosen art style for this book, which has a very doodling in your notebook aspect to them. Its fits very well, for large expressive features. Little things are also pretty interesting that you see just about every Hollywood person is drawn with eyes tight as if closed, while Bendis's are quite large. Just from seeing how he is treated and the absurdity of the people he deals with, are just too out there to not be real. To when he tries to convince an Executive that Elliot Ness is a real person to hearing they want his main character to be played by Pauly Shore, you feel every cringe and laugh and every rediculus question...and wonder how he made it out without going mad. Its a fun, silly, and entertaining ride. A very good break from the same old Superhero stuff.
Rating: 9/10
The first I'm going to review is a little graphic novel I picked up last month that deserved a mention.
Fortune and Glory
A True Hollywood Comic Book Story
Writer & Artist: Brian Michael Bendis
Publisher: Oni Press
This is something I just decided to get one day because its written by who is the the best all around writer in comics right now, and it was supposed to be pretty funny. And I have to say it was funny. This book follows Brian as one of his early works "Goldfish" got pretty popular, was featured in some magazine and it caught the eye of hollywood. So this follows his hollywood experience, dealing with Agents, Producers, and Executives. And it was funny, quite funny. Which only helps by Bendis' chosen art style for this book, which has a very doodling in your notebook aspect to them. Its fits very well, for large expressive features. Little things are also pretty interesting that you see just about every Hollywood person is drawn with eyes tight as if closed, while Bendis's are quite large. Just from seeing how he is treated and the absurdity of the people he deals with, are just too out there to not be real. To when he tries to convince an Executive that Elliot Ness is a real person to hearing they want his main character to be played by Pauly Shore, you feel every cringe and laugh and every rediculus question...and wonder how he made it out without going mad. Its a fun, silly, and entertaining ride. A very good break from the same old Superhero stuff.
Rating: 9/10
You know I was just about to start working on this weeks comic reviews...but you know its seemed wrong considering I hadn't posted anything else here and...don't really know what to say. OOh I just thought of some little things. KaZaA finally finished downloading Haibane Renmei on Friday, Episode 9 has been holding me back for what seems like months. But I promptly finished watching those last 5 episodes of the series very much. Its a very different series than most anime, and not different like Furi Kuri where its just insane(not that I don't like it :-P) but just different. Let give a brief synopsis...well let me goto the official website for one anyway.
"In a long-forgotten walled town, humans coexist with the Haibane, angelic-like beings of unknown origin. Rakka becomes the newest Haibane, after she awakens from a strange dream and finds herself hatching from a massive cocoon. With no memories of her previous life, Rakka struggles to adjust to her new surroundings, however burning questions remain in the back of her mind. What is Haibane and what is their purpose? What lies beyond the huge, forbidden town walls? Thus Rakka begins her wistful journey of self-discovery and wonderment."
It's different in that there is no real struggle in the story (at least untill the end) and no "bad guys" Its really just about the main character Rakka learning who she is and how she adjusts to her surroundings and finds her purpose. I just find the idea of the Haibane interesting, they are born from cocoons, some as children, some as teenagers. They acknowledge that they come from somewhere else but don't know where, or why because none of them can remember from before they came out of the cocoon, just that they were somewhere. Wings sprout from their backs, but they are not big enough to use them to fly, the wings are grey not white, and of course the Halo's which are made for them. They live within this great wall, which holds the place where the Haibane live and a town of normal people, but no one is allowed outside the wall. The series is very full of symbolism. :-P
Not really sure where I'm going with this...hmm I think I might have cut my nails too short, blah.
Also a couple Dreamcast games finished downloading, consisting of Segagaga, yes thats spelled right. That game is a RPG based around running SEGA in the future, it looks pretty funny, its got anime cutscenes and everything. I soo wish I knew Japanese cause I bet its a very funny game, its more of just something to have, cause its nifty.
But the real find is ShenMue 2 - Disk 1, the sequel to Shenmue(obviously) so I'm still looking for the man who killed my Father, Lan Di. This search has now taken me to Hong Kong to find answers. Some kid stole my bag and took my money, got the bag back...but now it looks like I'm gonna have to get a job. One can obly hope its being \fork lift driver like the last game, that was suprisingly fun. I'm not even gonna try and go through the headache of explaining why someone would want to work a job while their goofing off playing a game. Not to mention Ryo's obsession with Sailors :-P. Now I just have to wait till Disk 2, 3, and 4 are done. Its the European version, since only the X-Box version was released in America, so the game is subtitled and not in English like the last game. This game doesn't have fully voiced conversations just with important ones, but I'm not sure that might be because its a CD copy the voices might be cut out to save space since this isn't on the Gigadisk like a normal Dreamcast game. Amd Shenmue really fills up all those Discs chok full of goodness, so something had to be left out.
Guess thats all I got for now...oh yeah and there was a wierd controversy if you read the comments of the last 2 posts of my LiveJournal. Pretty crazy stuff, people trying to drive me nuts...or they are just stupid.
"In a long-forgotten walled town, humans coexist with the Haibane, angelic-like beings of unknown origin. Rakka becomes the newest Haibane, after she awakens from a strange dream and finds herself hatching from a massive cocoon. With no memories of her previous life, Rakka struggles to adjust to her new surroundings, however burning questions remain in the back of her mind. What is Haibane and what is their purpose? What lies beyond the huge, forbidden town walls? Thus Rakka begins her wistful journey of self-discovery and wonderment."
It's different in that there is no real struggle in the story (at least untill the end) and no "bad guys" Its really just about the main character Rakka learning who she is and how she adjusts to her surroundings and finds her purpose. I just find the idea of the Haibane interesting, they are born from cocoons, some as children, some as teenagers. They acknowledge that they come from somewhere else but don't know where, or why because none of them can remember from before they came out of the cocoon, just that they were somewhere. Wings sprout from their backs, but they are not big enough to use them to fly, the wings are grey not white, and of course the Halo's which are made for them. They live within this great wall, which holds the place where the Haibane live and a town of normal people, but no one is allowed outside the wall. The series is very full of symbolism. :-P
Not really sure where I'm going with this...hmm I think I might have cut my nails too short, blah.
Also a couple Dreamcast games finished downloading, consisting of Segagaga, yes thats spelled right. That game is a RPG based around running SEGA in the future, it looks pretty funny, its got anime cutscenes and everything. I soo wish I knew Japanese cause I bet its a very funny game, its more of just something to have, cause its nifty.
But the real find is ShenMue 2 - Disk 1, the sequel to Shenmue(obviously) so I'm still looking for the man who killed my Father, Lan Di. This search has now taken me to Hong Kong to find answers. Some kid stole my bag and took my money, got the bag back...but now it looks like I'm gonna have to get a job. One can obly hope its being \fork lift driver like the last game, that was suprisingly fun. I'm not even gonna try and go through the headache of explaining why someone would want to work a job while their goofing off playing a game. Not to mention Ryo's obsession with Sailors :-P. Now I just have to wait till Disk 2, 3, and 4 are done. Its the European version, since only the X-Box version was released in America, so the game is subtitled and not in English like the last game. This game doesn't have fully voiced conversations just with important ones, but I'm not sure that might be because its a CD copy the voices might be cut out to save space since this isn't on the Gigadisk like a normal Dreamcast game. Amd Shenmue really fills up all those Discs chok full of goodness, so something had to be left out.
Guess thats all I got for now...oh yeah and there was a wierd controversy if you read the comments of the last 2 posts of my LiveJournal. Pretty crazy stuff, people trying to drive me nuts...or they are just stupid.
I'm going to review this weeks new comics. Something I hope to do every week, as something to do, and as always an excercise in writing. Because #1 I like talking about comic books, and #2 I want to try and make others want to give the esteemed medium of graphical storytelling a try. So I'll try to do a "quick" review of what I buy or read each week. These can get quite long
I'll start out with my 2 favorites of this week.
Agent X # 14
Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Alvin Lee
Publisher: Marvel
At the moment this is probably my favorite book to read, the old writer and art team are back, to sadly bring this series to a close. In this issue we find out the "origin" of Agent X, which explains how everyone survived the end of the "Deadpool" series which led into this book, and why we all thought Agent X was Deadpool. As always this is an extremly funny action book, thats very pretty to look at. A lot of story is revealed with plenty of joking on the backround, and set up the final confrontation for the next issue. There's not enough to say just how much fun I have reading this. When this writer is on this book, everyone should read it. Its Marvel's diamond in the rough, it makes me sad, I'm like the only person I know who reads it. And because of lackluster sales(which is why it's ending) I expect they won't be putting into TPB any time soon. But at least I can enjoy the final swan song of the writer who created this character, and hopefully send him out with a bang.
Rating: 9/10
Sandman: Endless Nights Special
Writer: Neil Gaiman
Artist: Miguelanxo Prado
Publisher: Vertigo
What have i been missing. I mean I knew that the Sandman series single handedly created the Vertigo line, I knew that Neil Gaiman is one of the most heralded writers in comics, and that Sandman has won more award than any other comic series. So why did I wait this long...it wasn't cheap enough and I didn't know where to begin. Well this issue has one of the stories from the Sandman: Endless Nights Hardcover that was just released, which has 7 stories drawn by some of the brightest talents in comics today. The story in this issue, "The Heart of a Star" is magical. I myself am a sucker for characters who are supposed to represent concepts of the universe. In this Dream(The Sandman) is taking his new love to meet his family and friends. His family are "The Endless" physical manifestations of Death(I just want to point out that Death looks like a 20 year old goth girl), Destiny, Desire, Despair, Destruction, and Delerium. His friends they are the physical manifestations of the stars from other galaxies. Its inherantly amusing to see that Sol(Our Star) as a young, small, clumsy kid(as this takes place before life on earth had begun. Its hard to convey the wonderment of reading as this woman is throw in waaay over her head as she meets all these things mortals just arn't even built to comprehend. Its a wonderful exercise in fantasy. Oh yeah and the art is fantastic, a perfect match for this story.
Rating: 10/10
New X-Men # 146
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist: Phil Jiminez
Publisher: Marvel
Hot off the explosive ending of the previous storyline, we have the new one "Planet X" which is bringing to a head many of the dangling plot lines of the last year. But it also seems a great step backward for what Morrison has done so far. Cerebra is gone, Xavier can't walk again, all of the new characters seem to be on the way out, plus the traitor is revealed. The traitor is not who you expect, and he turns out to be not who we all thought he was. And while my interest is piqued, I don't think the writer can explain his reveal, if he does explain it well then I will be happy, but this twist feels to me, a little forced as if it was dictated by the editors. At the end of this issue, Xavier is in the perverbial den of wolves, One half of the X-Men are being downed in a plane crash, and the other half have (seemingly) been blown up in space. So I'm both excited and dissappointed about this storys start, but it all really depends on the rest of the storyline. But hey...its still better than Uncanny X-Men. And geez I keep forgetting to mention the art but it is solid, very detailed and a good organic feel, good facial expressions, yet still has a classic look.
Rating: 7/10 - an interesting suprise, but can't appreciate this issue till the rest come out
Uncanny X-Men # 431
Writer: Chuck Austen
Artist: Phillip Tan
Publisher: Marvel
#1 I want to say at the moment the artist is the star of this book, Marvel thinks this guy is the next big thing, he's had a great start and I like it, in a couple years this guy is gonna be awesome. He does an manga-ish style along with very heavy line work, makes for something most people prolly havn't seen before. The story...still doesn't feel like its going anywhere, they ar playing up the Soap Opera angle a little too much for my tastes, and its sad because I like this writer on every other book I've read him on except his X-Men. Polaris is aparently Magneto's daughter now...uhg this was resolved like almost 40 years ago, and she wasn't his daughter they just had similar powers. And of course now that Polaris has told us why she's fucked up, she won't be fucked up anymore...well personally I don't think she should have bee psyco anyway, not in her character. The other half of this storyline which should be the main one just hasn't really begun yet...and we're half way through the storyline. I just feel I havn't got a pay-off for reading this book, all these "suprises" are lame, too sudden, and not having any real consequence than to take up pages, and bore me.
Rating: 4/10 - Just seems lame to me
Ultimate Six # 1
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Joe Quesada, Trevor Hairsine
Publisher: Ultimate Marvel
The first of this Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimates crossover miniseries. We see a bunch of villans that Spider-Man has taken out in the past, having all been "Illegal Genetic Mutations" they are being detained by the government. Doctor Octopus, Electro, Sandman, and the Green Goblin, and now joining them in their "special" cell block is a newly geneticly enhanced Kraven the Hunter. We learn the terms of their incarceration. Norman Osbourne seems to have some kind of plan to escape, and talks about a "sixth" person whereas we've only seen 5 so far. So the mystery is set up as to who the 6th person is, and sets up for a battle that is sure to pretty interesting, and might very well shake the foundations of the Ultimate Universe, *ahem* well we'll see. The dialouge in this issue is fantastic as is with everything Bendis writes, I've never really seen him handle battles of this scale so I'm interested in how he's gonna deal with it. Hairsine's art was suprising, never heard of him but he seems a good match for this book, all his characters faces are easy to tell apart, which is often a problem with comic art, and he has a very good mix in style their are parts I think of Mark Bagley(Spider-Man) and Brian Hitch(Ultimates). They layed the groundwork and introduced everything. I hope they deliver cause it seems they have a lot to do in so few issues. But Bendis hasn't ever let down before, why would he start now. (Well...there was Daredevil: Ninja but that doesn't count :-P)
Rating: 8/10 - a good start can't wait for the rest.
