Whats I"m Up To


New Look, New Name

Yep, This site is no longer "Yanni: The nExt", now just simply "TheYanni.Net". I liked the site before, the general look. But I just felt I needed to change. Its been about 3 years now since i started this site. The basic look never changed, just got more refined. I started with just knowledge of HTML, then I took classes and learned CSS and some advanced HTML and as I learned I applied it to this site, from doing a journal by hand, to using a blog, to have to change every site, to have to change one file. The look never changed, the code got cleaner and cleaner but no one could even tell but me. And I wanted to do something new but never had the oportunity, time, or initiative. But after taking some PHP and failing that class miserably, I got some ideas going, which finally became this.

I finally have a profesional looking website. Just about all the things that bothered me before that I couldn't fix about my code have been fixed, by the sheer nature of how different this site is from the previous. A mix of some powerful CSS properties which I just found, and a little PHP. I've wanted to be a webdesigner, and now I have something to show someone and be proud of. Just got a few little things to work on namely the Archive, and a few files that Needed to be converted to the new style 2 years ago, which I plan to finally get to.

I'm just really happy that this works, and didn't have any major faults or annoyances that I always seem to have had in the past. Yay. I just need to find a new place to hide all of my secrets...

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