Whats I"m Up To


Wow this is pretty kickin. Not sure if I've mentioned it here before, but I have been assisting my friend Matt with a webcomic, he came up with the concept and general plot of what had to happen at least for the first part, and i have been scripting, and describing the main action. He has done finished the first 3 I believe, which means I have to get going on the next bunch, have to stay ahead of the game so he doesn't decide to get rid of me.

Sadly this wasn't any of the ideas I or anyone I've worked with for a webcomic idea. This was Matt's idea and I fully credit him for it. The comic is called "The Mighty Matrix", we use Sonic the Hedgehog charactersand are using the Matrix movies as a template, and having some fun with it. its called "Mighty" because instead of using Sonic as Neo, we are using Mighty the Armadillo, a lesser known character used in the games. Cause well we had a better use for Sonic. :-) The link for the comic is here. But again since it is based off the Matrix movies, if you havn't seen them, its prolly not as amusing or fun.

The reason I bring it up now is that "The Funny Papers" has The Mighty Matrix as a featured comic of the moment, so who knows we might grab some fans. :-) Its kind of exciting to think people might view something I'd been involved in, which means if and when we do something else, we'll have a small but existent user base, oooh.

Thats all I have to say now other than, Catherine is the most awesome girl I know!

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