Runaways # 6
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan
Artist: Adrian Alphona
Publisher: Marvel Tsunami
The final part of this books first storyline. The kids have discovered all their parents are some kind of supervillan and have connections all over the world, their on the run. And they've all discovered their is something very special about themselves. We have one girl who turned out she was alien, one has a pet Raptor that responds to her thoughts, one who has some kind of techno battle gloves, a mutant girl, and a girl with a magic staff. All these were sort of gifts they discovered as they found out their parents were wierd super criminals. Now their on the run from everyone. Its been a good read so far a little slow but with so many characters you can't just wiz through. The kids are portrayed really well, I just thought it was a little corny at the end when they all chose "codenames", the art is also young, fresh, and vibrant. And the kids actually look their age, no 16 year olds that look 20 :-P. I can't wait to see where the book goes from here.
Rating: 8/10
Daredevil # 52
Writer: David Mack
Artist: David Mack
Publisher: Marvel Knights
Part Two of Echo. Mack's trippy art continues to tell the story of the Deaf Indian girl, and her tragic life. Oooh Daredevil actually made an appearence in this issue! lol. Macks art is the true treat here, he really makes you pay attention to the art as he hides words all over the page using his collage, and painting. Essentially we are going through Echo's vision quest, and she is looking for answers about herself. Next issue it seems like she's confronting the Kingpin(recently jailed). Not sure what else to ay art is excellent, story is decent. Not a bad read.
Rating: 8/10 - Just plain good
The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes
Writer: Neil Gaiman
Artist: Sam Keith, some other guy :-P
Publisher Vertigo Comics
Yep I bought this the day after I read that Sandman issue I reviewed earlier. It is the first of the 10 volumes of the Sandman Library. Its starts as Dream is captured in a mystical ceremony meant to capture Death. He is imprisoned by their magic and they steal his tools his Helmet, his bag of sand, and his amulet made from pure Dream. He stays their imprisoned motionless for like 40 years. Till he is able to escape now he finds his kingdom in the Dreaming in rubble, he must regain his tools and the rest of his power, so that he can re build his kingdom which has gone to run in his absence. The art is dark and moody, the story wonderful, mystical, and pure fantasy. He goes to Earth, to Hell, and into Dreams. The depictions of Hell and Lucifer are prolly my favorite. A very interesting read, I'm glad I bought it...but now i want to buy all the others.
Rating: 10/10 - Great storytelling, great story
I'll start out with my 2 favorites of this week.
Agent X # 14
Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Alvin Lee
Publisher: Marvel
At the moment this is probably my favorite book to read, the old writer and art team are back, to sadly bring this series to a close. In this issue we find out the "origin" of Agent X, which explains how everyone survived the end of the "Deadpool" series which led into this book, and why we all thought Agent X was Deadpool. As always this is an extremly funny action book, thats very pretty to look at. A lot of story is revealed with plenty of joking on the backround, and set up the final confrontation for the next issue. There's not enough to say just how much fun I have reading this. When this writer is on this book, everyone should read it. Its Marvel's diamond in the rough, it makes me sad, I'm like the only person I know who reads it. And because of lackluster sales(which is why it's ending) I expect they won't be putting into TPB any time soon. But at least I can enjoy the final swan song of the writer who created this character, and hopefully send him out with a bang.
Rating: 9/10
Sandman: Endless Nights Special
Writer: Neil Gaiman
Artist: Miguelanxo Prado
Publisher: Vertigo
What have i been missing. I mean I knew that the Sandman series single handedly created the Vertigo line, I knew that Neil Gaiman is one of the most heralded writers in comics, and that Sandman has won more award than any other comic series. So why did I wait this long...it wasn't cheap enough and I didn't know where to begin. Well this issue has one of the stories from the Sandman: Endless Nights Hardcover that was just released, which has 7 stories drawn by some of the brightest talents in comics today. The story in this issue, "The Heart of a Star" is magical. I myself am a sucker for characters who are supposed to represent concepts of the universe. In this Dream(The Sandman) is taking his new love to meet his family and friends. His family are "The Endless" physical manifestations of Death(I just want to point out that Death looks like a 20 year old goth girl), Destiny, Desire, Despair, Destruction, and Delerium. His friends they are the physical manifestations of the stars from other galaxies. Its inherantly amusing to see that Sol(Our Star) as a young, small, clumsy kid(as this takes place before life on earth had begun. Its hard to convey the wonderment of reading as this woman is throw in waaay over her head as she meets all these things mortals just arn't even built to comprehend. Its a wonderful exercise in fantasy. Oh yeah and the art is fantastic, a perfect match for this story.
Rating: 10/10
New X-Men # 146
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist: Phil Jiminez
Publisher: Marvel
Hot off the explosive ending of the previous storyline, we have the new one "Planet X" which is bringing to a head many of the dangling plot lines of the last year. But it also seems a great step backward for what Morrison has done so far. Cerebra is gone, Xavier can't walk again, all of the new characters seem to be on the way out, plus the traitor is revealed. The traitor is not who you expect, and he turns out to be not who we all thought he was. And while my interest is piqued, I don't think the writer can explain his reveal, if he does explain it well then I will be happy, but this twist feels to me, a little forced as if it was dictated by the editors. At the end of this issue, Xavier is in the perverbial den of wolves, One half of the X-Men are being downed in a plane crash, and the other half have (seemingly) been blown up in space. So I'm both excited and dissappointed about this storys start, but it all really depends on the rest of the storyline. But hey...its still better than Uncanny X-Men. And geez I keep forgetting to mention the art but it is solid, very detailed and a good organic feel, good facial expressions, yet still has a classic look.
Rating: 7/10 - an interesting suprise, but can't appreciate this issue till the rest come out
Uncanny X-Men # 431
Writer: Chuck Austen
Artist: Phillip Tan
Publisher: Marvel
#1 I want to say at the moment the artist is the star of this book, Marvel thinks this guy is the next big thing, he's had a great start and I like it, in a couple years this guy is gonna be awesome. He does an manga-ish style along with very heavy line work, makes for something most people prolly havn't seen before. The story...still doesn't feel like its going anywhere, they ar playing up the Soap Opera angle a little too much for my tastes, and its sad because I like this writer on every other book I've read him on except his X-Men. Polaris is aparently Magneto's daughter now...uhg this was resolved like almost 40 years ago, and she wasn't his daughter they just had similar powers. And of course now that Polaris has told us why she's fucked up, she won't be fucked up anymore...well personally I don't think she should have bee psyco anyway, not in her character. The other half of this storyline which should be the main one just hasn't really begun yet...and we're half way through the storyline. I just feel I havn't got a pay-off for reading this book, all these "suprises" are lame, too sudden, and not having any real consequence than to take up pages, and bore me.
Rating: 4/10 - Just seems lame to me
Ultimate Six # 1
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Joe Quesada, Trevor Hairsine
Publisher: Ultimate Marvel
The first of this Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimates crossover miniseries. We see a bunch of villans that Spider-Man has taken out in the past, having all been "Illegal Genetic Mutations" they are being detained by the government. Doctor Octopus, Electro, Sandman, and the Green Goblin, and now joining them in their "special" cell block is a newly geneticly enhanced Kraven the Hunter. We learn the terms of their incarceration. Norman Osbourne seems to have some kind of plan to escape, and talks about a "sixth" person whereas we've only seen 5 so far. So the mystery is set up as to who the 6th person is, and sets up for a battle that is sure to pretty interesting, and might very well shake the foundations of the Ultimate Universe, *ahem* well we'll see. The dialouge in this issue is fantastic as is with everything Bendis writes, I've never really seen him handle battles of this scale so I'm interested in how he's gonna deal with it. Hairsine's art was suprising, never heard of him but he seems a good match for this book, all his characters faces are easy to tell apart, which is often a problem with comic art, and he has a very good mix in style their are parts I think of Mark Bagley(Spider-Man) and Brian Hitch(Ultimates). They layed the groundwork and introduced everything. I hope they deliver cause it seems they have a lot to do in so few issues. But Bendis hasn't ever let down before, why would he start now. (Well...there was Daredevil: Ninja but that doesn't count :-P)
Rating: 8/10 - a good start can't wait for the rest.
Runaways # 6
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan
Artist: Adrian Alphona
Publisher: Marvel Tsunami
The final part of this books first storyline. The kids have discovered all their parents are some kind of supervillan and have connections all over the world, their on the run. And they've all discovered their is something very special about themselves. We have one girl who turned out she was alien, one has a pet Raptor that responds to her thoughts, one who has some kind of techno battle gloves, a mutant girl, and a girl with a magic staff. All these were sort of gifts they discovered as they found out their parents were wierd super criminals. Now their on the run from everyone. Its been a good read so far a little slow but with so many characters you can't just wiz through. The kids are portrayed really well, I just thought it was a little corny at the end when they all chose "codenames", the art is also young, fresh, and vibrant. And the kids actually look their age, no 16 year olds that look 20 :-P. I can't wait to see where the book goes from here.
Rating: 8/10
Daredevil # 52
Writer: David Mack
Artist: David Mack
Publisher: Marvel Knights
Part Two of Echo. Mack's trippy art continues to tell the story of the Deaf Indian girl, and her tragic life. Oooh Daredevil actually made an appearence in this issue! lol. Macks art is the true treat here, he really makes you pay attention to the art as he hides words all over the page using his collage, and painting. Essentially we are going through Echo's vision quest, and she is looking for answers about herself. Next issue it seems like she's confronting the Kingpin(recently jailed). Not sure what else to ay art is excellent, story is decent. Not a bad read.
Rating: 8/10 - Just plain good
The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes
Writer: Neil Gaiman
Artist: Sam Keith, some other guy :-P
Publisher Vertigo Comics
Yep I bought this the day after I read that Sandman issue I reviewed earlier. It is the first of the 10 volumes of the Sandman Library. Its starts as Dream is captured in a mystical ceremony meant to capture Death. He is imprisoned by their magic and they steal his tools his Helmet, his bag of sand, and his amulet made from pure Dream. He stays their imprisoned motionless for like 40 years. Till he is able to escape now he finds his kingdom in the Dreaming in rubble, he must regain his tools and the rest of his power, so that he can re build his kingdom which has gone to run in his absence. The art is dark and moody, the story wonderful, mystical, and pure fantasy. He goes to Earth, to Hell, and into Dreams. The depictions of Hell and Lucifer are prolly my favorite. A very interesting read, I'm glad I bought it...but now i want to buy all the others.
Rating: 10/10 - Great storytelling, great story
And the browser wars continue....
They sure do, after being amazingly happy with Flashpoint Slimbrowser. Mozilla Firebird + Thunderbird come out of nowhere to steal my heart. Firebird is Mozilla's new standalone minimalistic browser. The thing is pretty darn customizable always a must, no ads, easy to use, has pop-up blocker, and tabbed browsing. It's uber fast and as slick as just using Internet Explorer, but you know...it renders webpages perfectly, which is prolly the main reason why I switched. So yeah Firebird is awesome, its small, fully functional, and free of course as are all Mozilla products :-D.
You see with any IE based browser when I look at any of my test filled pages I see this:
You can see it has a wholly redundant horizontal scroll bar, which drives me crazy because I made my side to be very simple and clear so the only scrolling should be up or down. The way I wrote the page, it should ALWAYS format the text so it fits perfectly in the window. But obviously it doesn't, plus it makes the text to big IMO. But this is an example of it rendering the pages imperfectly.
But when I use a Mozilla or Netscape based browser I see this:
And you can see no horizontal scrollbar, a nice small yet ledgible text size, it just does it more better. :-P So now all pages will look as perfect as they should making me feel better plus as a webdesigner, having a browser that does this is invaluable.
Also I said Mozilla Thunderbird, which is the new Mozilla based standalone Mail-client. I've needed a standalone Mail for a while since I refuse to use Outlook or Outlook express because their awful and all e-mail viruses are made for that, I won't use Netscape Mail because I refuse Netscape, But I liked Mozilla mail because it was just like Netscape Mail only...no Netscape, but since I don't use Mozilla anymore, it became a hindrance, just because it kept trying to use Mozilla Browser...and I didn't use it anymore. But since this is standalone, I can use it by itself and with any browser I want. So for now all is well in Yanni's web browsing world.
I highly encourage you all to give both Firebird and Thunderbird a try, I don't believe you'll be disappointed. I mean...I've used just about every major browser, and a few minor ones to, and this is my fav...till the next one comes out anyway :-)
They sure do, after being amazingly happy with Flashpoint Slimbrowser. Mozilla Firebird + Thunderbird come out of nowhere to steal my heart. Firebird is Mozilla's new standalone minimalistic browser. The thing is pretty darn customizable always a must, no ads, easy to use, has pop-up blocker, and tabbed browsing. It's uber fast and as slick as just using Internet Explorer, but you know...it renders webpages perfectly, which is prolly the main reason why I switched. So yeah Firebird is awesome, its small, fully functional, and free of course as are all Mozilla products :-D.
You see with any IE based browser when I look at any of my test filled pages I see this:

You can see it has a wholly redundant horizontal scroll bar, which drives me crazy because I made my side to be very simple and clear so the only scrolling should be up or down. The way I wrote the page, it should ALWAYS format the text so it fits perfectly in the window. But obviously it doesn't, plus it makes the text to big IMO. But this is an example of it rendering the pages imperfectly.
