Whats I"m Up To


I just want to say I have cars, I hate them. There just nothing but trouble, Its always something. Driving down my street to go to school, which ends at a hill, and apparently the ground was slippery, so I tried to stop cause there was another car at the base of the hill. My breaks didn't feel like doing their job I barely slowed down at all when I slammed on them. Went right into the back of this guy, I of course flipped out and started the "oh my god"s and "oh fucking shit!"s. We both went to a nearby parking lot, the damage wasn't too bad. Nothing broken it seemed. He had a car made of plastic, he made out with a small crack and tiny piece missing from the lower bumper and a few marks, my solid metal car had a nice dent in the front by the headlight...which thankfully didn't break. We exchanged information, and I went to school, he seemed really cool about it, I mean no serious damage was done to either car. But its just...WTF. I just hate having to wait till my dad gets home to tell him, and tell him about it. Cause he has me so full of fear about it as if our insurance is gonna fly up and we'll have to cancel Christmas. Hopefully everything will be ok. But its just the tip of the Iceberg, cause now I have to tell my dad about my cracked winshield which I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with right away. But geez I just had a good week of work which was going to bring me on the + side money wise so I could start getting Christmas presents and such. But I don't know how this is gonna turn out...hopefully not too bad. Again no serious damage, as long as this guy isn't an asshole and starts blaming every ailment his car has on me bumping him. But....yeah I'm just sick of all this car BS, every month its something. my tire, my coolant, now my winshield, and now this....and of course my dad is gonna yell at me again for having not washed my car since I got it, because that a very important issue at the moment But AHHHHH I don't need this stress right now. I have so much work to do in these last 2 weeks, and then finals. Well I'm gonna go make lunch and stress myself out till my dad gets home from running his errands. I don't even know how to say it. "Hey dad I crashed the car!", or "I hate to tell you this...". Nothing is ever easy...later people.

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