Whats I"m Up To


Well It has begun, I finished the first story proposal. It can be found here.

In case you hadn't heard, I've decided to get the creative juices flowing and write stuff again. I plan to show like 2 - 4 proposals for different ideas, and I'll give a little vote to see which one people like, and I'll write that one on a continual basis, with regular intervals to this site. Technically these are all proposals for stories I'd like to see as full blown comic books one day, and I'd write them as such, similar to the way my Jinketsu story in my Infornography section looks. Unless I get really daring and write it in full story mode like Singed.

All for now kiddies.


Ok by my one of my previous posts you know my views on the war, and that I feel strongly about it. I've also mentioned the msg board I post to. I just felt it would gelp you understand why I feel so strongly and why i get angry if I posted some "direct" quotes by some of these people.
If you don't like the idea of the war, thats fine, just don't be an idiot or an asshole about it. Like these people. Now here I can stop being how nice I usually am and say what I'm thinking.

"I'm ashamed of being an American....And I for one think the US deserves just what its getting."
The Yanni: Get out of my Goddamn country. You don't like it here, get out, we don't want you.

"And who is to say Iraq will be better off without Saddam?"
The Yanni: Yeah leaving an insane dictator who has killed thousands of his own people, and replacing it with a government that the people of Iraq can decide what they want couldn't possibly be better. And even if it fails, at least we tried.

"...this is just another godamned Vietnam."
(I think I'll let someone else who made a good point on the board field this one.)
Repuricanto: Your comparison doesn't even make sense. The Vietnam conflict started in the 50's when the French went in. We went around in the mid 60's and we were supposed to be there just in a training advisory capacity. But Johnson got us involved in a full blown war. We didn't go in to invade in the beginning.
Thank you Repuricanto :-)

"The U.S. has always believed they know what's best for the world, but why are they suddenly acting on it now?"
The Yanni: Because its the right thing to do. And we've decided we're not going to sit back and do nothing...like the rest of the world.

"How about the fact that Iraqi citizens all hate the US, there must be a reason why they aren't greeting us with open arms."
The Yanni: Oh, did Saddam tell you that...he's quite reliable. Plus that fact that if anyone openly said anything against Saddam, they be killed. I'm sure that doesn't have anything to do with it either.

"Always in war it's been about whether or not there's 'something in it for us', and that's EXACTLY what makes it wrong and exactly why I don't support it."
The Yanni: Soo...you don't support it because there's nothing in it for us, so the war is wrong because we're doing the right thing, arguments fall apart like....well things that fall apart easily.

"...because Saddam is a dictator and we want to help the poor oppressed? No. Because Iraq has oil and Saddam tried to kill Bush's daddy."
The Yanni: We don't need or want their f'cking oil we get 75% of our impoted oil from Canada, and another big chunk from Mexico, we barely get any from that region of the world. And if we wanted oil, Kuwait is right there, and they pose no threat, why the hell would we goto war instead of just going to Kuwait for oil. And god if Bush's father wasn't a President, people wouldn't have half the arguments against him. Going after the bad guy, makes him a child. When President Clinton bombed Iraq, we didn't hear a peep about anti-war protesting. Its just so annoying and so dumb to think if Clinton was the one doing this, we'd Champion him. a lying, theiving, sac of shit. Over a man who has never lied to us or done nothing but what he believes is right.

"Bush has been a dictator from the start. �The American people didn't even vote him into office."
The Yanni: Yeah.. a dictator. If Bush was a dictator, all the people who have been protesting would have been shot on sight, oh wait thats what happens in Iraq. Or kill the Vice President, Speaker of the House, etc, so no one could take his place, oh wait thats what happened in Iraq when Saddam killed his own Sons, and his entire family so no one would succede him. Or he's start killing his own countrymen, or anyone who dissagreed with him, oh yeah I forgot thats Iraq again.
I can't believe were still talking about him not being elected by America, at least about half the country voted him in, the rest was up to the Electoral college. Thats just the way the system works, get over it.

"You're right, I don't like Bush. �I must be crazy for not liking a president that's on vacation more than he's on the job. �I must be crazy for liking a president that supports tax breaks for people that have more money than 80% of the country. �I must be crazy for not liking a president whose only reason for going to war is to take up daddy's lost cause."
The Yanni: See now we get to the heart of the matter, she's mad because the president put money back into the hands of the people who earned it. Yeah the rich got back more...because they pay more. You know that 95% of the money taken in by taxes by the government, is paid by 5% of the people? Besides we all got money back, its just amazing a president is getting slammed for giving people their money back. As for more on Vacation than on the job? Thats f'cking rediculus. Hell I remember Clinton went on "vacation" in some forign country then when he got back the he spent the next week in Martha's Vineyard.

And lastly an oldy but a goodie,
"Did you know that Germany did not want Bush as our president? Why? They thought his tactics were too much like Hitler's. Seems about right, too."
The Yanni: Wait a second did I just hear Bush and Hitler in the same sentence and mentioned them being alike, thats f'cking laughable you fucking stupid child. Yeeah I'm sure Germany spent a lot of time researching Bush before he came into office, and Hitler-esque tactics.....what F'cking tactics were those??? He was a Texas Gov, not a military general. I wouldn't be suprised if this person made this up, cause its fucking laughable. And Who the hell cares what Germany thinks about who becomes president, nothing against Germany but they don't vote in out elections, and this kind of matter they can go f'ck them selves.

Well this was a long post, and hopefully you understand why I get so angry dealing with stupid people on this topic. I don't mind having a conversation about it with someone who has an opposing view point, in fact that can be fun and interesting sometimes. But in this case I find these people to be idiodic, opinionated and misinformed. For them its more about hating bush, than going after Saddam. If I offended anyone I'm sorry for that but its what I believe.

God Bless America,
love it or leave it.


I reactivated my GameSpot Complete account, and I've been viewing stuff I missed the last month or so and found this Bitchin Game Trailer Its from a game coming out called Project Number 3 or P.N.03 its looks kinda like Devil May Cry only in space against robots....its really slick. Although the first few seconds of it are kinda wierd, because you have no idea what going on. Check it out, hopefully the link is working.


Hmmm recently I've talked to a few people about some of the stuff I've written, and some of the stuff I've planned to be comics. And I've gotten a lot of positive responces. Plus I really want to get back writing, since I always have these ideas that I think would be pretty good, but they always stay in my head.

I really havn't had the drive to get the writing done, plus in some cases where I actually have gotten a decent amount of story done, I seem to get stuck certain points. I've never really finished writting an issue 3 for anything. But the best way I think to get motovation is to get a sense that I have to do it. So I figure if I make a commitment to posting new chapters or "issues" of a story here I'll.....write it and put it up here. Plus since its one of my life goals to become a comic book writer give me a sense of deadlines for this kind of work.

But again since I have so many ideas, I don't know which one i want to commit to. So thats where you people come in.

I will put a whole bunch of proposals for my various comic stories, and you people will play Editor and choose which one sounds the most interesting. And whatever one is chosen I will write, simple as that. Plus in the end it gives people a reason to goto this site other than to see my links page considering besides what I write here is the only place that seems to get updated. Well thats all for now, I post the proposals as soon as I'm done with them and the poll will shortly follow.

Later all. :-)


Note: To anyone who read the depressing post I made....everythings ok. I'm all better now. Thanks to some good friends, and just a good week in general.

Also since I know I read more webcomics than what I have on my links page, I remedied that. Also I know I said this many times but I'm thinking of ways to improve the site, with either Flash or Javascript since my hosting company won't be upgrading for PHP anytime soon.