But when I use a Mozilla or Netscape based browser I see this:

And you can see no horizontal scrollbar, a nice small yet ledgible text size, it just does it more better. :-P So now all pages will look as perfect as they should making me feel better plus as a webdesigner, having a browser that does this is invaluable.
Also I said Mozilla Thunderbird, which is the new Mozilla based standalone Mail-client. I've needed a standalone Mail for a while since I refuse to use Outlook or Outlook express because their awful and all e-mail viruses are made for that, I won't use Netscape Mail because I refuse Netscape, But I liked Mozilla mail because it was just like Netscape Mail only...no Netscape, but since I don't use Mozilla anymore, it became a hindrance, just because it kept trying to use Mozilla Browser...and I didn't use it anymore. But since this is standalone, I can use it by itself and with any browser I want. So for now all is well in Yanni's web browsing world.
I highly encourage you all to give both Firebird and Thunderbird a try, I don't believe you'll be disappointed. I mean...I've used just about every major browser, and a few minor ones to, and this is my fav...till the next one comes out anyway :-)
geez its been like an hour since I posted on Mighty Matrix and Blogger has gone and reformatted the way posting is done again. Oh, and just so you all know I am currently posting this through Opera, on Red Hat Linux 9. Which I successfully installed, I just need to finish up getting the pieces so that I can switch between XP and Linux on start up. So far Linux definetly reminds me of the MacOS, with a Windows styled start menu-ish thing. The only thing is getting some Mp3s on this thing, I really want to listen to some music but have nothing. Thats pretty much what I'm doing now, getting Linux how I want it. Hmmm I wonder if there's a Winamp for Linux? Well I'm off.
Last but certainly not least Catherine rocks my socks, she is my wonderful(smart, beautiful, funny, cute, caring, and sexy) girlfriend, I have been dating for 4 months as of today. And as I've realized she has been "Just what I needed" as these have been some of the best 4 months ever. She's awesome and I thank her for putting up with me and my geekiness for the last 4 months, I love you babe.
Last but certainly not least Catherine rocks my socks, she is my wonderful(smart, beautiful, funny, cute, caring, and sexy) girlfriend, I have been dating for 4 months as of today. And as I've realized she has been "Just what I needed" as these have been some of the best 4 months ever. She's awesome and I thank her for putting up with me and my geekiness for the last 4 months, I love you babe.
I just want to say what a big freakin baby I am. Just watched the last episode of Babylon 5 today and it gets me everytime, I get all choked up. And thats why I think its the best TV show ever, no other show got me so involved in the lives of their characters, not to mention in the last 2 episodes really know how to pull at the heart strings. Its really hard to explain, but #1 the writer is a genius, he had his plan of a 5 year story with a definite beginning and an ending, and he did it that way he wanted to. He even became the executive producer just so he could make sure the story that got told was his. Unless you started the series from the beginning, its really hard to understand. You watch these people for 5 years start out running a space station, which acts as sort of a galactic United Nations. And after epic struggles, and personal ones these people go from "joe shmoes" and they end up changing the galaxy. The show has the personal angle, the political angle, the mystery/conspiracy angle, the mysticism angle, the epic space battle every now and then, its even pretty funny at times, and of course the love story. But its never forced there's always foreshadowing, and even if you can see it coming it always different than you expect it. But everyone is characterized well, and its a cohesive interesting story. The end of the series is just everyone moving on from where their lives have gotten them, you just changed the galaxy, your not just going to stay and run a little space station. But yeah Babylon 5 is my most favorite TV show ever, on Monday at 9am on Sci-Fi Channel the show starts again from the beginning and plays every weekday at that time, I encourgae anyone who is interested to watch it, cause its great. But enough of big baby crazy fanboy Yanni.
But yeah also have internet back, so thats cool. Today I have my noon class, and then at 2 I'm back to work, there till 8 tonight :-\. But it looks like I'll be going to see "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" with the fair Catherine afterwards :-D (I literally just made the plan with her before I wrote this sentence). Which looks interesting, and if I like it, I'm prolly gonna rent "El Mariachi" and "Deperado" cause they sound interesting.
But yeah also have internet back, so thats cool. Today I have my noon class, and then at 2 I'm back to work, there till 8 tonight :-\. But it looks like I'll be going to see "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" with the fair Catherine afterwards :-D (I literally just made the plan with her before I wrote this sentence). Which looks interesting, and if I like it, I'm prolly gonna rent "El Mariachi" and "Deperado" cause they sound interesting.
Woo, just saw something cool online that made me happy. Titanium Moose has returned!! It was a webcomic I found a while ago and really liked it. But it had kind of dissappeared, stopped being updated. While at Otakon this year I was in Artist Alley and I saw one guys portfolio, and what was in it. One of the pages of Titanium Moose. I was like, "Dude your the guy!!". I asked him where he dissappeared to, and he said "I have been doing real work". Which stunned me as i found out he was part of UDON studio and did some of the coloring for some really good mainstream books. He said he'd being doing something for some site I didn't remember. But wooha he has just started his old webcomic back up again, it made me happy to see him back. And if you go there check out the "oldschool" section for all the old strips, which are pretty cool. At least some good news today besdies getting new comics. Oh and in case you were wondering, I'm posting this from my PHP class. Still no internet, prolly not until tomorrow...one can only hope.
Blarg!!! Internet is down at home, which really frickin irritating. Otherwise I would have posted my first weekly comic review. But yeah I'm at school now just so I could pretty much tell people why I'm not online. I'm gonna go home soon and try to find someone at my service provider who knows how to fix this crap. Oh yeah and I have a giant headache, grrrr!
Hmm Blogger seems to have added crazy new functionality, uploading files to website from their area, makeing drafts and such...but yeah I'm goin home now, tired of wasting time.
Hmm Blogger seems to have added crazy new functionality, uploading files to website from their area, makeing drafts and such...but yeah I'm goin home now, tired of wasting time.
Well bless my buttons! I was right, my crazy webserver has installed PHP on everything!! I'm also writing this from the first PHP class I have this semester. Want to see how smart me am with PHP click here. Its not stupid its advanced. I mean PHP is a highly advanced Sever Side Scripting Language, as I'm sure you can tell from my first PHP page, :-P. But what is most exciting, is that since I have it here...I have it available on The Mighty Matrix (Which you should all goto and vote for right now!) which means if I find a good PHP base to use we could have a fully automatic posting and archiving, which would be hot. Thats all I got, my teacher is just about done doing the introductory speech that I've heard him do 2 times before. So I'm gonna start paying attention, and by which I mean play the cave game :-P, and you should play that, its addictive.
Yeah its late, I'm wide awake, sick of playing Paper Mario for the time being, and i have an 8am class tomorrow. Whats a guy to do, how bout talk about the wonderful new Web browser I've been using the Flashpeak Slimbrowser! I tell ya, I like it...a lot. Essentially it uses IE as a base, and takes all your IE settings, from bookmarks, links bar, and plug-ins. Adds its own functionality over it. So it has the speed and compatabiliy of IE, while having all the stuff that makes Opera so great only no ads! Obviously its free :-P
Here's a Features List:
-Multiple site browser based on tab-page interface (I'm a tabbed browsing fiend, I luv it)
-Built-in Popup Killer based on intelligent identification and pre-defined filtering. Site windows killed by mistake are FULLY RECOVERABLE(Works so good its scary, and if it was a good pop-up press a button on the toolbar and its back.)
-Convenient access to major search engines by Quick-Search Bar(Google Toolbar not required, its already built in)
-Seamless integration of most Internet Explorer tooblars (but so many more options)
-Skinned window frame.(A Must in these days)
-Free-zooming of any web page.(Can be useful)
-AutoLogin: automatically connect and log into specified website with just one click.(This is a hot feature trust me)
-Site Group: Open and save a collection of sites as a group(Sounds wierd, but I have my webcomics groups for when I need to check them, and they all open at the same time saves the time of clicking the buttons for each site and then waiting for it too load, by the time you finsh reading one the rest are done loading. Which is made possible by Tabbed borwsing...because its hot.)
-URL Alias: Type short alias instead long URL. (Never used it yet but sounds cool)
If this thing had browsing gestures I'd be in heaven. Which for your knowledge is when you can go back or foreward with out clicking the button on the toolbar or hitting Ctrl+ whatever. Its when you hold the right mouse button down and move it left or right and the page will go back or foreward respectively, Opera did it, and I was hooked.
Here's a Features List:
-Multiple site browser based on tab-page interface (I'm a tabbed browsing fiend, I luv it)
-Built-in Popup Killer based on intelligent identification and pre-defined filtering. Site windows killed by mistake are FULLY RECOVERABLE(Works so good its scary, and if it was a good pop-up press a button on the toolbar and its back.)
-Convenient access to major search engines by Quick-Search Bar(Google Toolbar not required, its already built in)
-Seamless integration of most Internet Explorer tooblars (but so many more options)
-Skinned window frame.(A Must in these days)
-Free-zooming of any web page.(Can be useful)
-AutoLogin: automatically connect and log into specified website with just one click.(This is a hot feature trust me)
-Site Group: Open and save a collection of sites as a group(Sounds wierd, but I have my webcomics groups for when I need to check them, and they all open at the same time saves the time of clicking the buttons for each site and then waiting for it too load, by the time you finsh reading one the rest are done loading. Which is made possible by Tabbed borwsing...because its hot.)
-URL Alias: Type short alias instead long URL. (Never used it yet but sounds cool)
If this thing had browsing gestures I'd be in heaven. Which for your knowledge is when you can go back or foreward with out clicking the button on the toolbar or hitting Ctrl+ whatever. Its when you hold the right mouse button down and move it left or right and the page will go back or foreward respectively, Opera did it, and I was hooked.
Ahh skool starting, Otakon Day 2 wrappup not written, good times...good times.
So Yeah instead of Otakon Day 2, I'm just doing a regular post I'm sure your all very dissapointed. Sk00l started this monday and i had to go through crud, because one of my classes was cancelled, "Intro to Computer Tech", so I had to go sign up for another section, or another class all together, because otherwise I wouldn't have enough credits to be full time...and if I wasn't full time then I wouldn't be covered by Health Insurence...and that would be bad. So yesterday I went right in and the lady was crazy and gave me stupid options and somehow I ended up getting signed up for "Intro to Terrorism" when I thought it was supposed to be "Intro to Political Science". So I went home told my parents I was taking this class, they looked at me funny and asked "What do they do...show you how?". Being that I would never take such a class, today after my 8am class I went back saw a smarter adviser, told her I, "I want you to know I am firmly against all Terrorism, and will have no part in it." So I am now into another "Intro to Comp Tech" section. Which is all well and good, it just makes my precious Wednesdays more painful. Wednesday I have an 8 - 9am class, a 12 - 1pm class, and a 5:30pm - 9:20pm class, and now I added a 2 - 4pm class. Which means I have an hour to get comics between 1 and 2pm, oy the things I do.
I also have just been setting up my desktop here at skool making it all pretty and functional, its so sexy now. I just have to transer w.blogger from my house, and my version AIM because it won't let me install either, and the copy of AIM I have currently is old, and wierd diologue boxes pop up whenever it start up, I just want it to auto sign-on.
Thats all for now, off to class.
So Yeah instead of Otakon Day 2, I'm just doing a regular post I'm sure your all very dissapointed. Sk00l started this monday and i had to go through crud, because one of my classes was cancelled, "Intro to Computer Tech", so I had to go sign up for another section, or another class all together, because otherwise I wouldn't have enough credits to be full time...and if I wasn't full time then I wouldn't be covered by Health Insurence...and that would be bad. So yesterday I went right in and the lady was crazy and gave me stupid options and somehow I ended up getting signed up for "Intro to Terrorism" when I thought it was supposed to be "Intro to Political Science". So I went home told my parents I was taking this class, they looked at me funny and asked "What do they do...show you how?". Being that I would never take such a class, today after my 8am class I went back saw a smarter adviser, told her I, "I want you to know I am firmly against all Terrorism, and will have no part in it." So I am now into another "Intro to Comp Tech" section. Which is all well and good, it just makes my precious Wednesdays more painful. Wednesday I have an 8 - 9am class, a 12 - 1pm class, and a 5:30pm - 9:20pm class, and now I added a 2 - 4pm class. Which means I have an hour to get comics between 1 and 2pm, oy the things I do.
I also have just been setting up my desktop here at skool making it all pretty and functional, its so sexy now. I just have to transer w.blogger from my house, and my version AIM because it won't let me install either, and the copy of AIM I have currently is old, and wierd diologue boxes pop up whenever it start up, I just want it to auto sign-on.
Thats all for now, off to class.
Just a short blerb watch this video, it pleases me despite it using RealPlayer. Hawksley Workman rocks my socks.
Hey there, Ho there, its me the Yanni, the ladies choice. Oh the drama, busy busy busy. Despite the fact I have plenty of days off from work, I still feel like I havn't stopped doing things since I got back from Otakon. And now of course its 4 days before school starts. Which makes it funny because I will more update more when I am up to my eyeballs at school, than i have during the summer. So lets talk. :-)
Otakon 2003 was quite fun. The five of us left my house at about 12:45 and thus began the 6 hour drive to Baltimore. We only stopped once for gas and bathroom. Matt drove the entire way, he was quite goofy and tired by the end of the trip, being the only one who was awake the entire time will do that. I myself only got like 30mins of sleep. The hotel wouldn't let us check in early so we had to wait till 3pm. Obviuosly we went to the con early, and started our wait in line.Me and Jim didn't pre-register for various reasons, Ferro, Matt, and Jay didn't have that problem. Our line was about 30min to an hour longer. Before the con opened the line was just on the side of the building, Jim slept on the sidewalk for a while, heh. We got inand pretty much just walked around taking in the sights, lots of nifty costumes.
