Whats I"m Up To


Well here's my second attempt at a post, my first attempt was lost to four winds...was kinda ticked off by that. So we'll see how this goes.

Well its been a while since I've posted here as always, and a few things have happened that I feel like talking about. Ready? Go!

1) Well I turned 20 a week ago, finally out of my awkward teenage years, and headfirst into my awkward 20's. Had a birthday dinner with my fam the night before the actual day. Just had my bud Jim come over, and we hung out. The 'rents got me Homer Simpson slippers which are kinda creepy since your feet go in his mouth, the prerequisite pants, a wierd clock, and the old 70's Batman Movie with Adam West (who is the man in case you didn't know). The next day i had to spend much of it with my dad since it was his day off, but later that night I got as many friends together as i could, and we all went to Bombers, so we could be filled with Chili Cheese Fries, which I highly recommend. That was fun, then we just came back to my house and hung out and everyone slowly left as the night went on.

2) Catherine is currently on Vacation and I miss her terrably, this is the longest we've not been together since we've started going out. She left before my birthday, which she felt really bad about, so she spoiled me :-P, and also got her revenge. At her birthday I wrapped her gift in like 15 layers of newspaper with Ducktape, she swore revenge. So when she gave me my present, it was this large box which I started upwrapping, 40 layers or wrapping paper later I had gotten to the box which was full of poland spring water and another wrapped gift, so another 40 layers later I got the second box open, which had a piece of paper inside, with lipstick on one fold. The sheet of paper said "Revenge is Sweet" and that was it. She is deliciously evil, and thats why I love her. Then she went out to her car and gave me my real present. She got me GTA: Vice City, a nice controller, RE: Code Veronica, and the card game Chez Geek that i have become addicted to. But yes she will be gone for a totalof 2 weeks before I see her, the last time she was away it was for a day and 1/2 and neither of us could bear it, but we're managing with phone calls.

3) My parents are also on Vacation this current week, leaving me to my own devices, and being on my own and fending for myself is kinda fun. But it bothers me cause I can't enjoy it as much as I'd like because of obvious reasons :-P

4) Also Otakon 2003 is coming up this weekend, so the gang is geting ready and making our final plans for that, which should be exctiing. We'll take lots of pictures which I will share with you for a much needed photo update to the site, Since ferro never gave me his pics from last year :-\. This is my summer vacation and I will be surrounded by Otaku...I hope I survive the experience...again.

Mighty Matrix slowed down a bit, but we're getting back in the game. So please goto the site and click on the funny papers link to help us stay in the top 10.

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