Whats I"m Up To


Well let me tell you got a new webcam today...and it rocks. much better resolution than the old one still gotta mess with the settings to get everything looking correct. If you click on the webcam picture on the sidebar, you can see the full size picture, which is big now...quite big. Catherine came over tonight for dinner and after watching some of Family Guy, we played with the camera and made some videos of us just...being us. It was funny we thought it was good TV. Maybe I'll start posting little videos and things, no nothing racy you pervs :-P. Just good wholesome fun. I'm also playing with some tools to try and do streaming video from this site. But I doubt that will come to fruition any time soon. Ah yay camera is so nifty. Also I've just decided since the new camera has better resolution, I'm gonna have to shave more so I don't look dirty on cam. :-P

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