For the rest of that day we pretty much just waited for the Dealer's Room to open, which was better than last years i think. Bought plenty of t-shirts. Megatokyo was there at their booth which definetly had the longest line in all of the dealer's room. We went to the webcomic panel at night, which was hillarious. It consisted of Fred Gallagher (Megatokyo), Pontus Masden (Little Gamers), Ian J. (RPG World), Matt Boyd, and Ian McConville (Both of Mac Hall). I t was fun to see, Matt asked them what the thought of Sprite Comics which obviously is what we do on the Mighty Matrix, Mac Hall told us that even the man who does 8-Bit Theater doesn't like webcomics, which was funny, they also said that for Sprite comics it has to rely on good writting *strikes pose* :-D. I have to say Ian J. was definetly the funniest guy there and that says a lot. Masden is from Sweden, he's a funny guy, but as of late his comic has become too topical, against Bush and stuff. It was just really stupid at some points where he essentially says "Americans are stupid" and everybody claps and stuff. Me and Matt just look at each other and shake our heads. From there we went to Mystery Anime Theater 3000, which as always was funny, at one point there was a little Strong Bad Moment where he and the Cheat were on screen for a sec during "commercials" the whole place went NUTS really emphasized how popular Homestar Runner is. Once that was over the last thing we did was goto Artist's Alley where we noticed Megatokyo was there signing stuff still. I had my Megatokyo book so i was all set. Jim Hanley was like smacked in the face, he didn't want to lose this chance since the line was short Jim said hold my place in line and he preceded to run all the way back to the hotel room over 9 blocks away mind you. The line pretty much got short my stuff got signed and we told Sarah (Seraphim) about our friends plight trying to get back here, so they stayed a bit longer cause the room was getting ready to close. We all thought, if Jim didn't get back in time he's gonna cry, and we were all gonna feel really bad, but thankfully Jim got back very tired mind you, got his stuff signed. All was good and we went took the long trek back to the hotel room.
End Day 1
This kind of ended up being an Otakon wrap-up, I can live with that, more later. Oh and I am working on getting the Otakon pictures up just gimmie some time cause it takes a while, plus...I have to find this time also :-P
Otakon 2003 was quite fun. The five of us left my house at about 12:45 and thus began the 6 hour drive to Baltimore. We only stopped once for gas and bathroom. Matt drove the entire way, he was quite goofy and tired by the end of the trip, being the only one who was awake the entire time will do that. I myself only got like 30mins of sleep. The hotel wouldn't let us check in early so we had to wait till 3pm. Obviuosly we went to the con early, and started our wait in line.Me and Jim didn't pre-register for various reasons, Ferro, Matt, and Jay didn't have that problem. Our line was about 30min to an hour longer. Before the con opened the line was just on the side of the building, Jim slept on the sidewalk for a while, heh. We got inand pretty much just walked around taking in the sights, lots of nifty costumes.
For the rest of that day we pretty much just waited for the Dealer's Room to open, which was better than last years i think. Bought plenty of t-shirts. Megatokyo was there at their booth which definetly had the longest line in all of the dealer's room. We went to the webcomic panel at night, which was hillarious. It consisted of Fred Gallagher (Megatokyo), Pontus Masden (Little Gamers), Ian J. (RPG World), Matt Boyd, and Ian McConville (Both of Mac Hall). I t was fun to see, Matt asked them what the thought of Sprite Comics which obviously is what we do on the Mighty Matrix, Mac Hall told us that even the man who does 8-Bit Theater doesn't like webcomics, which was funny, they also said that for Sprite comics it has to rely on good writting *strikes pose* :-D. I have to say Ian J. was definetly the funniest guy there and that says a lot. Masden is from Sweden, he's a funny guy, but as of late his comic has become too topical, against Bush and stuff. It was just really stupid at some points where he essentially says "Americans are stupid" and everybody claps and stuff. Me and Matt just look at each other and shake our heads. From there we went to Mystery Anime Theater 3000, which as always was funny, at one point there was a little Strong Bad Moment where he and the Cheat were on screen for a sec during "commercials" the whole place went NUTS really emphasized how popular Homestar Runner is. Once that was over the last thing we did was goto Artist's Alley where we noticed Megatokyo was there signing stuff still. I had my Megatokyo book so i was all set. Jim Hanley was like smacked in the face, he didn't want to lose this chance since the line was short Jim said hold my place in line and he preceded to run all the way back to the hotel room over 9 blocks away mind you. The line pretty much got short my stuff got signed and we told Sarah (Seraphim) about our friends plight trying to get back here, so they stayed a bit longer cause the room was getting ready to close. We all thought, if Jim didn't get back in time he's gonna cry, and we were all gonna feel really bad, but thankfully Jim got back very tired mind you, got his stuff signed. All was good and we went took the long trek back to the hotel room.
End Day 1
This kind of ended up being an Otakon wrap-up, I can live with that, more later. Oh and I am working on getting the Otakon pictures up just gimmie some time cause it takes a while, plus...I have to find this time also :-P
Well here's my second attempt at a post, my first attempt was lost to four winds...was kinda ticked off by that. So we'll see how this goes.
Well its been a while since I've posted here as always, and a few things have happened that I feel like talking about. Ready? Go!
1) Well I turned 20 a week ago, finally out of my awkward teenage years, and headfirst into my awkward 20's. Had a birthday dinner with my fam the night before the actual day. Just had my bud Jim come over, and we hung out. The 'rents got me Homer Simpson slippers which are kinda creepy since your feet go in his mouth, the prerequisite pants, a wierd clock, and the old 70's Batman Movie with Adam West (who is the man in case you didn't know). The next day i had to spend much of it with my dad since it was his day off, but later that night I got as many friends together as i could, and we all went to Bombers, so we could be filled with Chili Cheese Fries, which I highly recommend. That was fun, then we just came back to my house and hung out and everyone slowly left as the night went on.
2) Catherine is currently on Vacation and I miss her terrably, this is the longest we've not been together since we've started going out. She left before my birthday, which she felt really bad about, so she spoiled me :-P, and also got her revenge. At her birthday I wrapped her gift in like 15 layers of newspaper with Ducktape, she swore revenge. So when she gave me my present, it was this large box which I started upwrapping, 40 layers or wrapping paper later I had gotten to the box which was full of poland spring water and another wrapped gift, so another 40 layers later I got the second box open, which had a piece of paper inside, with lipstick on one fold. The sheet of paper said "Revenge is Sweet" and that was it. She is deliciously evil, and thats why I love her. Then she went out to her car and gave me my real present. She got me GTA: Vice City, a nice controller, RE: Code Veronica, and the card game Chez Geek that i have become addicted to. But yes she will be gone for a totalof 2 weeks before I see her, the last time she was away it was for a day and 1/2 and neither of us could bear it, but we're managing with phone calls.
3) My parents are also on Vacation this current week, leaving me to my own devices, and being on my own and fending for myself is kinda fun. But it bothers me cause I can't enjoy it as much as I'd like because of obvious reasons :-P
4) Also Otakon 2003 is coming up this weekend, so the gang is geting ready and making our final plans for that, which should be exctiing. We'll take lots of pictures which I will share with you for a much needed photo update to the site, Since ferro never gave me his pics from last year :-\. This is my summer vacation and I will be surrounded by Otaku...I hope I survive the experience...again.
Mighty Matrix slowed down a bit, but we're getting back in the game. So please goto the site and click on the funny papers link to help us stay in the top 10.
Well its been a while since I've posted here as always, and a few things have happened that I feel like talking about. Ready? Go!
1) Well I turned 20 a week ago, finally out of my awkward teenage years, and headfirst into my awkward 20's. Had a birthday dinner with my fam the night before the actual day. Just had my bud Jim come over, and we hung out. The 'rents got me Homer Simpson slippers which are kinda creepy since your feet go in his mouth, the prerequisite pants, a wierd clock, and the old 70's Batman Movie with Adam West (who is the man in case you didn't know). The next day i had to spend much of it with my dad since it was his day off, but later that night I got as many friends together as i could, and we all went to Bombers, so we could be filled with Chili Cheese Fries, which I highly recommend. That was fun, then we just came back to my house and hung out and everyone slowly left as the night went on.
2) Catherine is currently on Vacation and I miss her terrably, this is the longest we've not been together since we've started going out. She left before my birthday, which she felt really bad about, so she spoiled me :-P, and also got her revenge. At her birthday I wrapped her gift in like 15 layers of newspaper with Ducktape, she swore revenge. So when she gave me my present, it was this large box which I started upwrapping, 40 layers or wrapping paper later I had gotten to the box which was full of poland spring water and another wrapped gift, so another 40 layers later I got the second box open, which had a piece of paper inside, with lipstick on one fold. The sheet of paper said "Revenge is Sweet" and that was it. She is deliciously evil, and thats why I love her. Then she went out to her car and gave me my real present. She got me GTA: Vice City, a nice controller, RE: Code Veronica, and the card game Chez Geek that i have become addicted to. But yes she will be gone for a totalof 2 weeks before I see her, the last time she was away it was for a day and 1/2 and neither of us could bear it, but we're managing with phone calls.
3) My parents are also on Vacation this current week, leaving me to my own devices, and being on my own and fending for myself is kinda fun. But it bothers me cause I can't enjoy it as much as I'd like because of obvious reasons :-P
4) Also Otakon 2003 is coming up this weekend, so the gang is geting ready and making our final plans for that, which should be exctiing. We'll take lots of pictures which I will share with you for a much needed photo update to the site, Since ferro never gave me his pics from last year :-\. This is my summer vacation and I will be surrounded by Otaku...I hope I survive the experience...again.
Mighty Matrix slowed down a bit, but we're getting back in the game. So please goto the site and click on the funny papers link to help us stay in the top 10.
Well a quick rundown of a few things. 1) I mentioned it before but I'm involved with a webcomic "The Mighty Matrix" which is the matrix story done with Sonic the Hedgehog characters, and some fun-ness thrown in. It how hosted here at theyanni.com, the first subdomain I have made. I also designed the site it works on, its simple but it works well, and looks the way I like it. It can be found by clicking the link at the top, or by going to http://mightymatrix.theyanni.com and I would greatly appreciate it if people would goto that site and click the "Top 100 Webcomics button, to vote for us. We were in the top 10 before we'd like to stay there. Thats why I havn't done any posting here since blogger worked again, I've been working on that for the past 2 days.
Also of note if anyone else would like to try hosting their site here let me know, I'll see what I can do. Also I wish I updated as much as Catherine, she is my site's biggest(only) fan, cause I feel like I'm slacking off, and not writing anything because I'm lazy, but oh well. I'll try to get better. Plus I blame not updating on her, spending too much time with my honey :-D, so I really don't feel too bad about it.
Oh and I saw Terminator 3 tonight, not too shabby, its no T2 but then again...what is? But it was a fun romp, LOTS of action, and plenty of Arnold, my only problem was the story wasn't as involving as in the last movie. But they had tons of nice little references and or cameos to the last movie to make it fun for people who have seen the last movie, but good enough to stand on its own, Catherine hadn't seen any of the other Terminator movies, and she enjoyed it. All for now, take care kiddies.
Also of note if anyone else would like to try hosting their site here let me know, I'll see what I can do. Also I wish I updated as much as Catherine, she is my site's biggest(only) fan, cause I feel like I'm slacking off, and not writing anything because I'm lazy, but oh well. I'll try to get better. Plus I blame not updating on her, spending too much time with my honey :-D, so I really don't feel too bad about it.
Oh and I saw Terminator 3 tonight, not too shabby, its no T2 but then again...what is? But it was a fun romp, LOTS of action, and plenty of Arnold, my only problem was the story wasn't as involving as in the last movie. But they had tons of nice little references and or cameos to the last movie to make it fun for people who have seen the last movie, but good enough to stand on its own, Catherine hadn't seen any of the other Terminator movies, and she enjoyed it. All for now, take care kiddies.
Wow this is pretty kickin. Not sure if I've mentioned it here before, but I have been assisting my friend Matt with a webcomic, he came up with the concept and general plot of what had to happen at least for the first part, and i have been scripting, and describing the main action. He has done finished the first 3 I believe, which means I have to get going on the next bunch, have to stay ahead of the game so he doesn't decide to get rid of me.
Sadly this wasn't any of the ideas I or anyone I've worked with for a webcomic idea. This was Matt's idea and I fully credit him for it. The comic is called "The Mighty Matrix", we use Sonic the Hedgehog charactersand are using the Matrix movies as a template, and having some fun with it. its called "Mighty" because instead of using Sonic as Neo, we are using Mighty the Armadillo, a lesser known character used in the games. Cause well we had a better use for Sonic. :-) The link for the comic is here. But again since it is based off the Matrix movies, if you havn't seen them, its prolly not as amusing or fun.
The reason I bring it up now is that "The Funny Papers" has The Mighty Matrix as a featured comic of the moment, so who knows we might grab some fans. :-) Its kind of exciting to think people might view something I'd been involved in, which means if and when we do something else, we'll have a small but existent user base, oooh.
