Whats I"m Up To


Y'know with all this new webserver stuff and changing from .com to .net I forgot to actually configure the e-mail here. But I took care of that, I got askyanni@theyanni.net and a catch-all to grab anything with @theyanni.net on the end. which i never even had at the old site. And I think I know where to put these comics I'm doing. But i have to make a new section on the side bar, and remember exactly how I made the buttons again, although I might have made a template, which would be helpful.

Just saw American Splendor, thats a pretty good flick.

I'm going away for most of the weekend, off to see some World's Strongest Man Competition with Catherine, its her thing. She came with me to Genericon, so I figure I owe her this. Plus I get a free meal or 2 out of it, :-P

Be Seeing You.

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