Whats I"m Up To


Bah I wish my father would just use the computer he already bought himself for christmas, the one he's been using should be fine. But its not, he has been using WindowsME since he got it, and it drove him crazy, cause ME is a god aweful peiece of crap. So he has some trouble getting online and finally decides to do a wipe and install WindowsXP over clean onto the drive. He does so, doesn't fic his problem. I get him a new ethernet card, the thing goes goofy, he sends it to Gateway, apparently he had corrupt memory. Ok they fixed it and his ethernet card, and he's on a clean install of XP again. Only now we find out that the gave him the NTFS file system as opposed to FAT32 which he was using, so now all his old files he saved are practically useless, and now he is having trouble buring CDs. And every night I get a new session of him asking me questions I can't possibly answer, and I have to go look for stuff online for him. Just seems like nothing is working out for him with this system. So yeah I want him to just open the freakin one he got himself for christmas, since he's gonna be using it in a month or so anyhow, to stop his bellyaching. I just don't want him to start going crazy again and yelling at the computer, so I can have some peace.


Ah its wednesday again, if you know my schedule, then you know whats thats like, especially when I actually go to all my classes. Just sitting here before the teacher starts teaching in my Programming and Logic 2 class. Just removed the Caps Lock to add it to my collection, since it was giving me guff. From looking at the release list for todays comics, looks to be a light week, 4 or 5 comics for me and a magazine, and enough money leftover to get me some gas. I've been cleanng my room for the past few days, found my "My Other Car Is a Transformer" sticker, so it shall soon find a home in my back window, and I've got most of my DVD's and Videos organized now. Its only a matter of time before I venture in to the closet. That's all for now time to get some comics. Later


Hi everybody how's it goin. Lets see I got about 40 mins before I have to go to work, and I'm not even sure what I'm gonna talk about. Well since its on the top of my mind I'll mention the movie "Shoulin Soccer" I watched last night, it was oodles of fun. Movie was about a struggling Martial Artist who gathers his old buddies who he learned Kung Fu with, and they try to form a soccer team using their Kung Fu to give them an advantage. So its like using Crouching Tiger/Matrix fight moves to play soccer, its fun to watch. Its like Mighty Ducks, but its soccer and they use nifty martial arts. While I was watching it the subtitles bugged me because, they were just in basic directly translated english. But you see the subtitle file is separate, so I'm going through it, and writing a better script :-). Which is kind of nifty. But time consuming. Also I'm nearly done updating and converting the links page to PHP, then i can start converting the rest, which won't take quite as long, cause the rest all have the same style, only the links page is really different.

My friend Jasmine from New Paltz just IMed me, and invited me to a Halloween Party up there, even said they'd pick me up. Told her I had to work...she asked me to call in sick. Told her its important I'm here with my girlfriend cause its her favorite Holiday...she said bring her along. My girlfriend is having her own party. I just feel bad turning her down but...yeah its really impossible. Not to mention my parents would flip out, they are afraid of me doing anything on Halloween cause they say "People are crazy on that day". Cause I really want to visit her some time, but I just can't get away, between work which i can't sacrifice cause i need the money, and whenever I realize that I had a good chance and some free time to do go and visit, its always too late.I mean this is 2nd school year since I left. Most of the people who I knew prolly forgot me, and Jasmine was always a really good friend and I miss her, just wish I had a life that had more free time. not to mention the fact if I was to go up there, for even a day. I'd have to have to...not have work, my parents would prolly have to not be home cause they prolly wouldn't want me to go, and I'd have to have enough spare money for gas and spending.

But it seems another option has arrised, it seems we are going to try and make plans to meet here in Troy Me, Cat, and Jas will all go out to Bob's and stuff. I just realized it's been about 2 years since the infamous Troy Road Trip (the night the clocks went back), and the New Paltz Halloween Party. So that should be interesting.


Yep I'm still here, havn't had a moments piece. But today since my PHP class was cancelled I decided to work on some of my own PHP during that time. And I've started converting the retreat page to PHP, and updating and getting rid of dumb links, looks good so far. The catagories that are PHP are the ones that have underscores in the names, just the first 3 so far. Its just crazy how much less code is needed to produce the same exact page. Thats all I got for now, other than my dad giving me a hard time about random things.

Oh I got the Matrix Reloaded DVD today, my dad got it from some guy he knows and for only $14. Sadly he got the Full-Screen Edition, so I went around looking for places that sold the DVD with same packaging that mine had, thankfully I found it at the first place. Walmart was the one, so I switched it for the Widescreen Edition there, and no one will be the wiser...I'm so sly :-P

Light week for comics this week...thank god, last few weeks its been kinda bad. Only 6 comics today, 2 of them were special issues Amazing Spider-Man# 500, and JLA/Avengers# 2 so they cost extra. Since Money is tight and I read too many, I've started cutting back, and a lot of stuff I liked is ending now anyway. I've stopped getting Batman, Wolverine, Mystique, New Mutants, JLA, Eternal is ending, as is Agent X, and 2 Mini-Series I get only have a few more issues. Well time to read the remainder of my comics this evening. After 2 hours PHP-ing I deserve it.


dah, another post lost to the winds...maybe I'll write something to replace this later, but now. Off to work


Well the lovely girl Catherine had decided to delete her website, and just do what updates she wants on a couple Blogs. Being the good guy I am, I offered her a place here, and the growing theyanni.com family. She Joins me and the Mighty Matrix at http://thecatherine.theyanni.com, its just a default page at the moment, but I'm working on an intro page for her. But separately they are The Watchtower and The Maid of Troy. So keep a look out, and I'll do my comic reviews after this Wednesday, got kind of backlogged, heh.


Well you know what I realized? My Comic Review posts are very very long...and obviously they take a decent enough time to write. So I have my solution, 1 review a day. Everyday I'll try to review one comic I've read from the past week or a graphic novel I just picked up.

The first I'm going to review is a little graphic novel I picked up last month that deserved a mention.

Fortune and Glory
A True Hollywood Comic Book Story

Writer & Artist: Brian Michael Bendis
Publisher: Oni Press

This is something I just decided to get one day because its written by who is the the best all around writer in comics right now, and it was supposed to be pretty funny. And I have to say it was funny. This book follows Brian as one of his early works "Goldfish" got pretty popular, was featured in some magazine and it caught the eye of hollywood. So this follows his hollywood experience, dealing with Agents, Producers, and Executives. And it was funny, quite funny. Which only helps by Bendis' chosen art style for this book, which has a very doodling in your notebook aspect to them. Its fits very well, for large expressive features. Little things are also pretty interesting that you see just about every Hollywood person is drawn with eyes tight as if closed, while Bendis's are quite large. Just from seeing how he is treated and the absurdity of the people he deals with, are just too out there to not be real. To when he tries to convince an Executive that Elliot Ness is a real person to hearing they want his main character to be played by Pauly Shore, you feel every cringe and laugh and every rediculus question...and wonder how he made it out without going mad. Its a fun, silly, and entertaining ride. A very good break from the same old Superhero stuff.
Rating: 9/10