Thats all I have to say now other than, Catherine is the most awesome girl I know!
Sadly this wasn't any of the ideas I or anyone I've worked with for a webcomic idea. This was Matt's idea and I fully credit him for it. The comic is called "The Mighty Matrix", we use Sonic the Hedgehog charactersand are using the Matrix movies as a template, and having some fun with it. its called "Mighty" because instead of using Sonic as Neo, we are using Mighty the Armadillo, a lesser known character used in the games. Cause well we had a better use for Sonic. :-) The link for the comic is here. But again since it is based off the Matrix movies, if you havn't seen them, its prolly not as amusing or fun.
The reason I bring it up now is that "The Funny Papers" has The Mighty Matrix as a featured comic of the moment, so who knows we might grab some fans. :-) Its kind of exciting to think people might view something I'd been involved in, which means if and when we do something else, we'll have a small but existent user base, oooh.
Thats all I have to say now other than, Catherine is the most awesome girl I know!
(Note: I tried posting this like a week ago, but the program I use was down. D'oh)
Felt I should post something, sort of an addendum to my last post.
As you can read in the last post Cat busted up her left ancle, thankfully her foot was a lot better by Sat so her Grad, Prom, went off without a hitch. While we were at the after party something startiling happened. Well we were all on the Trampoline, and I was having fun bouncing around, when bam what do I do....sprain my ancle. So I busted my ancle, the same ancle Cat did, the same way Cat did, same trampoline Cat did. We were so cute limping together :-P
Felt I should post something, sort of an addendum to my last post.
As you can read in the last post Cat busted up her left ancle, thankfully her foot was a lot better by Sat so her Grad, Prom, went off without a hitch. While we were at the after party something startiling happened. Well we were all on the Trampoline, and I was having fun bouncing around, when bam what do I do....sprain my ancle. So I busted my ancle, the same ancle Cat did, the same way Cat did, same trampoline Cat did. We were so cute limping together :-P
Yeah yeah, I know what your gonna say. You'll say, "Hey Yanni I thought you said you weren't gonna do this anymore." I know I said I'd try to avoid this but again things happened that were fairly interesting, so I thought I might share them with you. Also I really plan on doing that Web Browser rant...I'm just really lazy :-P So here it is, a day in the life.
Just started out doing my normal wednesday which involves waiting for Ferro and getting comics, Zara's was gonna meet up with me and Ferro for comics. I was gonna goto this place to try and get a job after we finished that. Ferro of course had to go home and sleep ::sigh:: So, I start talking to Catherine online and find out she hurt her ancle pretty bad so she could barely walk, she was home alone, and her ice maker was broke so her ice pack wasn't gonna do much good for very long. I felt really bad, but since Ferro was expecting me later as was Zara since i had to tell her when to meet us when Ferro actually came around. After much pacing around, and realizing if I went to take care of Catherine, I couldn't goto the job place. So it came to the time when I called Ferro to wake him up, told him I couldn't go more pressing matters, and to call Zara and do whatever.
I told Catherine I'd be over with bags of ice after I went to the job place. So I go over to their hiring Trailer which has a big sign on the door saying "We're not doing it today Wed the 11th, but will resume tomorrow. Ha Ha," or something to that effect. So I was happy I could go over to Catherine's, but kinda ticked I came all the way over for nothin.
I decided to go the long way through the city, and I stopped at the Comic Store to see if I could catch Zara and Ferro, to at least say "hi". I did so, and left promptly. As I was driving and pulling onto a red light all of a sudden the car was jumpin around, so I pulled into the nearest parking lot. It was a flat tire...totally empty. Called Mom, called AAA. They came pretty fast, put on my doughnut tire. So then I called Mom to ask what to do at that point. Went to a nearby service place, they plugged the tire for $10 and change. Not really wanting to spend more, and now positive where the jack point was, I changed the tire back myself...just couldn't get the hub cap back on. By that point I was annoyed, hot, sweaty, dirty, and felt pretty defeated. I went home got ahold of Catherine told her what happened as she was a little worried.
Turns out a bunch of her crew showed up to raise her spirits, I asked if I could join..and after cleaning myself up, I went. We hung out there, they wanted to go buffeting so we went to some new Chinese Buffet. It was pretty nice. We went back to Catherine's house after and the rest evacuated, 2.5 hours later I came home.
We think Catheirne's ancle is just really badly bruised or sprained, definetly not broken. With any luck she'll be in decent shape for Saturday, god willing.
A rough day but also ended up being a nice day
At least we know I can change a tire now :-P
Just started out doing my normal wednesday which involves waiting for Ferro and getting comics, Zara's was gonna meet up with me and Ferro for comics. I was gonna goto this place to try and get a job after we finished that. Ferro of course had to go home and sleep ::sigh:: So, I start talking to Catherine online and find out she hurt her ancle pretty bad so she could barely walk, she was home alone, and her ice maker was broke so her ice pack wasn't gonna do much good for very long. I felt really bad, but since Ferro was expecting me later as was Zara since i had to tell her when to meet us when Ferro actually came around. After much pacing around, and realizing if I went to take care of Catherine, I couldn't goto the job place. So it came to the time when I called Ferro to wake him up, told him I couldn't go more pressing matters, and to call Zara and do whatever.
I told Catherine I'd be over with bags of ice after I went to the job place. So I go over to their hiring Trailer which has a big sign on the door saying "We're not doing it today Wed the 11th, but will resume tomorrow. Ha Ha," or something to that effect. So I was happy I could go over to Catherine's, but kinda ticked I came all the way over for nothin.
I decided to go the long way through the city, and I stopped at the Comic Store to see if I could catch Zara and Ferro, to at least say "hi". I did so, and left promptly. As I was driving and pulling onto a red light all of a sudden the car was jumpin around, so I pulled into the nearest parking lot. It was a flat tire...totally empty. Called Mom, called AAA. They came pretty fast, put on my doughnut tire. So then I called Mom to ask what to do at that point. Went to a nearby service place, they plugged the tire for $10 and change. Not really wanting to spend more, and now positive where the jack point was, I changed the tire back myself...just couldn't get the hub cap back on. By that point I was annoyed, hot, sweaty, dirty, and felt pretty defeated. I went home got ahold of Catherine told her what happened as she was a little worried.
Turns out a bunch of her crew showed up to raise her spirits, I asked if I could join..and after cleaning myself up, I went. We hung out there, they wanted to go buffeting so we went to some new Chinese Buffet. It was pretty nice. We went back to Catherine's house after and the rest evacuated, 2.5 hours later I came home.
We think Catheirne's ancle is just really badly bruised or sprained, definetly not broken. With any luck she'll be in decent shape for Saturday, god willing.
A rough day but also ended up being a nice day
At least we know I can change a tire now :-P
*Insert standard "I havn't posted anything in a while" sentence*
Well since thats out of the way, I can also say I've tryed to avoid typing my daily grind or overly personal things and use this more as rant space, you know avoid doing "Went to sk00l, went to w0rk, talked to my boss about wages, punched a guy in the face, etc..." or I've liked being a little bitchy sometimes :-). But this weekend was pretty wild so I figure I'll share it with y'all. Oh don't worry I'll rant again very soon I promise, in my mind I want to do a web browser comparison/review if any of you know my internet habits, I've been swtiching through a few of them recently. But I thought I'd get this "crazy" weekend stuff out of the way. Now I'm sorry I mentioned that upcoming browser rant now, your prolly so excited about that your not even gonna bother reading the rest now.
But anyway my girlfriend Catherine invited me to join her for a party on Friday with her friends at one of their houses, some of these other attendies I knew, others I was a little new to. This was to be a sleepover theme party wit h the promise of "tenting", the theme was "Pre-Christian Britain" I did some research but didn't really find anything I could bring to reference that time period, but it didn't matter no one really followed the theme past the first 5 - 10 mins or so anyway. But there were a lot of shenanigans mostly just talking and messin around, and tiny fights which ended in Mary biting someone.
Then we held a seance since some of them are/know some wickand things, it was kinda nifty, and kinda creepy cause it made it seem like this person one of us knew was going to die in a place crash that were on. But other than that kinda nifty. Then we started a little fire, and then everyone went nuts and started "scrumping". (scrumping = non sexual touching. I learned many new words this weekend) So yeah most of them formed a large scrumping pile (bodies everywhere), me and Catherine just kinda relaxed by the fire for "happy cuddly fire time", and tryed to ignore the pile of scrumping flesh not more than a few feet away.(Not quite as disgusting as it sounds, but wierd none the less lol)
Soon after that it was time for everyone to retire to the tent...since someone decided "it would be any fun if were all in more than one tent" 11 of us crammed into an inadequetly sized tent. After much time was spent deciding how to arrange everyone, everyone was less than an inch apart and in most cases in contact with someone. I was in the corner curled into a little ball in and endless struggle to find a place where my arms could stay comfortable and not fall asleep, cause me pain, or bother someone. It kept getting quiet and then talking for 15mins then quiet, then more talking...it went like that for 2 hours lol. Well after that point i lost conscienceness.
I woke up 2 hours later, suprisingly rested, and in a lot of pain, thx to my leg in an aweful position. Since it seemed everyone else was asleep I just stayed there, until I couln't take it anymore and sat up, figure I woke up Catherine, she sat up also, we stayed there till we realized how aweful the tent smelled and escaped. Some other people were awake already so we all just talked and contemplated on how long we'd let everyone else sleep.
This was when a little revelation was made that we had some inappropriate goings on in the tent last night. Seems 2 people who had only just met at this party had been at the very least making out, while others heard panting and an "Oh My God" a little too much touching going on, but yeah kinda creepy considering how close we all were together. Some people started to wake up and leave, the remaining people learned a little too much about "baking" (baking = a tougne invading the ear). Thankfully myself and Catherine were spared, as everyone else had pretty much been bake-raped(forced unwanted baking). Soon after I got the call, and had to pack up and leave, dropped Catherine at her homestead, and went home to take a much needed shower.
Got online, talked to people, and then a plan slowly began to form. It started when Matt asked if I wanted to hang out, talked to ferro, figure get him in on hanging out, then it became what to do, and then where to go.What resulted is What we lovingly call Mini-Con Summer Tour 2K3, which was held in Ferro's Grandma's Garage, 3 big TVs, every game console except the foul X-Box, we even had a Super Nintendo! Then it expanded to Jim being involved, Ferro's friend Adam, Jason, even the fabled Buko joined in. It was a fabulous success, but next time it will be more official with passes and conbooks (ooh), and more organized catering :-). I think of this first Mini-Con as a Beta test, the next version will be even better, since we will plan it more than 3 hours before we started. Got home at like 1am and decided Ishould sleep since i have to get up at 6am for work. (Note: remember I only had 2 hours of sleep the night before.)
Got up at 6, got to work at 7, came home at noon. Cleaned my room because we were having a party and bunches of relatives were coming over. People arrived, I ate too much food, played videogames with cousin. The it was time for me to go, as Catherine was having a small shindig this afternoon with much the same group as was at the party on Friday. So i said my goodbyes to my family of course they all have to ask "Where you going?" not trying to make a big deal out of it, I said "Just going to a party at a friends house." Eventually one person said very loud "Here's going to see his girlfriend." Which of course brought "Aww he's blushing" so I cut my losses forgot the rest of the goodbyes, and just left, I don't need that.
Got there, we piled into Catherine's house, and I was bombarded by good food, of course I couldn't actually eat it as I had filled up at my house earlier. The party was too watch some WW2 movies and watch the 2nd part of that CBS Hitler movie, well we ended up not doing any of that lol. We played a board game for a while, but as a group we were too rowdy to play that for too long. Then we played a variation of Hide & Seek for a little while.A few of us went back inside, while the rest of them stayed outside to do whatever it is they were doing lol. While inside we put on the movie "10 Things I Hate About You" and in the words of Catherine we had "Happy cuddly movie time". And that movie was entertaining, learned it was a modern retelling of "Taming of the Shrew", then watched "Silence of the Lambs" for "scary cuddly movie time". Sadly I had to leave before the end of that movie, as I had work at 7am again, and still needed more sleep. So I said my goodbyes, drove home and went to sleep. And thus the weekend did end, and I was fulfilled, for it was a very good weekend, a weekend that will be hard to top for a while.
And that is a very long post, if you got this far Congrats, writing this spanned 2 days. Now I'll have to check and see if this is the longest post I ever made. And hopefully that web browser rant won't be too long in coming.
Well since thats out of the way, I can also say I've tryed to avoid typing my daily grind or overly personal things and use this more as rant space, you know avoid doing "Went to sk00l, went to w0rk, talked to my boss about wages, punched a guy in the face, etc..." or I've liked being a little bitchy sometimes :-). But this weekend was pretty wild so I figure I'll share it with y'all. Oh don't worry I'll rant again very soon I promise, in my mind I want to do a web browser comparison/review if any of you know my internet habits, I've been swtiching through a few of them recently. But I thought I'd get this "crazy" weekend stuff out of the way. Now I'm sorry I mentioned that upcoming browser rant now, your prolly so excited about that your not even gonna bother reading the rest now.
