Whats I"m Up To


Well you know what I realized? My Comic Review posts are very very long...and obviously they take a decent enough time to write. So I have my solution, 1 review a day. Everyday I'll try to review one comic I've read from the past week or a graphic novel I just picked up.

The first I'm going to review is a little graphic novel I picked up last month that deserved a mention.

Fortune and Glory
A True Hollywood Comic Book Story

Writer & Artist: Brian Michael Bendis
Publisher: Oni Press

This is something I just decided to get one day because its written by who is the the best all around writer in comics right now, and it was supposed to be pretty funny. And I have to say it was funny. This book follows Brian as one of his early works "Goldfish" got pretty popular, was featured in some magazine and it caught the eye of hollywood. So this follows his hollywood experience, dealing with Agents, Producers, and Executives. And it was funny, quite funny. Which only helps by Bendis' chosen art style for this book, which has a very doodling in your notebook aspect to them. Its fits very well, for large expressive features. Little things are also pretty interesting that you see just about every Hollywood person is drawn with eyes tight as if closed, while Bendis's are quite large. Just from seeing how he is treated and the absurdity of the people he deals with, are just too out there to not be real. To when he tries to convince an Executive that Elliot Ness is a real person to hearing they want his main character to be played by Pauly Shore, you feel every cringe and laugh and every rediculus question...and wonder how he made it out without going mad. Its a fun, silly, and entertaining ride. A very good break from the same old Superhero stuff.
Rating: 9/10

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