Whats I"m Up To


Guess What? :-)

Yup school is in session again, which means a few things, less working, more computer time for me in the labs, and of course since I don't usually do school work in the labs, I'm gonna post more again. :-)

Ok to bring the page up to speed, a while ago I reformatted for the first time kind of just out of maintenance and got everything back where i wanted it, then my b-day came and I got myself a new video card and installed it. Shortly after Vivi(my computer) went all kablooey and I couldn't get into windows other than Safe mode, then i tried reformatting again and reinstalling windows. Well same thing happened only this time no windows installed, so i had no access at all. Then an awesome relative came over on a Sat morning and we found the problem which we assumed was the video card was in fact the sound card which just broke at a coincidental time. I got a new sound card, everythings all better. Still trying to recover a bit a find a few misc. programs I need. So thats why I've been away, and of course work which takes up much of my time.

Oh and let me mention HVCC went all out this year, new computers for the computer labs.....pretty spiffy I must say. But of course with all the new computer, they have new monitors, new mice....and new keyboards.
The caps lock bandit lives again! Although I might wait a few days before I start, just so they don't like say "Mike was the only person who used this computer". I lull them into a false sense of security, then BAM! Caps locks start dissappearing.

All for now, I have a break later so I'll post again, so many things to talk about, its been so long.

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