But anyway my girlfriend Catherine invited me to join her for a party on Friday with her friends at one of their houses, some of these other attendies I knew, others I was a little new to. This was to be a sleepover theme party wit h the promise of "tenting", the theme was "Pre-Christian Britain" I did some research but didn't really find anything I could bring to reference that time period, but it didn't matter no one really followed the theme past the first 5 - 10 mins or so anyway. But there were a lot of shenanigans mostly just talking and messin around, and tiny fights which ended in Mary biting someone.
Then we held a seance since some of them are/know some wickand things, it was kinda nifty, and kinda creepy cause it made it seem like this person one of us knew was going to die in a place crash that were on. But other than that kinda nifty. Then we started a little fire, and then everyone went nuts and started "scrumping". (scrumping = non sexual touching. I learned many new words this weekend) So yeah most of them formed a large scrumping pile (bodies everywhere), me and Catherine just kinda relaxed by the fire for "happy cuddly fire time", and tryed to ignore the pile of scrumping flesh not more than a few feet away.(Not quite as disgusting as it sounds, but wierd none the less lol)
Soon after that it was time for everyone to retire to the tent...since someone decided "it would be any fun if were all in more than one tent" 11 of us crammed into an inadequetly sized tent. After much time was spent deciding how to arrange everyone, everyone was less than an inch apart and in most cases in contact with someone. I was in the corner curled into a little ball in and endless struggle to find a place where my arms could stay comfortable and not fall asleep, cause me pain, or bother someone. It kept getting quiet and then talking for 15mins then quiet, then more talking...it went like that for 2 hours lol. Well after that point i lost conscienceness.
I woke up 2 hours later, suprisingly rested, and in a lot of pain, thx to my leg in an aweful position. Since it seemed everyone else was asleep I just stayed there, until I couln't take it anymore and sat up, figure I woke up Catherine, she sat up also, we stayed there till we realized how aweful the tent smelled and escaped. Some other people were awake already so we all just talked and contemplated on how long we'd let everyone else sleep.
This was when a little revelation was made that we had some inappropriate goings on in the tent last night. Seems 2 people who had only just met at this party had been at the very least making out, while others heard panting and an "Oh My God" a little too much touching going on, but yeah kinda creepy considering how close we all were together. Some people started to wake up and leave, the remaining people learned a little too much about "baking" (baking = a tougne invading the ear). Thankfully myself and Catherine were spared, as everyone else had pretty much been bake-raped(forced unwanted baking). Soon after I got the call, and had to pack up and leave, dropped Catherine at her homestead, and went home to take a much needed shower.
Got online, talked to people, and then a plan slowly began to form. It started when Matt asked if I wanted to hang out, talked to ferro, figure get him in on hanging out, then it became what to do, and then where to go.What resulted is What we lovingly call Mini-Con Summer Tour 2K3, which was held in Ferro's Grandma's Garage, 3 big TVs, every game console except the foul X-Box, we even had a Super Nintendo! Then it expanded to Jim being involved, Ferro's friend Adam, Jason, even the fabled Buko joined in. It was a fabulous success, but next time it will be more official with passes and conbooks (ooh), and more organized catering :-). I think of this first Mini-Con as a Beta test, the next version will be even better, since we will plan it more than 3 hours before we started. Got home at like 1am and decided Ishould sleep since i have to get up at 6am for work. (Note: remember I only had 2 hours of sleep the night before.)
Got up at 6, got to work at 7, came home at noon. Cleaned my room because we were having a party and bunches of relatives were coming over. People arrived, I ate too much food, played videogames with cousin. The it was time for me to go, as Catherine was having a small shindig this afternoon with much the same group as was at the party on Friday. So i said my goodbyes to my family of course they all have to ask "Where you going?" not trying to make a big deal out of it, I said "Just going to a party at a friends house." Eventually one person said very loud "Here's going to see his girlfriend." Which of course brought "Aww he's blushing" so I cut my losses forgot the rest of the goodbyes, and just left, I don't need that.
Got there, we piled into Catherine's house, and I was bombarded by good food, of course I couldn't actually eat it as I had filled up at my house earlier. The party was too watch some WW2 movies and watch the 2nd part of that CBS Hitler movie, well we ended up not doing any of that lol. We played a board game for a while, but as a group we were too rowdy to play that for too long. Then we played a variation of Hide & Seek for a little while.A few of us went back inside, while the rest of them stayed outside to do whatever it is they were doing lol. While inside we put on the movie "10 Things I Hate About You" and in the words of Catherine we had "Happy cuddly movie time". And that movie was entertaining, learned it was a modern retelling of "Taming of the Shrew", then watched "Silence of the Lambs" for "scary cuddly movie time". Sadly I had to leave before the end of that movie, as I had work at 7am again, and still needed more sleep. So I said my goodbyes, drove home and went to sleep. And thus the weekend did end, and I was fulfilled, for it was a very good weekend, a weekend that will be hard to top for a while.
And that is a very long post, if you got this far Congrats, writing this spanned 2 days. Now I'll have to check and see if this is the longest post I ever made. And hopefully that web browser rant won't be too long in coming.
Got this e-mail today, thought it was amusing, so I will share it with you
I am one of many Russian girls that would like to marry a
nice American man and come live in the U.S.A. as a citizen
and not stay in Russia more.
Tanka G.
this was sent by a Ron Horner of starfyre24@aol.com
and I have no idea who this person is...and he's not from Russia.
I am one of many Russian girls that would like to marry a
nice American man and come live in the U.S.A. as a citizen
and not stay in Russia more.
Tanka G.
this was sent by a Ron Horner of starfyre24@aol.com
and I have no idea who this person is...and he's not from Russia.
Lol, the msg board where I post has had another little fight, and I have to say I didn't realize how bad it was, when I found the topic had been locked (so no one could post to it anymore) I started laughing like hell. It was about X-Men more specifically the movies. A while ago when the new trailer had appeared on the web, I started an X-Men 2 topic said it looked awesome, linked to the trailer, and asked what people thought of it. One person only said yeah it "looked" awesome but complained that they ruined Rouge and in turn ruined the first movie, curious I asked what she didn't like, as I thought the movie rocked the house. She complained they changed the backstory, and didn't like that she was so young compared to in the comics. She apparently thought they should have jammed 20 years or so of complicated character history into a 2 hour movie, since Rouge was her favorite character, changed the entire movie, blah, blah.
Well obviously the new movie came out last week, instead of talking about the movie in a new topic I just started at the end of the last one, asking what other people though of it. Of course this one girl was the first one to post about it she claimed if it was like the last one, she'd wait for video, then preceded to describe the final scene of the movie quite wrongly might I add, as told to her by her father, and said it was dumb. I corrected her as to what happened, except I put it in *spoiler* tags, as not to ruin the scene for people who might not have seen it yet.
Then she said they weren't needed, she said she already know what happened she had just summarized it before. And said it was still dumb and again complained it was not like the comics.
Then a few other people who had actually seen the movie posted a bit, and also talked in defence of it, and how just because its not just like the comics, doesn't mean its not good. And of course I think to myself here I am a guy who's been reading longer than this girl, and I have no problem with it. Of course this girl continued to bitch, which is something she does a lot anyway, she took stuff as personal attacks, talked to us as if everyone else agreed with her, when if she read the posts she would realize she was alone, and that the movies are making shitloads of money because people like them so much. And then the msg board owner came in and said its locked because we don't need any soap opera type shit.
We all figure this girl needs to get laid and loosen up, cause she's pissing everybody the fuck off, and does nothin but bitch. lol.
Well obviously the new movie came out last week, instead of talking about the movie in a new topic I just started at the end of the last one, asking what other people though of it. Of course this one girl was the first one to post about it she claimed if it was like the last one, she'd wait for video, then preceded to describe the final scene of the movie quite wrongly might I add, as told to her by her father, and said it was dumb. I corrected her as to what happened, except I put it in *spoiler* tags, as not to ruin the scene for people who might not have seen it yet.
Then she said they weren't needed, she said she already know what happened she had just summarized it before. And said it was still dumb and again complained it was not like the comics.
Then a few other people who had actually seen the movie posted a bit, and also talked in defence of it, and how just because its not just like the comics, doesn't mean its not good. And of course I think to myself here I am a guy who's been reading longer than this girl, and I have no problem with it. Of course this girl continued to bitch, which is something she does a lot anyway, she took stuff as personal attacks, talked to us as if everyone else agreed with her, when if she read the posts she would realize she was alone, and that the movies are making shitloads of money because people like them so much. And then the msg board owner came in and said its locked because we don't need any soap opera type shit.
We all figure this girl needs to get laid and loosen up, cause she's pissing everybody the fuck off, and does nothin but bitch. lol.
Was going through my dresser and found a sheet of paper, it has my first journal entry for my second semester english class last year. The topic we had to write was "Who are you, from a spiritual point of view?". I'm pretty pleased with what I came up with despite it being, kind of depressing :-\. But it accurately depicts what I was thinking at the time, better articulated I think than any other time.
February 7, 2002
Who am I? What a question, and from a spiritual point of view...not trying to be a pain, but its kind of unfair to ask a question that most people spend their entire lives trying to figure out, but I will try my best. Well I think I am a bystander of life, I stand and watch as others live and grow, I watch them fail and succeed, and everything inbetween. Rarely do I take part myself, for I am too worried that I will not fail or succeed half as well as those who came before me. In my mind I live in everyone's shadow.If I'm unable to forge my own path I usually don't go down that road. I strive to be an individual, in a group-oriented world, not through drugs, alcohol, piercing, or tattoos. I strive to have my own style, yet I worry too much about what others will think, but I suppose that is inevitable. I'm too worried to anger or bother anyone else, I look beyond people as I walk, being sure not to stare at anyone, avoiding even eye contact. If that's not a metaphor I don't know what is...
Well there you have it folks, a moment of verbal clarity or just regular old teenage angst, you be the judge.
February 7, 2002
Who am I? What a question, and from a spiritual point of view...not trying to be a pain, but its kind of unfair to ask a question that most people spend their entire lives trying to figure out, but I will try my best. Well I think I am a bystander of life, I stand and watch as others live and grow, I watch them fail and succeed, and everything inbetween. Rarely do I take part myself, for I am too worried that I will not fail or succeed half as well as those who came before me. In my mind I live in everyone's shadow.If I'm unable to forge my own path I usually don't go down that road. I strive to be an individual, in a group-oriented world, not through drugs, alcohol, piercing, or tattoos. I strive to have my own style, yet I worry too much about what others will think, but I suppose that is inevitable. I'm too worried to anger or bother anyone else, I look beyond people as I walk, being sure not to stare at anyone, avoiding even eye contact. If that's not a metaphor I don't know what is...
Well there you have it folks, a moment of verbal clarity or just regular old teenage angst, you be the judge.
I've been meaning to write a little something for a while. Bot you know how it is.
1. Saw X2: X-Men United, lets just say I plan on seeing it a few more times :-D
Anyone needs someone to see it with, gimmie a ring or drop a message.
Knowing me I'll post a giant post about the movie soon enough.
2. I missed "No Pants Day" had I only known.....more about my ideas on pants in the "Inquiry" section which
3. Saw Cowboy Bebop Movie on Sat, a little slow, music was good but not as well as it seemed in the series. And if you han't heard any of the music from Cowboy Bebop you should, there's another reason to message me, because I believe everyone should hear some it at least once. (Its Jazzy and awesome)
4. I still wear pants despite my denouncement of them, the man is always keeping me down, one day whitey will pay.
5. When planning a family get together, always make sure everyone alctually knows who's house its at...my Mom didn't do that and resulted in us waiting at my Grandparents house for 3 hours, when it turns out my grandparents were at our house wondering where we were....oy. Wasted time, didn't even get to eat the food we were gonna have, since i had to leave practically right after we all got at the same house.
6. Old people are crazy, while at work lady opens the door to the back room and starts saying, "help" so I go over thinking something bad happened or she needed someone to carry something, turns out she was just crazy, and tells me she's not happy with the expiration dates on the milk, and she "knows" how often we get shipments, and would like it if I could go get her the "freshest gallon of milk we have". Now I acted polite and went to get someone from Dairy, and he got to tell her how silly she was. But after that it goes through my mind...who is "she" to get the freshest milk, or perhaps she thinks we're hiding the milk that doesn't go bad for like another year. I mean we get milk and put it out, we have people form the milk company who make sure we don't sell bad milk, we're not trying to screw people on Milk...thats just all we have. Although maybe I'll look into this, perhaps I can start getting this amazingly fresh milk that only a select few know about. Naw she's just a crazy lady.
1. Saw X2: X-Men United, lets just say I plan on seeing it a few more times :-D
Anyone needs someone to see it with, gimmie a ring or drop a message.
Knowing me I'll post a giant post about the movie soon enough.
2. I missed "No Pants Day" had I only known.....more about my ideas on pants in the "Inquiry" section which
3. Saw Cowboy Bebop Movie on Sat, a little slow, music was good but not as well as it seemed in the series. And if you han't heard any of the music from Cowboy Bebop you should, there's another reason to message me, because I believe everyone should hear some it at least once. (Its Jazzy and awesome)
4. I still wear pants despite my denouncement of them, the man is always keeping me down, one day whitey will pay.
5. When planning a family get together, always make sure everyone alctually knows who's house its at...my Mom didn't do that and resulted in us waiting at my Grandparents house for 3 hours, when it turns out my grandparents were at our house wondering where we were....oy. Wasted time, didn't even get to eat the food we were gonna have, since i had to leave practically right after we all got at the same house.
