Whats I"m Up To


Well now that i have few moments of fresh air, let me startby saying I was at the first showing of the Matrix: Revolutions in my area, and yes i liked it. But lets review now. Before the first Matrix movie came out, I had seen the trailer, and thought it looked amazing, and it did everything a good trailer should do, but most don't. It looked amazingly surreal, you had no idea what was happening but it looked cool , and it gave a few snippets of dialogue which were great. And didn't reveal any plot points that could be understood from the trailer. It just made the movie look cool, and made me want to see it. When it came out me and myfriend Dave used the public bus system to get to a theater to try and see it I was 17, hoping we wouldn't be carded...we were, a whole afternoon wasted. Eventually my Uncle took me since I recommended it to him and he already saw it. Oh man I loved that movie, it was great all I hoped for, I left the movie with my hand searching the back of my head to make sure i wasn't plugged in. I got it on video and watched it...well let's just say I watched it a lot. Then we started getting trailers for Relaoded, and it looked awesome, then Reloaded came out, and I bought the videogame the same day. Reloaded was ok...I liked it but it wasn't what I expected, or really wanted. The famed bullet time was gone other than one totally CG shot. The first movie took so much time and effort in keeping the actors in the movie. When Neo and Morpheus fought it was coreographed but there was real contact. The actors never left the screen, or were replaced by CG actors. Also the first movie combined many different fight types, and a lot of classic movie ideas. In fights they had a Kung Foo fight, an amazing gun battle, a wester style shoot out, and a street fight. Some classic movie moments are a chase scene, the traitor(*gasp*), a prophecy, and super powers. All the while it looked cool doing it. Reloaded had kung foo fights and aparently Neo has all purpose powers now he just can't explode Agents anymore, and a little weapon action, and the freeway scene. It also had a lot of unnesseary scenes and filler. The Morpheus Zion speech, the Rave, the Sex, the 1000 Smiths, and none of the fight scenes except one had a clear winner. Plus the removed Keano from every shot they could with an obviously CG replacement, which made it look hokey.And the entire story wasfind the keymaker, get the keymaker, talk to architect, save Trinity. The Revolutions started trickling throughas always some very good trailers appeared, and this was gonna be the end of a 6 month Cliffhanger, and end of the Matrix.#1 Revolutions did things better than Reloaded did, we saw much less computer Keano, an amazing superman style fightthe like of which has never been seen.Much less filler, but the filler there was wasn't as bad. They didn't waste precious time explaining things, which I actually liked. It was like its not about the why its happening, but that its that its what had to happen. The fight for Zion was astonishing so much carnage and craziness. And geez they threw enough religious symbolism for an entire college course. But it was good, its over, and they didn't do what I thought they were gonna do, which i think most people were worried about. There is no "Matrix within a Matrix, within a Matrix, wihin a..." cause that would have be dumb.so

The Matrix - 9/10
The Matrix: Reloaded - 5/10
The Matrix Revolutuions - 7/10

Eh me tired, go sleep now, I'll try to write more tomorrow


As always I find myself in my PHP class not paying attention wanting to make a nice update form here, but knowing I don't have enough time to do so, perhaps later tonight I will update...so much to say and never time to say it.


Well you see Project Organization has begun in my PHP class. Where I'm in a group I was assigned since I missed that day. Apparently my group decided to do an E-Commerce site to sell Auto Parts. Now let me say that I know more about the economic strengths of Zimbabwe in the international market, than I do about auto parts. Second this meet after class was just to get the basics to make sure we all knew where we were going, and what was needed to be done. What followed was nothing short of Hell in a 90 minute installment. We sat there, exchanging ideas, most of which was things they wanted have on the site. They were totally out there, like if we had 2 months to make this, and it was going to be a real place to buy things. All kinds of things we listed as long term, once we got everything working then we would try to add it in. I'm sitting there thinking 'ok'...then I thought to myself didn't he just say we have 4 classes left, in essence 4 weeks
*sigh* but I kept silent, and then realized how in over our heads we are, or at least I am. Then I looked at my watch it had been 45 minutes, our quick meet was getting rather long, although I mean I thought it had been like 3 hours what it felt like anyway. I kept thinking why don't we just divy up parts and go home, then I realized I had unknowingly etched the words "I Want to Die" into the cover of my notebook, only noticeable when the light glares off it. Thats when I knew it was time to freakin leave...but I couldn't they went on for another 45mins. For a few minutes I actually thought poking my own eye out with my pen would be less painful, and was kind of excited to see what I looked like with an eye patch. But amazingly it ended. I ran(drove) home as fast as I could to my parents my dinner and I watched Angel, the sad thing is next week....I have to go back.


Well I've been meaning to make a number of posts since well a week ago this wednesday, you know how things are, and i can be forgetful. But hopefully I'll get to it soon.

Oh and BTW I fixed my damn links page or retreat as its known on the sidebar.

Yeah I should add some cool new stuff to the secret page, any ideas?
Although then they wouldn't be secrets...


Ever have one of those mornings? Well this morning is the first time I've been home on a Sunday morning, when my parents are also home...in a very long time since I used to work Sunday mornings. Well yeah like I said its been a while, and I like Sunday morning, a nice breakfast (eggs, etc) relaxing, etc. So I wake up at like 8 and go back to sleep since no one is out of bed yet. Well then I wake up for real at 10. And my parents are out there watching TV. I get out there and see they allready had breakfast, I ask them if it was good. Then they ask me what I'm having for breakfast, same thing I always have, cereal...whoopie. I wanted to die right there...its like you didn't even wake me up? They offered to make me something but I felt too defeated, made my cereal and went back to my room. I almost wanted to cry. And then my dad's computer is not working right, and he just expects me to know whats wrong and how to fix it, Its like No, I never had any of these dumb problems. Gateway prolly installed it wrong. And its like he's having such a fit about it, about how XP isn't like 98, and 98 was the best, and its like...get over it dad, yeah its not the same, who the fuck cares. I don't know why he bothers, cause in 2 months he's just gonna start using the computer he allready bought downstairs, and it will work fine, because its new and a clean install. Its like grow a brain, you already saved everything you wanted before you reinstalled on this one. Just open the fucking new one, stop being a baby, and if you want Windows 98 so god damn bad, install it.

Arrrg. And of course the one day everyone's asking me to do stuff for once, I have to work, fucking awesome, maybe I can shove a fork in my eye, that would make today perfect, or maybe I'll get fired.