Whats I"m Up To


So Frusterated

I can't deal with these people anymore, I decided to read this thread on the Bendis Board, its Bush/Kerry Election thread which i normally avoid, just because they usually get me so angry. But this one especially, because people are justr saying things that arn't true and already making excuses for why Kerry will lose. Not to mention I just can't take John Kerry talking about Vietnam anymore, everytime me mentions is in anyway, or his purple hearts someone should hit him in the back of the head, because thats all he has. Got people Saying that 90% of the country is mindless sheep, people thing their so elitist, that their ideas are just so much better than anyone elses. They like to think that "We're gonna lose because people are dumb" and not "We're gonna lose because people don't agree with us". It drives me nuts when people talk like everyone agrees with then, but for whatever reason they can't. Making excuses for the troops saying their just following orders, they don't really agree with Bush.

I don't think I'm done ranting but i have to go now...I'll add more later.

1 comment:

Matthew Newman said...

That's why I try, emphasis on the try, to ignore people. They complain that "Bush is stupid" or they complain that "People are stupid." Well you know what, they're stupid. They're just following in line with the rhetoric of the "anti-establishment" crowd who are supposedly saying, "We're not like you cause we think differently," when in fact they all think the same way. To them, Kerry is the lesser of two evils and Bush is just plain evil. Kerry will lose because Bush is a cheater, not because Kerry has no merit, in their mind. They don't look at the non-existent or negative bounce Kerry got after the DNC, they don't look at the 10+ point bounce Bush got after the RNC, they don't look at the views of middle-America, which are overwhelmingly moderate-conservative, half of them don't vote and their opinion matters even less.

There are a few true evils in this world today: Kim Jong-Il, Ayatollah Khamenei, Saddam Hussein, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Osama bin Laden to name a few. Bush isn't one of them, in fact he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize...but you don't hear that on the news, do you.