Whats I"m Up To


Just so tired

Y'know I'm really just ready to give up because nothing can ever go right. Everyone's mad at me no matter what happens, and I'm never allowed to be happy for very long. I found out yesterday that I'm aparently on a 2 week pay period, and thats just dandy cause it fucks up my whole life. I havn't had a job in 5 months, I finally get a job I work 3 days my first week. Get a paycheck for an ok amount to get throughthe week, and maybe start paying off some of my debt, and some regular payments. Then I go in the other day looking for a paycheck....and they look at me like I'm crazy. I didn't give any money to my dad last week cause its like my first measly little paycheck, I wanted to enjoy it, thinking next week I can start paying everything. I had to pay off a HVCC parking ticket which tapped me from what I had left of that money. Now I'm poor again till next Thursday, dad's all mad cause I havn't given him anything. I told him I was gonna give him 100 this week had I actually gotten a paycheck. Then he's like well that pretty much covers your insurense this month, you've been without money for this long you go without it for longer, as if I'm supposed to give my whole paycheck to him. But yeah no paycheck this week, and Catherine's b-day is next thursday but the party is Saturday, I was going to buy her something online but I can't now, I can't buy any gas other than the 5 bucks some lady gave me as a tip yesterday. Its just so fucking annoying I've been killing myself for 3 weeks, and have next to nothing to show for it, Catherine still has to pay for everything and we still don't have anything to do. My dad's being an ass because I didn't come home after work, because I was suprised by Catherine after work and she brought me to Jimmys Pizza. I didn't know, I told him as soon as i knew. I mean if Catherine shows up and suprises me and wants to take me to dinner after work, I'm supposed to say "I'm sorry I can't". I just want everyone to get off my ass and understand that I'm killing myself working for 9 hours a day 5 days a week (more than my dad works), someone feel sorry for me for once. No matter what I do after work someone is pissed at me. If I don't go home then my parents are pissed, if I don't see Cat she's annoyed and by then its almost too late to do anything.for the nest bunch of weeks I'm pretty much just hanging at my house since i have no gas, no money.


Catherine T said...

I'll make it easy for you...this week you can go home everynight and see you rents...and i won't be annoyed.

Mike Y said...

Except that I like seeing you Cat, and spending time with my rents means Dad in his computer room, mom watching TV, and me in my room *shrugs*

Catherine T said...