6. Old people are crazy, while at work lady opens the door to the back room and starts saying, "help" so I go over thinking something bad happened or she needed someone to carry something, turns out she was just crazy, and tells me she's not happy with the expiration dates on the milk, and she "knows" how often we get shipments, and would like it if I could go get her the "freshest gallon of milk we have". Now I acted polite and went to get someone from Dairy, and he got to tell her how silly she was. But after that it goes through my mind...who is "she" to get the freshest milk, or perhaps she thinks we're hiding the milk that doesn't go bad for like another year. I mean we get milk and put it out, we have people form the milk company who make sure we don't sell bad milk, we're not trying to screw people on Milk...thats just all we have. Although maybe I'll look into this, perhaps I can start getting this amazingly fresh milk that only a select few know about. Naw she's just a crazy lady.
In case anyone was wondering, the cam program is stuck, it dosn't seem to want to upload anything. Also bought some comics today, as i usually do. And I can also say I'm really excited about X-Men 2: United, bought my tickets yesterday for Friday's 7:30 showing, since they didn't have a Thursday midnight showing, which was a bit disappointing. But again really excited. :-D
I believe, it is our fate to be here
It is our destiny
I believe this night holds
For each and everyone of us
The very meaning of our lives
This is a war, and we are soldiers
All of our lives we have fought this war
Death can come for us, at any time, at any place
What if the prophecy is true
What if tomorrow the war could be over
Isn't that worth fighting for
Isn't that worth dying for
It is our destiny
I believe this night holds
For each and everyone of us
The very meaning of our lives
This is a war, and we are soldiers
All of our lives we have fought this war
Death can come for us, at any time, at any place
What if the prophecy is true
What if tomorrow the war could be over
Isn't that worth fighting for
Isn't that worth dying for
Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real
What if you were unable to wake from that dream
How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world
You're here because you know something
What you know you can't explain.
But you feel it, you've felt it your entire life
That there's something wrong with the world
You don't know what it is but it's there
Like a splinter in your mind driving you mad.
The Answer is out there, its the question that drives us
What is the Matrix?
Do you want to know what it is?
The Matrix is everywhere
It is all around us, even now in this very room
You can see it when you look out your window
When you turn on your television
You can feel it when you go to work
When you go to church
When you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes
To blind you from the truth.
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is
You have to see it for yourself
What if you were unable to wake from that dream
How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world
You're here because you know something
What you know you can't explain.
But you feel it, you've felt it your entire life
That there's something wrong with the world
You don't know what it is but it's there
Like a splinter in your mind driving you mad.
The Answer is out there, its the question that drives us
What is the Matrix?
Do you want to know what it is?
The Matrix is everywhere
It is all around us, even now in this very room
You can see it when you look out your window
When you turn on your television
You can feel it when you go to work
When you go to church
When you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes
To blind you from the truth.
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is
You have to see it for yourself
Well m'friend Matt brought it to my attention, that voting for the Webby Awardshas begun, and even though I technically have no chance, I hope i can count on your vote in the Personal Site category, see if I can muster enough votes to at least try for highest write-in, a guy can dream can't he? Also please support Penny Arcade in the Humor Site category, who are not only the highest write-in vote, but demolishing all the sites that were actually nominated.
So register and vote, remember its your web. :-)
So register and vote, remember its your web. :-)
Well movie season has begun, next month we're hittin some doozies X-Men 2 and Matrix: Reloaded, both looking spectacular I might add. X2 I take special interest obviously since I've been reading X-Men related stuff since I was 10. And the first movie they did a good job, they did what they had to do. Which was to introduce the world and some characters and not make it look totally goofy, but serious. But all the introducing the world took up a lot of time. This movie they can go all out, since we know who they are, and can exploit these characters to their fullest. If you haven't seen it I recommend seeing the X2 trailer because its a really good trailer for what promises to be a really good/fun movie.
While I'm talking about Comic book movies I also want to mention Daredevil, another comic book I read and like a whole lot, albeit I haven't been reading nearly as long as I have X-Men. That movie also did a really good job, it captured the characters, and told an interesting story, all the while being true to the material, and not looking totally ridiculous. Since Daredevil is a more "real" hero than Spider-Man or many others made it a bit easier to be a movie (plus not having people in their mid-twenties play teenagers), the whole movie just "felt" good to me, dare I say as much as I like Spider-Man, I like Daredevil better...it just felt more right, I like to think of it as Spider-Man had great actors, while Daredevil had great characters.
Coming Soon this summer The Hulk will be coming out, just saw the newest Trailer, there is no doubt I will see this movie as soon as it comes out. I never read the Hulk very much, but I know enough history and basics of the character to know whats right and wrong. This movie is directed my Ang Lee, a director I trust very much (Crouching Tiger, Sense and Sensibility), but I have this feeling in the back of my mind that its gonna end up looking goofy. The look of the movie is solid, its the Hulk himself, I have no problem with CGI, I have no problem with the size of the Hulk, since he's actually that size in the comics. I can't put my finger on it, first it seemed like a lack or drama from the early clips and trailer, all they showed was some action, and the thing that looked most wrong, they show him tossing around this tank like it was nothing, while the Hulk is that strong...it looks totally ridiculous, it looks comical. The newest Trailer made me feel a bit better, showed more drama, more character, but just as much showed these brief shots of the Hulk doing things that look...goofy. I trust Ang Lee I really do, but I can't help but worry, since its the one comic movie we know the least about. Look at the trailer, see for yourself, I think you'll understand what I mean. Oh here's the new Hulk Trailer
Oh and just for kicks the new Matrix Trailer, because it rocks the house.
Guess thats all for now, although looking at that, seems kinda long. Why can't I write stuff that long when I need to for school.....
While I'm talking about Comic book movies I also want to mention Daredevil, another comic book I read and like a whole lot, albeit I haven't been reading nearly as long as I have X-Men. That movie also did a really good job, it captured the characters, and told an interesting story, all the while being true to the material, and not looking totally ridiculous. Since Daredevil is a more "real" hero than Spider-Man or many others made it a bit easier to be a movie (plus not having people in their mid-twenties play teenagers), the whole movie just "felt" good to me, dare I say as much as I like Spider-Man, I like Daredevil better...it just felt more right, I like to think of it as Spider-Man had great actors, while Daredevil had great characters.
Coming Soon this summer The Hulk will be coming out, just saw the newest Trailer, there is no doubt I will see this movie as soon as it comes out. I never read the Hulk very much, but I know enough history and basics of the character to know whats right and wrong. This movie is directed my Ang Lee, a director I trust very much (Crouching Tiger, Sense and Sensibility), but I have this feeling in the back of my mind that its gonna end up looking goofy. The look of the movie is solid, its the Hulk himself, I have no problem with CGI, I have no problem with the size of the Hulk, since he's actually that size in the comics. I can't put my finger on it, first it seemed like a lack or drama from the early clips and trailer, all they showed was some action, and the thing that looked most wrong, they show him tossing around this tank like it was nothing, while the Hulk is that strong...it looks totally ridiculous, it looks comical. The newest Trailer made me feel a bit better, showed more drama, more character, but just as much showed these brief shots of the Hulk doing things that look...goofy. I trust Ang Lee I really do, but I can't help but worry, since its the one comic movie we know the least about. Look at the trailer, see for yourself, I think you'll understand what I mean. Oh here's the new Hulk Trailer
Oh and just for kicks the new Matrix Trailer, because it rocks the house.
Guess thats all for now, although looking at that, seems kinda long. Why can't I write stuff that long when I need to for school.....
Well you see yesterday I decided to start exercising a bit, as i feel I am grossly out of shape. So I did some push-ups. Did like 10, then came back a few minutes later and did 20, then later in a the day decided to do a few more, and I just sort of fell flat on my face and started laughing, my arms just sort of decided they "had enough". My arms were pretty useless the rest of the day, and today well they hurt like hell, but tomorrow I should be okay, maybe then I'll be able to do 31 push-ups a day, lol. Next, crunches!! then I won't be able to stand up for 2 day :-D. Exercising has never been this hillarious. I should make a video or something "Abs of Jelly: Computer Nerd Exercise".
Whoa, found some bitchin new software, called w.blogger it lets me update this area of the site without having to go to www.blogger.com to update it. Plus it lets me edit stuff dynamically. add pictures and links easilly. But I still have to test it out a bit, if your reading this and it looks normal, then its working :-P
I Seriously think this the most I've done with the website in a long while, updated pictures, posting more, added webcam, etc. I hope to start doing Movie Reviews and stuff as I see the instead of just doing movies I like :-P, although I do only tend to see good movies, heh.
Whoa again, just fixed a very embarassing error in the Infornography section.
I Seriously think this the most I've done with the website in a long while, updated pictures, posting more, added webcam, etc. I hope to start doing Movie Reviews and stuff as I see the instead of just doing movies I like :-P, although I do only tend to see good movies, heh.
Whoa again, just fixed a very embarassing error in the Infornography section.
Wha-oh Check it out, I added those art pictures I talked about, and I did it in less than a week, go me. Also added some new pics all around, and decided I am going to start taking more pictures of my friends, since that bunch of pictures is kind of pathetic, the pictures, not the people. The people are cool. Working on a few more additions to ComicFun.
Also saw Bulletproof Monk last night, pretty slick movie overall. Had some wierd stuff in it, but it doesn't ruin the movie. It has effects similar to Croutching Tiger, but the movie knows better than to take itself that seriously. I discovered it was based on a comic book, and knowing that helped, made certian things seem not as outrageous, ya know realizing that in a comic book, a certain scene might have worked better. But it was a very fun movie, I endorse it.
Also it might have helped that I saw the movie with the wonderful Catherine. :-D
Also saw Bulletproof Monk last night, pretty slick movie overall. Had some wierd stuff in it, but it doesn't ruin the movie. It has effects similar to Croutching Tiger, but the movie knows better than to take itself that seriously. I discovered it was based on a comic book, and knowing that helped, made certian things seem not as outrageous, ya know realizing that in a comic book, a certain scene might have worked better. But it was a very fun movie, I endorse it.
Also it might have helped that I saw the movie with the wonderful Catherine. :-D
okay how silly is this right after I officially give up on the cam, everything i was looking for came my way. Got some pretty decent webcamming software so I can make notes and have a timestamp, and the javascript to make the little window come up, needless to say I am pleased. With how it has turned out, plus I've upped the counter to one minte for kicks. Goodbye privacy it was nice knowing you.
Easter is coming yea! The best breaks are the ones you forgot were going to happen, since i didn't realize this weekend started a little break its such a releaf. Have some time to chill, see some movies hang out with people, since its the one break most of us have at the same time, albeit a short break. Still havn't done any of the writing I wanted, blah :-P But i have been doing some other stuff for the site, I scanned in a whole bunch of my stuff from my art class last year, and I gotta scan in the *nudes* i did, beaue some of thse were prety cool, its art not porn, I swear. I figure those'll be up in roughly a weeks time, been a while since i made an image page, gots go and make thumbnails, and make sure everythign is formatted so it looks like all my other pages.
yeah I gave on the javascript for the cam, and part of it is I don't think my server supports Javascript....along with anything else. My Javascript teacher couldn't find anything fundamentally wrong with it, he told me some things that might fix it, but he spoke very fast, and I didn't want to ask him again. But no big deal, also its not a link anymore, now I'm just looking for the code to either refresh the menu every minute or so or if I can just have the image itself refresh.
I guess thats all for now, later all :-)
Just some websites I'm saving for myself for when I get home lol, updating from sk00l.
yeah I gave on the javascript for the cam, and part of it is I don't think my server supports Javascript....along with anything else. My Javascript teacher couldn't find anything fundamentally wrong with it, he told me some things that might fix it, but he spoke very fast, and I didn't want to ask him again. But no big deal, also its not a link anymore, now I'm just looking for the code to either refresh the menu every minute or so or if I can just have the image itself refresh.
I guess thats all for now, later all :-)
Just some websites I'm saving for myself for when I get home lol, updating from sk00l.
yep I moved the webcam image to the menu bar for now, trying to work on some javascript that would open a small window with the full sized webcam image when clicked, and would have the date on it, and a button to close the window...just for kicks and a random reason to try some Javascript. Sadly its not working as well as I want it to which is to say, the Javascript isn't working at all, but eventually.
Well I've been playin around with some new utilities which has resulted in me doing a webcam, almost 24hrs a day 7 days of the week ,updated just about every 5mins. Now i just have to figure out where it goes on the website, right now its just on his page, but i might change it to be on the menu bar. We'll see what happens, well I'm off for Pizza, laters. :-)
Heh, you crazy kids, I could never forget about you :-D
Hoowah, oh yeah laziness settled in again, I've started writing the next proposal, been doing it during Economics class so thats prolly why it goes so slow.
