Whats I"m Up To


New Pictures

Well I added the room section, for those who don't know me, a small glimpse inside my den of evil. Next is the long in coming Otakon2003 pics.

Yeah...right now for some reason I'm just in a funk. I literally don't want to do anything at the moment. Don't want to write anything or sit down, I didn't really want to even write this. I've been playing Pokemon SIlver as of late. I really liked it in the start, but I feel like there's waaay too much to do in the game, its much less linear than Pokemon Red/Blue were. But I kind of liked that about Red/Blue, plus I swear to god I have like half of the badges, and yet still all I see are Rattatas and Zubats...I can't take any more of them. They supposedly added new pokemon types, and I havn't seen them and I havn't even seen the normal types. I'm already thinking of restarting Silver just because...ok well in the start of the game you have to choose to start with Grass-type, Fire-type, or Water-type. I picked grass...its kind of good, but yeah I really wish I had chosen water right now.

But yeah as i was saying I don't feel like doing anything right now, I've played too much Pokemon, its too early to go to Bed, and I don't know whats on TV, and I'm too lazy to check. Just so you know I'm not depressed...I'm just I don't know...done for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I should notify my girlfriend about your post.