Whats I"m Up To


Well today was the first day I hat to commute by car to go from one class to another, it was a painful experience. Because no one knows how to drive at my school, I sat in my car not moving for like 8 minutes in the parking lot. And I have 10 minutes between classes to get from one end of campus to the other, and walking would have taken too long...plus its was freaking cold today. I'll have to make a diagram sometime to show you #1 how retarded the parking lot is designed, since they took out one of the enterences, so they could gain 2 parking spaces and #2 how no one can drive, or knows how to drive in a parking lot. But after the infuriating effort of getting to my next class, which i was late for, I was ticked off since its the one class that I think I'm gonna like, Journalism.

In the class politics came up which is to be expected in such a class. Of course as always no one can talk about issues civily, it always comes down, well I hate Bush, he's an idiot, ...(Insert dumb rhetoric here).... And of course 2 people had to use it as a little pedistal to preach their beliefs. Someone brought up how barely half of the country even voted in the last Presidential election. One person seemed so proud of herself she hadn't voted, and was so ready to complain about the winner. Then we had the old guy in the class (every class has at least one, in my college), who found it amusing that he decided to not vote in the last handful of elections in the state, but he made sure he was gonna vote now cause he hates Bush. All I could think of was that they were a bunch of whiners, idiots, and the reason I fear for the future.

Voting is the most powerful way we are involved in government, if no one voted, then politicians could do whatever they wanted, which is a scary thought. I mean if you don't vote, you don't have a say in anything that happens in the goverment, you shouldn't be aloud to complain since you didn't do anything to stand up for your beliefs. If you don't vote you don't matter, no one cares what you think. Poloticians know only about half the population votes, and their not going to spend time and money bothering to try and give you what you want, because your not going to vote for them anyway. They will focus on groups that always vote, you better hope they have the same interests you do, but don't count on it. If it were up to me, you should have to vote in a Presidential election or else you lose some kind of government benefit. Like you don't get welfare unless you vote I mean Christ they get a free ride, why not at leats participate and vote, not like they're going to work. But I hoped in my class I could escape the random Bush hating. But most of the class didn't even react to those people. Which leads me to believe my hypothesis is correct, only those against something are outspoken, I mean you only see Protests against Bush, not like we're gonna have a big "Keep doing a good job" ralley. If you think he's doing a good job, you go about your day normally. But if you think he has down syndrome (something someone said in my class) you have to go out of your way to make sure everyone knows how you feel, and how right you think you are.

But I am happy to say it inspired me to make my first new comic strip for the main site, I have a few titles I'm throwing around for it, "Pissed", "If I knew you, you'd probably piss me off", "I Hate You", "Voices In My Head", "What I Wanted to Say", and the like. I am working to get this up by the end of the night. I'm just doing slightly more than stick figures for now, who knows maybe I'll magically get really good at drawing but I doubt it. But yeah the comic will just be some real life situations, but I get to say what I wanted to say :-P. Or you know any other funny things I think of. I already have cast lined up. The main character is me, then I have my antagonists who represent all annoying or dumb people who drive me crazy, Dumb-Girl, Dumb-Guy, African Amercan, and I'll throw in my friends for fun if the situation call for it. Oh well thats all I got. Later all :-D

Also if anyone knows a job where a webdesigner could be useful gimmie an e-mail, I also work retail :-P.

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