If most of you don't know, I watch little to no TV, but what I do watch is either Cartoon Network for Adult Swim, or TechTV. TechTV has been goin through some changes, and for some reason I felt the need to talk about it. You see they had this show 'Call For Help' and they had a guy named Chris Pirillo host it, he was a wackt cantankerous nerd, who was quite helpfull. I never watched it that much, but it was a good show and Chris did a good job. The Other TechTV show, their flagship show The ScreenSavers, the man who hosts it, Leo Laporte, was suddenly also doing Call For Help, Then i came to find out it was pretty permanent. Seemed odd to me as again I thought Chris did a good job, while not my faverate person to watch on TV I respected him as one of the best Nerds we have. Aparently he was sort of given the boot as it were, he finished one Friday and they told him it was his last show, and thats all we know. And then it brought me to wonder why, so I found his weblog, which is pretty nifty and now i read it a lot, because off the air I find him more likable, as he seems more like a nerd and less like a goofy host. Well he's still pretty goofy, and a lot crazier than I gave him credit for. I really don't know where I'm going with this actually, but Chris is a cool guy and not oly is his weblog designed well, its a random interesting read, not to mention his cam is actually updated pretty often, (most people do one pic a day) to show you that this guy is actually on the computer all the time. Umm yeah thats all i got on that, I'm just really wanna know the whole story behind this casting change.
Also after seeing his page it gave me an idea, to make a font based off my handwriting, lord knows how this might take a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks....it all depends on my laziness factor :-)
Hoowah, oh yeah laziness settled in again, I've started writing the next proposal, been doing it during Economics class so thats prolly why it goes so slow.
If most of you don't know, I watch little to no TV, but what I do watch is either Cartoon Network for Adult Swim, or TechTV. TechTV has been goin through some changes, and for some reason I felt the need to talk about it. You see they had this show 'Call For Help' and they had a guy named Chris Pirillo host it, he was a wackt cantankerous nerd, who was quite helpfull. I never watched it that much, but it was a good show and Chris did a good job. The Other TechTV show, their flagship show The ScreenSavers, the man who hosts it, Leo Laporte, was suddenly also doing Call For Help, Then i came to find out it was pretty permanent. Seemed odd to me as again I thought Chris did a good job, while not my faverate person to watch on TV I respected him as one of the best Nerds we have. Aparently he was sort of given the boot as it were, he finished one Friday and they told him it was his last show, and thats all we know. And then it brought me to wonder why, so I found his weblog, which is pretty nifty and now i read it a lot, because off the air I find him more likable, as he seems more like a nerd and less like a goofy host. Well he's still pretty goofy, and a lot crazier than I gave him credit for. I really don't know where I'm going with this actually, but Chris is a cool guy and not oly is his weblog designed well, its a random interesting read, not to mention his cam is actually updated pretty often, (most people do one pic a day) to show you that this guy is actually on the computer all the time. Umm yeah thats all i got on that, I'm just really wanna know the whole story behind this casting change.
Also after seeing his page it gave me an idea, to make a font based off my handwriting, lord knows how this might take a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks....it all depends on my laziness factor :-)
Well It has begun, I finished the first story proposal. It can be found here.
In case you hadn't heard, I've decided to get the creative juices flowing and write stuff again. I plan to show like 2 - 4 proposals for different ideas, and I'll give a little vote to see which one people like, and I'll write that one on a continual basis, with regular intervals to this site. Technically these are all proposals for stories I'd like to see as full blown comic books one day, and I'd write them as such, similar to the way my Jinketsu story in my Infornography section looks. Unless I get really daring and write it in full story mode like Singed.
All for now kiddies.
In case you hadn't heard, I've decided to get the creative juices flowing and write stuff again. I plan to show like 2 - 4 proposals for different ideas, and I'll give a little vote to see which one people like, and I'll write that one on a continual basis, with regular intervals to this site. Technically these are all proposals for stories I'd like to see as full blown comic books one day, and I'd write them as such, similar to the way my Jinketsu story in my Infornography section looks. Unless I get really daring and write it in full story mode like Singed.
All for now kiddies.
Ok by my one of my previous posts you know my views on the war, and that I feel strongly about it. I've also mentioned the msg board I post to. I just felt it would gelp you understand why I feel so strongly and why i get angry if I posted some "direct" quotes by some of these people.
If you don't like the idea of the war, thats fine, just don't be an idiot or an asshole about it. Like these people. Now here I can stop being how nice I usually am and say what I'm thinking.
"I'm ashamed of being an American....And I for one think the US deserves just what its getting."
The Yanni: Get out of my Goddamn country. You don't like it here, get out, we don't want you.
"And who is to say Iraq will be better off without Saddam?"
The Yanni: Yeah leaving an insane dictator who has killed thousands of his own people, and replacing it with a government that the people of Iraq can decide what they want couldn't possibly be better. And even if it fails, at least we tried.
"...this is just another godamned Vietnam."
(I think I'll let someone else who made a good point on the board field this one.)
Repuricanto: Your comparison doesn't even make sense. The Vietnam conflict started in the 50's when the French went in. We went around in the mid 60's and we were supposed to be there just in a training advisory capacity. But Johnson got us involved in a full blown war. We didn't go in to invade in the beginning.
Thank you Repuricanto :-)
"The U.S. has always believed they know what's best for the world, but why are they suddenly acting on it now?"
The Yanni: Because its the right thing to do. And we've decided we're not going to sit back and do nothing...like the rest of the world.
"How about the fact that Iraqi citizens all hate the US, there must be a reason why they aren't greeting us with open arms."
The Yanni: Oh, did Saddam tell you that...he's quite reliable. Plus that fact that if anyone openly said anything against Saddam, they be killed. I'm sure that doesn't have anything to do with it either.
"Always in war it's been about whether or not there's 'something in it for us', and that's EXACTLY what makes it wrong and exactly why I don't support it."
The Yanni: Soo...you don't support it because there's nothing in it for us, so the war is wrong because we're doing the right thing, arguments fall apart like....well things that fall apart easily.
"...because Saddam is a dictator and we want to help the poor oppressed? No. Because Iraq has oil and Saddam tried to kill Bush's daddy."
The Yanni: We don't need or want their f'cking oil we get 75% of our impoted oil from Canada, and another big chunk from Mexico, we barely get any from that region of the world. And if we wanted oil, Kuwait is right there, and they pose no threat, why the hell would we goto war instead of just going to Kuwait for oil. And god if Bush's father wasn't a President, people wouldn't have half the arguments against him. Going after the bad guy, makes him a child. When President Clinton bombed Iraq, we didn't hear a peep about anti-war protesting. Its just so annoying and so dumb to think if Clinton was the one doing this, we'd Champion him. a lying, theiving, sac of shit. Over a man who has never lied to us or done nothing but what he believes is right.
"Bush has been a dictator from the start. �The American people didn't even vote him into office."
The Yanni: Yeah.. a dictator. If Bush was a dictator, all the people who have been protesting would have been shot on sight, oh wait thats what happens in Iraq. Or kill the Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc, so no one could take his place, oh wait thats what happened in Iraq when Saddam killed his own Sons, and his entire family so no one would succede him. Or he's start killing his own countrymen, or anyone who dissagreed with him, oh yeah I forgot thats Iraq again.
I can't believe were still talking about him not being elected by America, at least about half the country voted him in, the rest was up to the Electoral college. Thats just the way the system works, get over it.
"You're right, I don't like Bush. �I must be crazy for not liking a president that's on vacation more than he's on the job. �I must be crazy for liking a president that supports tax breaks for people that have more money than 80% of the country. �I must be crazy for not liking a president whose only reason for going to war is to take up daddy's lost cause."
The Yanni: See now we get to the heart of the matter, she's mad because the president put money back into the hands of the people who earned it. Yeah the rich got back more...because they pay more. You know that 95% of the money taken in by taxes by the government, is paid by 5% of the people? Besides we all got money back, its just amazing a president is getting slammed for giving people their money back. As for more on Vacation than on the job? Thats f'cking rediculus. Hell I remember Clinton went on "vacation" in some forign country then when he got back the he spent the next week in Martha's Vineyard.
And lastly an oldy but a goodie,
"Did you know that Germany did not want Bush as our president? Why? They thought his tactics were too much like Hitler's. Seems about right, too."
The Yanni: Wait a second did I just hear Bush and Hitler in the same sentence and mentioned them being alike, thats f'cking laughable you fucking stupid child. Yeeah I'm sure Germany spent a lot of time researching Bush before he came into office, and Hitler-esque tactics.....what F'cking tactics were those??? He was a Texas Gov, not a military general. I wouldn't be suprised if this person made this up, cause its fucking laughable. And Who the hell cares what Germany thinks about who becomes president, nothing against Germany but they don't vote in out elections, and this kind of matter they can go f'ck them selves.
Well this was a long post, and hopefully you understand why I get so angry dealing with stupid people on this topic. I don't mind having a conversation about it with someone who has an opposing view point, in fact that can be fun and interesting sometimes. But in this case I find these people to be idiodic, opinionated and misinformed. For them its more about hating bush, than going after Saddam. If I offended anyone I'm sorry for that but its what I believe.
God Bless America,
love it or leave it.
If you don't like the idea of the war, thats fine, just don't be an idiot or an asshole about it. Like these people. Now here I can stop being how nice I usually am and say what I'm thinking.
"I'm ashamed of being an American....And I for one think the US deserves just what its getting."
The Yanni: Get out of my Goddamn country. You don't like it here, get out, we don't want you.
"And who is to say Iraq will be better off without Saddam?"
The Yanni: Yeah leaving an insane dictator who has killed thousands of his own people, and replacing it with a government that the people of Iraq can decide what they want couldn't possibly be better. And even if it fails, at least we tried.
"...this is just another godamned Vietnam."
(I think I'll let someone else who made a good point on the board field this one.)
Repuricanto: Your comparison doesn't even make sense. The Vietnam conflict started in the 50's when the French went in. We went around in the mid 60's and we were supposed to be there just in a training advisory capacity. But Johnson got us involved in a full blown war. We didn't go in to invade in the beginning.
Thank you Repuricanto :-)
"The U.S. has always believed they know what's best for the world, but why are they suddenly acting on it now?"
The Yanni: Because its the right thing to do. And we've decided we're not going to sit back and do nothing...like the rest of the world.
"How about the fact that Iraqi citizens all hate the US, there must be a reason why they aren't greeting us with open arms."
The Yanni: Oh, did Saddam tell you that...he's quite reliable. Plus that fact that if anyone openly said anything against Saddam, they be killed. I'm sure that doesn't have anything to do with it either.
"Always in war it's been about whether or not there's 'something in it for us', and that's EXACTLY what makes it wrong and exactly why I don't support it."
The Yanni: Soo...you don't support it because there's nothing in it for us, so the war is wrong because we're doing the right thing, arguments fall apart like....well things that fall apart easily.
"...because Saddam is a dictator and we want to help the poor oppressed? No. Because Iraq has oil and Saddam tried to kill Bush's daddy."
The Yanni: We don't need or want their f'cking oil we get 75% of our impoted oil from Canada, and another big chunk from Mexico, we barely get any from that region of the world. And if we wanted oil, Kuwait is right there, and they pose no threat, why the hell would we goto war instead of just going to Kuwait for oil. And god if Bush's father wasn't a President, people wouldn't have half the arguments against him. Going after the bad guy, makes him a child. When President Clinton bombed Iraq, we didn't hear a peep about anti-war protesting. Its just so annoying and so dumb to think if Clinton was the one doing this, we'd Champion him. a lying, theiving, sac of shit. Over a man who has never lied to us or done nothing but what he believes is right.
"Bush has been a dictator from the start. �The American people didn't even vote him into office."
The Yanni: Yeah.. a dictator. If Bush was a dictator, all the people who have been protesting would have been shot on sight, oh wait thats what happens in Iraq. Or kill the Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc, so no one could take his place, oh wait thats what happened in Iraq when Saddam killed his own Sons, and his entire family so no one would succede him. Or he's start killing his own countrymen, or anyone who dissagreed with him, oh yeah I forgot thats Iraq again.
I can't believe were still talking about him not being elected by America, at least about half the country voted him in, the rest was up to the Electoral college. Thats just the way the system works, get over it.
"You're right, I don't like Bush. �I must be crazy for not liking a president that's on vacation more than he's on the job. �I must be crazy for liking a president that supports tax breaks for people that have more money than 80% of the country. �I must be crazy for not liking a president whose only reason for going to war is to take up daddy's lost cause."
The Yanni: See now we get to the heart of the matter, she's mad because the president put money back into the hands of the people who earned it. Yeah the rich got back more...because they pay more. You know that 95% of the money taken in by taxes by the government, is paid by 5% of the people? Besides we all got money back, its just amazing a president is getting slammed for giving people their money back. As for more on Vacation than on the job? Thats f'cking rediculus. Hell I remember Clinton went on "vacation" in some forign country then when he got back the he spent the next week in Martha's Vineyard.
And lastly an oldy but a goodie,
"Did you know that Germany did not want Bush as our president? Why? They thought his tactics were too much like Hitler's. Seems about right, too."
The Yanni: Wait a second did I just hear Bush and Hitler in the same sentence and mentioned them being alike, thats f'cking laughable you fucking stupid child. Yeeah I'm sure Germany spent a lot of time researching Bush before he came into office, and Hitler-esque tactics.....what F'cking tactics were those??? He was a Texas Gov, not a military general. I wouldn't be suprised if this person made this up, cause its fucking laughable. And Who the hell cares what Germany thinks about who becomes president, nothing against Germany but they don't vote in out elections, and this kind of matter they can go f'ck them selves.
Well this was a long post, and hopefully you understand why I get so angry dealing with stupid people on this topic. I don't mind having a conversation about it with someone who has an opposing view point, in fact that can be fun and interesting sometimes. But in this case I find these people to be idiodic, opinionated and misinformed. For them its more about hating bush, than going after Saddam. If I offended anyone I'm sorry for that but its what I believe.
God Bless America,
love it or leave it.
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